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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 432


Cinefy said:

Would have been really nice if the Sith cultist choir had echoed subtle DOTF, tried testing it a few times.


Could be pulled off a lot better.

I do like this as well, but unfortunately I can tell that there is a bit of musical overlap. Didn’t notice that as much in MR’s example. I feel like a combination of some sort between the two would work well.


On a different note: What’s the deal with the Mustafar minute sequence. - Has there been more things added for V2?


ThisIsCreation said:

On a different note: What’s the deal with the Mustafar minute sequence. - Has there been more things added for V2?

Vader’s castle has its own shot now with the windows dimmed. It also appears in the background while Kylo is picking up the Wayfinder. Those are the only things I’m aware of. I recommended a deleted snippet of Kylo snapping himself out of his fit of rage but everyone thought it was too short to consider.


I wonder if the shot the lava as Krennic flies over it in Rogue One would be a good addition.

All it would need is:

  • to paint krennics ship out; which is small in the scene so there is loads of room to blend.
  • to colour grade it to match.

There’s a good shot at 0:28. Not sure about the rest since they’re mostly closeups and involve large bodies of water.


I thought 1:29 was a little too much of a bird’s eye view. It needs to be more angled imo.

1:15 would be perfect if there wasn’t those darn houses there. It has the same kind of trees that we have in the current clip.


Movies Remastered said:

I agree. If there was an acapella version of Cinefy it would be great. Wasn’t there actually a version recorded for TROS?

There were definitely rumours pre-release that there was going to be some DOTF included, I think that rumour may have originally stemmed from the John Williams forums? The closest that we ever got to a released “new” rendition was in this TV Spot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjdjyvnOGtg


Burbin, I guess I’m coming at this from a perspective of “What plan makes logical sense?” rather than “What do each of the characters say?”

So, like, we’re agreed that the Nav signal is required for the fleet to leave Exegol, right? In that case, the plan should be to destroy the nav signal, right? Because if their entire plan hinges on disabling the signal temporarily…my god, that’s just utterly stupid, isn’t it? Like, I genuinely can’t wrap my head around that plan. That actually goes beyond stupid; it’s utterly incomprehensible.

And dude, that’s not a dig at you; it’s a dig at the movie. I want to be clear about that.

I’ve gone the past year and a half assuming that the battle was won by destroying the nav tower. Because it has to be. Maybe that’s on me; maybe I gave the film too much credit, letting it have even one sequence that’s somewhat intelligible - Finn’s working on destroying the beacon; Poe’s providing cover and trying to knock out the ships in the meantime. Two-pronged attack. That makes sense. Maybe I filled in the gaps in my head, because it’s the only way I could reconcile with the sequence; but that proves that the battle still works from that perspective. And as I’ve pointed out before, the nav tower doesn’t even have to be disabled for them to destroy the ships! Destroying it just keeps them on Exegol.

Burbin said:

The thing is everything else points to the stall being temporary, and I don’t see how that’s “nonsensical” but making it permanent makes perfect sense, seems to me like it’s the opposite. Changing this would contradict everything else. The main plan, as clearly laid out in the briefing, is to hit the Fleet while they’re vulnerable on Exegol since shields don’t work on it’s atmosphere, and without shields hitting the cannons causes a chain reaction that brings down the ships. Deactivating their nav signal is only step one on the plan, as a means to stall the fleet from leaving the planet, step two is Lando riling up the people and step three is taking down the Final Order. You seem to be under the impression that the plan was to leave the fleet stranded on Exegol, while taking out a few ships on the way, but it’s explicitly stated the main goal is to take the ships down.

Exactly, the plan is to “hit the fleet while they’re vulnerable on Exegol.” So why would the plan entail only keeping them on Exegol temporarily, when they could keep them on Exegol permanently? I’m talking from a logical, plan-making perspective. Which one makes more sense?

Changing this also turns Poe’s POV of the battle into nonsense, as every line he speaks clearly indicates he believes the ships won’t be stuck forever:

“We’ll have to hit them ourselves! Except… they’re stuck here and we’re horribly outnumbered, so we could just leave and regroup with Lando!”

“This is our last chance, we’ve got to hit those cannons now! Or… maybe later! They are stuck here guys don’t worry!”

