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Post #1424722

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Harry Potter: Enhanced Editions (Audiobooks) (Released)
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Date created
18-Apr-2021, 6:03 PM


Firstly, I want to just say how much I love your work. I’m just starting the first of these books whilst reading along with the newly released illustrated hardback versions of the books. I’m lost in a sense of immersion I’ve never had before. I’m loving it, thanks so much.

I really liked the posters for the original audiobooks as they have been released recently, now I am no artist but I decided to edit them to add ‘enhanced edition’ in an attempt to make them blend in more with the rest of my audiobook collection. I thought I’d share them here in case anyone else wanted to use them. I’ve made some for books 5-7 for when those get released too 😃

Book 1 - The Philosopher’s Stone
I had to re-arrange the lettering of the original poster as ‘Philosopher’s Stone’ was originally over two lines, but if I kept it that way there would be no room for the ‘Enhanced Edition’ title without it going over the owl’s head and making it really hard to see. It’s not perfect, if you really scrutinise you can see it’s rough but from afar I think it does the job.

Book 2 - The Chamber of Secrets
Luckily there was enough room on this one to fit the ‘Enhanced Edition’ title nicely. I made sure to keep the same colours as the titles to help it seem like a natural addition.

Book 3 - The Prizoner of Azkaban
This one was a bit tougher, the moon made the purple writing almost impossible to read naturally, so in order to fix it I had to apply some vignette to make the area behind the text darker, making the purple stand out more. It’s subtle but I feel it worked well.

Book 4 - The Goblet of Fire
This one, like book 2, was relatively simple with no issues. I love the tones of turquoise on this cover.

Book 5 - The Order of the Phoenix
There was only just enough room to fit the text in without clashing into the Phoenix. Luckily it worked out.

Book 6 - The Half-Blood Prince
I was worried that the light sparks coming from the wand would make the text hard to see. Luckily, it turned out well enough.

Book 7 - The Deathly Hallows
Much like with book 6, I saw the light colours of the scar and was worried about the text not being all too visible. But it worked well and I am pleased with the result.

All in all, I am pleased with how it turned out. I hope this at least brings some use, to some people 😃

Here’s a link to the whole collection on Imgur: https://imgur.com/a/BL8PGa3