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Zack Snyder's Justice League: Redux Ideas thread


This thread is dedicated to discussing fan-edit ideas for Zack Snyder’s Justice League
And so obviously contains spoilers from the film itself…

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Maybe make a cut cantering only on Cyborg and The Flash, since the original plans were to include Fisher in Ezra’s solo movie.


Is it wrong that I would like an actual copy split into 6 chapters like a TV series? A little more digestible to watch without having to skip back through again (as much as I love a 4 hour movie, I sadly have children!)

As for edits…I will get back to you. I’m I’m bit of a completist. And as much loathing I have for whedons input, not all of scenes were terrible (I like to think of the actors too).

“It’s over anakin. I have the high ground.” After Darth Maul, Obi Wan should have known better.


Maybe a “tilt and scan” 16:9 version? I get that the aspect ratio it’s presented in is part of Snyder’s vision, but the ratio makes no sense for home video consumption (which is at the moment the only way you can see this film). Hell even Christopher Nolan, who actually films on 70mm IMAX and has a reason to use that aspect ratio, converts those sequences to 16:9 for home release in order to retain as much of the “IMAX experience” for home viewing as possible.


I feel like Martian Manhunter is better served with his sole appearance being at the ending of the movie.

It means a lot more between Martha and Lois to have Martha really be the one reaching out to her.


As much as people would hate it… The Justice League extended edition with all scenes, Snyder and Whedon, put in. Continuity be crushed

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


dgraham414 said:

As much as people would hate it… The Justice League extended edition with all scenes, Snyder and Whedon, put in. Continuity be crushed

I do feel like there are certainly a some bits from the Whedon version that might be able to put back in. But it would really depend on the person as for what that would include.


I definitely want to include the Diana and Bruce drama from Whedon’s cut.


OGSpark said:

Maybe a “tilt and scan” 16:9 version? I get that the aspect ratio it’s presented in is part of Snyder’s vision, but the ratio makes no sense for home video consumption (which is at the moment the only way you can see this film). Hell even Christopher Nolan, who actually films on 70mm IMAX and has a reason to use that aspect ratio, converts those sequences to 16:9 for home release in order to retain as much of the “IMAX experience” for home viewing as possible.

I agree - not sure on the technicalities, but a better aspect ratio. I never like black bars across tip and bottom, but at the sides is terrible. A lot of his frames don’t need to include as much- there’s space over heads, there’s whole torso. I’d rather fil more of the screen. Converting nearly 4 hours of frames though- never going to be an optimised conversion without a studio input.

“It’s over anakin. I have the high ground.” After Darth Maul, Obi Wan should have known better.


I feel like this movie would work well in 2 parts, a la Kill Bill. Part 1 ends after Stryker’s island; Cyborg reveals he has the mother box, then Steppenwolf reveals the “anti-life equation.” Part 2 starts with Martha’s conversation with Lois, then goes back to the Justice League when they talk about reviving superman, and the story continues from there.

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


Combine all of the Knightmare scenes from BVS and Justice League into one short film.

“Get over violence, madness and death? What else is there?”

Also known as Mr. Liquid Jungle.


dgraham414 said:

As much as people would hate it… The Justice League extended edition with all scenes, Snyder and Whedon, put in. Continuity be crushed

This is what I’d probably do as well.


I wonder how well it would work if the Justice League’s flash-forward, specifically the part where Superman kills them, replaces Bruce’s knightmare in BVS. The fact that it shows the Flash might make it clear that it’s not just a nightmare, but an actual look at the timeline they’re trying to avoid. Plus, putting that scene earlier might make Justice League’s ending feel more resolved. Although I feel like I can’t comment too much on the sub-plot since I haven’t watched BVS, Ultimate edition or otherwise, in like 4 years.

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


I feel like a ~3 hour version of this, cropped shot by shot to 16:9, with tasteful additions from the Whedon cut and the unnecessary future/epilogue bits removed, would be ideal. Some restructuring of the earlier acts would also probably benefit the movie - someone on reddit suggested shuffling some of the Lois mourning stuff earlier and I think that’s a good call. Trimming out some of the excessive Aquaman stuff would also probably be welcome, since unlike Cyborg or Flash’s backstory stuff, it’s not really emotionally engaging or relevant.

On the other hand, part of the fun of this existing is the ridiculous assembly-cut esque length and the 4:3 aspect ratio and I think sanding away Snyder’s excesses would lose a bit of the personality of this version. Then again, I would never rewatch this uncut.

It seems like this movie is like the anti-TROS as far as fanediting goes. Glacial pace, practically nothing at all deleted, and there’s a whole other version of the movie to steal extra bits from.


Sounds like everyone is on the same page. I’ve spent most of today arguing with people about 4:3 and 16:9. Would love to see a letterbox version.

I’d definately wanna change the score in a few places. Didn’t think it contributed to the scenes at all.

I couldn’t get through the 2017 theatrical cut but I will revisit it now and see if it’s worth saving anything.

EDIT: Did anyone get the “1000 generations live in you now” via with the Superman scene? Who ripped who off first?