“Poe, the command ship!”
“Oh, cool, it blew up, the fleet was already stuck here anyway, but hey, they’re toast, come on!”

Yes, exactly. My suggestion, way back however-many-pages ago, was to trim some of those Poe lines down to be in line with the “trap the fleet on Exegol” plan. I acknowledged those lines and how they could be tweaked, so I don’t get how that’s a factor in this discussion? It’s circular logic - you want to keep the lines because the lines justify the plan that the lines explained.

Again, I don’t care about “What do the characters say in the original film?” But rather “What actually makes sense for them to do - and let’s make them do that.” Fan editing.

Look, Finn seems shocked that the Nav Tower is coming back online. Once it’s actually destroyed, Poe says “Their fleet is stuck here! They’re toast! Come on!” And then he sort of gestures over his shoulder, and he never takes out another SDDSSD. In fact, NO ONE TAkES OUT ANOTHER SDDSSD. They just leave, because what’s the First/Final Order going to do? Follow them? They’ve been trapped. The visuals of the film show that, as soon as the Nav Tower is destroyed, the Rebels start to leave without taking out more ships.

Seriously, I’m trying to understand this cockamamie plan to “temporarily disable the Nav beacon, and then blow up a seemingly infinite number of ships in the few minutes during which they’re stalled”…and it’s like trying to conceptualize infinity. My brain can’t do it. I’m not being hyperbolic. Swear to god, I can’t comprehend it. And if your only aversion to the change is a few lines that Poe says, when my whole pitch was to remove those lines in the first place…why not?

I’m saying change the lines, clean up the plan.

Let’s allow Exegol to make even the slightest amount of sense. Please.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


Cinefy said:

Would have been really nice if the Sith cultist choir had echoed subtle DOTF, tried testing it a few times.


Could be pulled off a lot better.

Oh, ah, hmmm…well, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I honestly don’t like DOTF here.

This moment is really interesting musically, because it’s kind of smack dab between diegetic and non-diegetic music. Like, I don’t think the Sith Spirits themselves are singing the music cue per se, but it does feel very much like Rey can actually hear echoes of the music from somewhere far away. (She turns around to look at the Spirits, as if she’s hearing something from them…) It’s kind of hard to describe; but the point is, it’s an incredibly difficult moment to score, and in spite of the difficulty, I think John Williams wrote this part perfectly.

So when you (or anyone else, I think you did a fine job editing it) put Dual of the Fates here, I’m immediately thrown off. Like, “Wait, why are they singing the Darth Maul music? How do they know that song?” And then it’s kind of way too…coordinated. Like, John gave them a pretty basic chant that you might find in an ancient church choir. It’s just one note repeating. That note carries a lot of power - it shows how like-minded the Sith are, how Rey and Palpatine are about to become one. And from a diegetic standpoint, it’s easy to imagine thousands of Siths singing the notes into Rey’s mind. Making it Dual of the Fates loses that sameness; while ironically also feeling overly rehearsed. (How do they all know this song, eh?) Couple all of this with the fact that it makes me think of a completely different movie and completely different characters, when I should be focusing on Rey…

Putting the choral Dual of the Fates into this scene would be like putting the Shire theme into the Ride of the Rohirrim. Sure, it may sound “cool,” sure, you could argue some thematic parallels; but man does it not fit in practice, and it takes me right out of the moment.

Yeah, no, definitely not for me. It’s hard to explain why, but I really don’t like it. From the sound of it, I may be alone in that though.

And honestly, I like the Solo-version Dual of the Fates in the Death Star battle, because it’s distinct enough from it’s Phantom Menace appearance that it makes me think of the cue thematically (as a dual for their fates), rather than literally (being “the Darth Maul fight scene music”).

As an aside: I honestly find it fascinating that John Williams didn’t opt to put the full choral “Emperor’s Theme” in this moment (which honestly fits the scene better than Dual of the Fates, imo). Like, that’s what I was expecting when watching the scene in theatres; and then we got something unique and wonderful instead.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


sherlockpotter said:

Let’s allow Exegol to make even the slightest amount of sense. Please.

