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Transfer of The Beatles - Yellow Submarine 1987 Laser Disc! (Released)


I recently purchased the 1987 Laser Disc for The Beatles - Yellow Submarine. This Laser Disc is not only open matte on the top and bottom presenting an aspect ratio closer to the original TV Movie broadcast in the 60s, but contains scenes the later releases in 1999-Onward do not have. I have it already sent to my good friend ZeroCool for transfer and I will post screenshots and find ways to distribute a “restored” version. The transfer should be ready this weekend so I will update this thread with screenshots!

UPDATE June 5th 2021:
The transfer is here! As you can see it’s open matte when compared to the Blu-Ray release and in the second Tweet the “Beatles To Battle” scene is present which was never remastered in later releases. Another big thanks to ZeroCool for the transfer. Updates will come soon on the remaster/encoding process and possible ideas for a “US Cut” of the movie.

UPDATE June 10th 2021:
Encoding is still being worked on. The plugins being used are very old and 32bit so encoding time is basically tripled more than it should be. In the mean time anyone who wants faster updates I have my Discord server set up. If you want an invite private message me!

UPDATE June 14th 2021:
Server and downloads set up! PM for Discord invite.



SpacemanDoug said:

Is it the US cut?

Yes the cut that has the “Beatles To Battle” scene that plays Baby, You’re A Rich Man. The 1999 releases and onward remove this scene and replace it with the Beatles talking to Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band and then leading into the Hey Bulldog scene. It’s why you hear the start up to the song in the Blu-Ray/1999 release, but not hear the full song itself. Personally I prefer the 1999 cut of the movie as it’s far less abrupt of an ending, but it’s very cool to have a chance to preserve an alternate cut of the movie never rereleased past 1987



Ah the 1999 version reflects the UK cinema cut, that’s why it was changed

Can you PM me a link to this version though?



SpacemanDoug said:

Ah the 1999 version reflects the UK cinema cut, that’s why it was changed

Can you PM me a link to this version though?

I can once I get the transfer. Should be done today. It’s been taking a while because the guy I have transfering it has been busy with office work since work from home ended



SpacemanDoug said:

Is it finished now?

The transfer is finished, but I’m still waiting on the encode to be done for the movie. Once that is finished I’ll set up a download in my Discord server for both the raw transfer, and a “remastered” version. Is sharing links to Discord here against the rules? If not I’ll edit this post with a Discord link for further updates.



Venny said:

SpacemanDoug said:

Is it finished now?

The transfer is finished, but I’m still waiting on the encode to be done for the movie. Once that is finished I’ll set up a download in my Discord server for both the raw transfer, and a “remastered” version. Is sharing links to Discord here against the rules? If not I’ll edit this post with a Discord link for further updates.

it is on the public forums yes, but you can PM others a link if they’re interested



Please PM me the link to this. I’m working on a complete film restoration that has both Rich Man and Hey Bulldog in HD and your transfer is the peace of the puzzle I’ve needed for 2 years! (or at least link me to the Discord so I can download it there)



I am very much interested in the original international version which features a brief piece of “Baby You’re A Rich Man” that the UK version with “Hey Bulldog” doesn’t have. So I’d appreciate a PM. 😃


HeyBulldog said:

Please PM me the link to this. I’m working on a complete film restoration that has both Rich Man and Hey Bulldog in HD and your transfer is the peace of the puzzle I’ve needed for 2 years! (or at least link me to the Discord so I can download it there)

PM sent!



TheHutt said:


I am very much interested in the original international version which features a brief piece of “Baby You’re A Rich Man” that the UK version with “Hey Bulldog” doesn’t have. So I’d appreciate a PM. 😃

PM sent!



Can you PM the link please? thanks in advance


you have piqued my interest. I’d love a PM


The link is dead. Any way to get this?

I find your lack of faith disturbing.


Long time no see! I finished a new encode of this project a while back, but it has been put on hold. I will give more news when I can. Thanks for the understanding and patience!



Hey, earlier in the thread, you mentioned you had a Discord server… Could you PM me an invite?


This project has been put on hold indefinitely. I have found a 16mm print of the movie I am scanning which is open matte and has the same benefits as the LaserDisc. Will give more details hopefully sometime soon



Venny said:

This project has been put on hold indefinitely. I have found a 16mm print of the movie I am scanning which is open matte and has the same benefits as the LaserDisc. Will give more details hopefully sometime next week.

Ooh… Can’t wait to see that.


Would love a PM when this project is finished, one of my all time fave movies.