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Idea: for a 'Paranormal Activity: Chronological' Fan Edit Series


This is a Fanedit project that I plan to produce that will consist of edits of Paranormal Activity 1,2,3,4, and The Marked Ones, presented in chronological order. The edits of 2,3,4, and the Marked Ones will be based on the unrated versions, and the edit of 1 will be based on the theatrical, although I may include pieces of the Festival cut if I can A. find a way of getting it and B. I can make it look good alongside the HD footage.

List of Planned Changes to Each Film:

Paranormal Activity 3:

-Retitled “Paranormal Activity: Part I”

-Opening with Adult Katie and Kristie removed

-Add a card at the end explaining that Katie and Kristie were found a few weeks later with no memory of what happened, so that the audience isn’t completely confused at the beginning of the next one (PA2) as to how they are living completely normal adult lives after what happened to their parents and such.

Paranormal Activity 2:

-Retitled “Paranormal Activity: Part II”

-Remove the ending with Katie abducting Hunter, the card explaining Micah’s fate, and the reused opening from PA1

Paranormal Activity 1:

-Retitled “Paranormal Activity: Part III”

-End the film with the theatrical ending, followed by the ending scene from PA2 with Katie abducting hunter

-The ending card will now read:

Micah’s Body was discovered by police on October 11, 2006

Ali returned from a school trip and discovered the bodies of Daniel and Kristie Rey on October 12, 2006

Katie and Hunter’s whereabouts remain unknown

Paranormal Activity 4:

-Retitled “Paranormal Activity: Part IV”

-Remove the times where Ben tries to scare Alex, mainly because they work on the audience to a certain degree, and it’s a bit early in the movie for scares.

Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones:

-Retitled “Paranormal Activity: Part V”

-Remove the scene with the naked women. To me, it feels like its there just for the sake of being there, and adds nothing to the story