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Post #1427421

Anakin Starkiller
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Worst Edit Ideas
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Date created
4-May-2021, 12:26 AM

Is that really the worst you can do?

Anakin - Elmer Fudd
Obi-Wan - Joe Pesci
Padme - a series random Tik Toks
Luke - Dee Bradley Baker with his Waddles the pig “voice”
Han - Jim Carrey
Leia - Christopher Eccleston
Rey - Kanye West
Finn - George Bush II
Poe - J.J. Abrams
Palpatine - Lotus Juice
Vader - Danny DeVito
Kylo - Ariana Grande
Snoke - the seals from A Hat in Time
Jar Jar - Richard Attenborough
Boss Nass - Hugo Weaving with his terrible American accent from The Matrix
Nute Gunray - Ash Ketchum
Jabba - Ben Shapiro
Bib Fortuna - astromech droid noises
actual astromech droids - nokia ringtone
C-3PO - morse code
BB-8 - Billy Dee Williams
Lando - Billie Eillish
Yoda - JonTron