Yes, let’s allow Exegol to make the slightest amount of sense, by keeping the internal logic explicitly layed out by the movie both in the mission briefing, and built upon during the whole Exegol assault, istead of trimming everything away and, with nothing to replace it, being left with just nothing, having to fill in the gaps in your head to adhere to some head cannon that is not explicit anywhere in the film.

Look, Finn seems shocked that the Nav Tower is coming back online. Once it’s actually destroyed, Poe says “Their fleet is stuck here! They’re toast! Come on!” And then he sort of gestures over his shoulder, and he never takes out another SDDSSD. In fact, NO ONE TAkES OUT ANOTHER SDDSSD. They just leave, because what’s the First/Final Order going to do? Follow them? They’ve been trapped. The visuals of the film show that, as soon as the Nav Tower is destroyed, the Rebels start to leave without taking out more ships.

You say no one takes down another ship, even though after Ben and Leia fade away there’s literally a 16 second wide shot of hundreds of ships crashing down, and some more behind Rey as she leaves the Sith Citadel, with no more fuctional enemy ships left in the air as everyone leaves. Just because they don’t continue the montage of ships being taken down doesn’t mean the gazillion of civilian ships just decide to hang out and eat lunch while we focus on the main characters. The visuals of the film show that, as soon as the Nav Tower is destroyed, the civilian fleet continue taking down the rest of the Final Order fleet.

I guess I’m coming at this from a perspective of “What plan makes logical sense?” rather than “What do each of the characters say?”

So, like, we’re agreed that the Nav signal is required for the fleet to leave Exegol, right? In that case, the plan should be to destroy the nav signal, right? Because if their entire plan hinges on disabling the signal temporarily…my god, that’s just utterly stupid, isn’t it? Like, I genuinely can’t wrap my head around that plan. That actually goes beyond stupid; it’s utterly incomprehensible.

The plan is to “hit the fleet while they’re vulnerable on Exegol.” So why would the plan entail only keeping them on Exegol temporarily, when they could keep them on Exegol permanently? I’m talking from a logical, plan-making perspective. Which one makes more sense?

Disabling the signal temporarily is not “utterly stupid” if it’s the only option they have, you’re working on the assumption that they choose to do it temporairly, instead of it being the only choice, which again, it’s done that way to give the mission urgency, we have to assume they CAN’T generate a plan to disable the signal permanently. What IS utterly stupid is to conclude the final battle in the final film of the saga with the unspoken assumption that they just decide to leave a huge fleet of fully operational war machines behind, just because “they’re stuck”, instead of following the laid out plan to take them down. How does that make logical sense? What actually makes sense for them to do?

I’ve gone the past year and a half assuming that the battle was won by destroying the nav tower. Because it has to be. Maybe that’s on me; maybe I gave the film too much credit, letting it have even one sequence that’s somewhat intelligible.

Yes the battle is won by destroying the nav tower, which leaves the fleet stuck on Exegol and allows the civilian fleet to take them out, you were right on the money there. Finn assures victory by bringing the command ship down, otherwise a portion of the fleet might’ve been able to escape the atmosphere once the nav signal was restored.

Seriously, I’m trying to understand this cockamamie plan to “temporarily disable the Nav beacon, and then blow up a seemingly infinite number of ships in the few minutes during which they’re stalled”…and it’s like trying to conceptualize infinity. My brain can’t do it. I’m not being hyperbolic. Swear to god, I can’t comprehend it.

You are being hyperbolic. The plan is very straightforward and is laid out in detail on the mission briefing.


Burbin said:

…we have to assume they CAN’T generate a plan to disable the signal permanently.

…Yes the battle is won by destroying the nav tower, which leaves the fleet stuck on Exegol

Dude, if your argument contradicts itself, I’m gonna assume the plan makes no sense. I’m sorry. Also, again, I tried to explain from the beginning that I was insulting the writing, not you. If that wasn’t clear, then I apologize.

Okay, I’m opening this up to everyone. Burbin and I are going around in circles here. Would someone else mind weighing in?

For context: My original suggestion was to simplify the Exegol battle by cutting a mere eight(?) words of dialogue, so that the Resistance’s plan going into the fight is to destroy the Navigation Tower. Without the signal from the tower, the Sith Fleet won’t be able to leave Exegol, rendering them harmless.