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Movies Remastered said:

Sounds like everyone is on the same page. I’ve spent most of today arguing with people about 4:3 and 16:9. Would love to see a letterbox version.

I’d definately wanna change the score in a few places. Didn’t think it contributed to the scenes at all.

I couldn’t get through the 2017 theatrical cut but I will revisit it now and see if it’s worth saving anything.

EDIT: Did anyone get the “1000 generations live in you now” via with the Superman scene? Who ripped who off first?

I feel a lot would be lost cropping to full 16:9. Anyone know the ratio of IMAX frames on home release? I.e. when there’s no black bars but it fills the screen? I feel cropping to a lesser extent than 16:9 to preserve much of the vertical as possible, while filling up the home screens.

“It’s over anakin. I have the high ground.” After Darth Maul, Obi Wan should have known better.


People might hate me, but…recolour the movie. I honestly preferred Whedon’s colour grading and Black Suit Superman can get out of here. I’d love to just get the film we had but more colourful and uplifting, this is a superhero movie after all.


Movies Remastered said:

EDIT: Did anyone get the “1000 generations live in you now” via with the Superman scene? Who ripped who off first?

Same writer lol. Kinda to be expected that similarities like that would pop up.


How did I not know this. Damn, reuse, recycle or what?

Yeah, I thought the colour was seriously washed out in places but the dark pallet work really well in others.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Having just watched the Snyder Cut hot on the heels of re-watching the Whedon one… I really don’t think there would be any benefit for adding anything from the latter into the former.

Two main reasons for this: 1. A SURPRISING amount of Snyder’s footage is still in Whedon’s version (just absolutely butchered all to hell in every aspect imaginable) and 2. The stuff that is exclusive to Whedon’s cut (certain different character interactions) are really just supplants for much better scenes and dialogue in Snyder’s version.

Honestly, the best way to approach a fan edit of this is to maybe trim down it’s length a little (a lot of scenes go on far longer than they probably should) and make it 16:9 tilt and scan. But, I’m absolutely fine with just leaving Whedon’s version in the dust where it belongs.


Taking out all the background fluff on Cyborg, Aquaman, and Flash and making them into some sort of short film would help. You don’t do your big team up film and spend a significant chunk of it on mini-origin films for half your cast.

Correct the aspect ration. The film is essentially part of trilogy within the DCEU of Man of Steel and Batman V Superman and is incredibly jarring to watch after them due to the tacky aspect ratio. It’s like he was making a nod to Whedon’s weird aspect ratio for Avengers: Assemble that doesn’t match Avengers: Age of Ultron.

Fix the terrible colourgrading of all three films in the trilogy.

I’ve not seen the other cut since it released but you could probably take all the scenes that don’t cause continuity errors, add them to this cut (once the terrible colours and framing have been fixed) to replace the endless flashback stuff and split the film in two.


If one was to not include any of the Whedon cut, then remove the bit where Wonder Woman and Batman awkwardly reach for the mouse at the same time in the Snyder Cut. That goes nowhere in this. But it would if we kept their little drama squabble and bantering from the Whedon cut. Not sure if that’s any good, been a while since I’ve seen it. And I dunno if it’s totally necessary (why would anyone make the movie longer than it already is…) But I didn’t really get a strong dynamic between them in Snyder Cut, and I did in the Whedon cut. So surely some of it can be used.

Aquaman desperately needs some stuff from the Whedon cut too. He felt even less of a character to me in the Snyder Cut, lol. It was almost funny how unnecessary he feels in the film. Might as well add more of the comedy to make him at least a little more memorable, relatable and likable. I dunno.

I’d opt to incorporate Batman having the Lois Lane plan for Superman. In Snyder Cut, Batman stands there and hopes his words and gauntlets work (only to just take them off) and just hopes that he doesn’t die. Lois just happens to be walking by (unless I missed something.) Again, it might have been more poorly written by Joss, but I liked that Batman had that plan. And I actually liked Superman holding Batman by the neck and reversing the Do You Bleed thing back at him (as potentially silly as it probably is), sans the stupid CGI face. I liked the closeup of Batman there, and it sounded like he genuinely understood the error of his ways.

These were my bigger initial fanediting thoughts as I watched it.

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!


Anyone else notice how Batman’s modulated voice was, like, turned off half the time? I noticed it first during the scene where they have to save Cyborg’s dad. It sounds like Ben Affleck (or honestly someone else) was just doing a super deep weird voice, and there was none of the digital voice altercation. I’d understand if he just had it off while around the team, but… it came and went. Was this just my copy? It was kinda distracting, lol.

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!


I’ll second the point that Lois’s intervention (and character overall) was better in the Whedon Cut (though the Snyder Cut was better overall). Having Batman bring her in as the “big gun” has the added benefit of neatly making sense out of & resolving Future Flash’s “Lois is the key” message from BvS. I really don’t like the way that, even after Superman is revived, Snyder goes out of his way to suggest that a Superman back in his right mind could still be turned evil simply by killing Lois.