Burbin is arguing that we need to keep those eight words, because they prove that the goal of the entire battle is not to “permanently” disable the signal, but instead to temporarily disable the signal. Then, in the “just minutes” while the navigation signal is down, the Resistance is going to take advantage of the ships’ lack of “navigation,” and swoop in and blow up all 10,000+ Final Order ships. On a whim, Finn decides to just go rogue and blow up the signal anyway; and, coincidentally, the rest of the (10,000+) ships are all immediately destroyed off camera.

I think my battle strategy makes more sense. Burbin thinks the other one does.

What do the rest of you think?

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


I honestly really don’t care either way Sherlock/Burbin lol. I suppose I always just turned my brain off during the specifics of the briefing scene.

I’ll be happy with whatever Hal decides to do as long as it is seamless. But of course he’s not here right now.


LesPaul32 said:

Movies Remastered said:

I agree. If there was an acapella version of Cinefy it would be great. Wasn’t there actually a version recorded for TROS?

There were definitely rumours pre-release that there was going to be some DOTF included, I think that rumour may have originally stemmed from the John Williams forums? The closest that we ever got to a released “new” rendition was in this TV Spot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjdjyvnOGtg

Yeah, I think you’re right. Someone did link me to an unreleased OST a while back with some extra tracks but DOFT wasn’t in there. I would’ve like a newer version to add to that clip but I can only work with what’s available so I thought an acapella would be more fitting than having a musical undertone.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


sherlockpotter said:

Burbin said:

…we have to assume they CAN’T generate a plan to disable the signal permanently.

…Yes the battle is won by destroying the nav tower, which leaves the fleet stuck on Exegol

Dude, if your argument contradicts itself, I’m gonna assume the plan makes no sense. I’m sorry. Also, again, I tried to explain from the beginning that I was insulting the writing, not you. If that wasn’t clear, then I apologize.

No offense taken! I thought this debate was civil enough, sorry if I seemed insulted or if I offended you in any way.

My argument the movie’s plot doesn’t contradict itself, the plan is to disable the signal temporarily, they execute the plan, but Finn goes a step further and takes it down for good, I don’t see how it’s so confusing. I’ve layed everything out in excruciating detail, and you choose to ignore it all and say “I’m gonna assume it makes no sense”.

For context: My original suggestion was to simplify the Exegol battle by cutting a mere eight(?) words of dialogue, so that the Resistance’s plan going into the fight is to destroy the Navigation Tower. Without the signal from the tower, the Sith Fleet won’t be able to leave Exegol, rendering them harmless.

Burbin is arguing that we need to keep those eight words, because they prove that the goal of the entire battle is not to “permanently” disable the signal, but instead to temporarily disable the signal. Then, in the “just minutes” while the navigation signal is down, the Resistance is going to take advantage of the ships’ lack of “navigation,” and swoop in and blow up all 10,000+ Final Order ships. On a whim, Finn decides to just go rogue and blow up the signal anyway; and, coincidentally, the rest of the (10,000+) ships are all immediately destroyed off camera.

I’m arguing we stick with what the movie gives us, a plan that is laid out in detail, and then carried out through. I’m arguing taking out lines have it make less sense, not more. If you just take out “eight words”, Poe’s POV makes no sense, and if you continue trimming, you’ll be left with nothing.

You’re arguing to change something that by your own admission you don’t understand.


Just watched the Lava vid that MR posted, there are quite alot of shots that could be used for sure. All the scene needs is about an extra 10 seconds to breathe.


Jar Jar Bricks said:

1:15 would be perfect if there wasn’t those darn houses there. It has the same kind of trees that we have in the current clip.

I think that one’s the ticket, probably the most perfect shot I’ve seen so far, with the lava on the left and the trees on the right. The houses should be an easy fix, painting out is possible but you could just recolor them to be darker so that they aren’t noticeable (and if they are they just seem like random debris). Then adding TIE fighters heading right to bring it all together. Personally because of the lava I think this would fit better than the current TIEs flying over trees shot (good as it is).


ThisIsCreation said:

Just watched the Lava vid that MR posted, there are quite alot of shots that could be used for sure. All the scene needs is about an extra 10 seconds to breathe.

I’m thinking of using some of them to have Kylo fly his ship to Vaders castle and have him find the wayfinder inside. It’s ambitious but I think it can be done.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh