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Movies that have never been released in original form on DVD — Page 4

lol, Lord Peeler are you for real? You really got an attitude problem coming here just for trollsport. Like any of your brainless constructions of twisted logic would convince anyone. If I'm desperate to get the original theatrical cuts on DVD, you're double desperate in your attempts to make me not to want them - and you can't even explain why you waste your time trying.

Originally posted by: Master Sifo-Dyas
lol, Lord Peeler are you for real? You really got an attitude problem coming here just for trollsport. Like any of your brainless constructions of twisted logic would convince anyone. If I'm desperate to get the original theatrical cuts on DVD, you're double desperate in your attempts to make me not to want them.

I don't care what you want.

Would it be nice to have the original cuts and the SEs both available? Eh, why not?

But is George Lucas Satan himself for not giving you exactly what you want because you've spent your entire live's fortune on 4 1/2/ inch plastic figures, VHS tapes & wall-sized posters? Hardly. Lucas didn't force any of you to be a fanboy. You chose to be a fanboy.

So he owes you nothing. What, I'm a "troll" for pointing out to you he owes you nothing? How does that work?

I'm just happy to be getting the movies on DVD in less than six months. I fail to see the logic in punishing myself because with all the vast improvments in the SEs he had Greedo shoot first. It's the same story, with better effects.

What's not to like?

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Unless you are a Star Wars Fanboy, then you can visit : Lord Peeler Vs. The Fanboysl

I don't care what you want.
At least you got something in common with George Allmighty. A huge achievement if you want to be like him. Do you also wear flanell?


So he owes you nothing.
Yep. And I don't owe him either.


I'm just happy to be getting the movies on DVD in less than six months.
That's cool with me. No one here has a problem with that.


I fail to see the logic in punishing myself...
Ehrm... and who exactly demanded that of you?


It's the same story, with better effects.
Nope. It's a slightly different story, because of the script changes George Lucas applied.

In my book, it's perfectly allright to prefer the SEs. But it's also perfectly allright to prefer the original theatrical cuts... at least in my book. It would be nice if you could just accept it - no one here requires you to understand it.
My point is the fanboys here who are talking "boycott" are just punishing themselves because Greedo shots first. It would be nice to have both versions available, but given the fact that Lucas said nine years ago that he would never release the originals again on video, I fail to see how people bitching about it now will change anything.

Sifo, you come across as reasonable and rational. So my question is, what the Hell are you doing here among this pack of rabid fanboys out for the blood of George Lucas for daring to change "their" movies?

They do say he owes them, that the changes in the SEs make the movies "unwatchable". Heck, warbler condemed me for my choice of icon!

You really need to re-evaluate your stance here, when you consider exactly who you are standig with....
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Unless you are a Star Wars Fanboy, then you can visit : Lord Peeler Vs. The Fanboysl
Well, I can name the problem 'black and white style' if you like: "They" are die hard fans of the original theatrical cuts, the versions of StarWars that wrote film history and won many oscars - and you are a die hard fan of George Lucas, who adopted Lucas' agenda of "the artist's rights weigh heavier than the fan's rights".

You want to know where I stand? Fine. I think the artist and the fans have equal rights to get what they want. George Lucas should of course be allowed to create a special edition and alter the films as he sees fit, but at the same time the fans should be allowed to continue to watch the old version as well, if that's what they prefer.

For me it is a logical consequence that if the special editions are to be released on DVD, that the original theatrical cuts should be released on the same format as well. It's not a matter of owing it to us, imho. It's a matter of respect. And since it's George Lucas who has total control over his movies, he is the only one capable of making that grand benevolent gesture of 'making all the fans happy'.

Since he doesn't intend to do so, I choose to publically voice my opinion on that matter, by signing this petition and posting weird stuff on forums almost no one reads, but those cool guys you insult as 'brainless fanboys'. They are just much more passionate about it than the average film fan is. George Lucas should feel flattered that these guys spend so much time supporting his original vision. But that's just my opinion.

I just ask you: Who are you to put yourself above them? What makes your preferences and likings more valid than theirs? The fact that your views don't conflict at all with those rather egoistic views of George Lucas, make you look like a far worse case of 'fanboyism', if you ask me.
"My point is the fanboys here who are talking "boycott" are just punishing themselves because Greedo shots first."

To be honest, I didn't even remember that part. The reason I don't remember it is because I watched the SE's once, because I wanted to see the new additions and see the films in the theatre, which I had never done before. The reason I, personally, am not buying the SEs is because I find many of the new additions ugly, not to mention downright embarrassing. When I saw that scene where the big robot bonks the little one on the head I cringed. The scene with Jabba was embarrassing too, as was the new song in Jabbas Palace. Most of the CG sticks out like a sore thumb and is very obvious, even if you had never seen the originals. So that just leaves the small changes which are hardly noticable and don't matter anyway. So obviously they aren't needed. I want to see the films as they were originally because I liked them better. Does that make me a "Fanboy"? If so, then I guess I'm a fanboy. But at least I am not saying that you should not be allowed to see the version you prefer, the SE's. People want to see them so they should be allowed to. I have not seen a SINGLE arguement on this site, or anywhere else, that justifies the non release of the original version on DVD. George Lucas' arguement just comes down to "I don't like it anymore so I'm not going to let anyone else see it on DVD". Now maybe we can't change his mind, and maybe it is his baby and he owes nobody anything and can destroy the original versions and pretend they never existed and we can't stop him, but is it so wrong that we let our opinions be known? You are certainly letting yours be known, and being much more aggressive and condescending and abusive than most people here have been toward Lucas or any SE fans. So what makes you think that everyone should hear your opinion but noone who comes to this site, which is called "Originaltrilogy.com", wants to hear what advocates of the original trilogy have to say?
-Everyone is entitled to my opinion-
Who am I?

I am a guy who remembers when being a Star Wars fan was actually cool. When we weren't seen by the public at large as obsessed geeks who have a love-hate relationship with Star Wars, like the Trekkers seemed to have with Star Trek.

I remember a time when everybody i talked to was a Star Wars fan. They all loved the movies and enjoyed reading Tim Zahn's new novel. The girl I was dating loved watching the movies with me and we where totally blown away at the prospect of the SEs.

Then the SEs came out, and Star Wars fans slowly and surely where replaced by self loathing fanboys who watched the damned movies 10 times and went on and on about how much it sucked to anyone who would listen.

Then came the dark times. The internet. Here fanboys could reach out across cyber-space and bitch, piss moan and groan about how much they hate these movies they've watched 20 or 30 times since 1997. And don't even get me started on the Prequels.

Do I think I'm better than them? Hell yes, because I realize they are still the same movies, only with better effects. I remember what being a fan was like, back when all my friends where jealous because I had the Millenuim Falcon and they didn't.

I miss those times, and I hate every last one of these fanboys for polluting the internet with their hate and rancor. That jealousy is still there, and it's directed at George Lucas. These pathetic losers wish they had the success he does, and they'll do anything they can to try and bring him down to their level.
Want to talk comics, RPGs and other stuff? Visit otherearths.coml

Unless you are a Star Wars Fanboy, then you can visit : Lord Peeler Vs. The Fanboysl

Then came the dark times. The internet. Here fanboys could reach out across cyber-space and bitch, piss moan and groan...
Erhm... and what is it you are doing?

And you are right, since Lucas meddled with the script and disallowed any public screening or rerelease of the original cuts, some fans are a bit alienated about the whole story. The cause for this trouble? George Lucas' ego.


Star Wars fans slowly and surely where replaced by self loathing fanboys
*whistles the x-files tune* errh... riight. And who was the poor fella, who was 'chosen' to be replaced by you?


they are still the same movies, only with better effects
Nope. They are slightly different movies, due to the script changes George Lucas applied.


...all my friends where jealous because I had the Millenuim Falcon and they didn't.


That jealousy is still there, and it's directed at George Lucas. These pathetic losers wish they had the success he does...
erhm... wha? I just want both versions of those great movies he made, on DVD. If I'm jealous of something after all, then it's those film reels of the original cuts he safely keeps at skywalker ranch.


they'll do anything they can to try and bring him down to their level.
lol, nope. He's doing that all by himself. I'm also amazed you manage to reach an even lower level than he does.


Do I think I'm better than them? Hell yes...
LMAO, no you're just an extremist Lucas fanboy, who came here to troll around a bit. At least that's the impression you've made so far.
I came mostly because I feel the majority of Star Wars fans are grossly under-represented, well, everywhere actually. Plus I'm the kind of person that will see somebody like Jimbo being picked on and register at a site just to let him know that he's not alone out there and there are other fans who believe in what he does and will stand up to trolls and bullies with him.

If I was all alone on a site taking BS, I know I'd like it if someone had my back. In fact I've been in his position before, and I know what it's like to feel all alone, like the whole fan community is against you. It sucks. Especially when you are right about an issue.

I don't recall anyone saying Lucas shouldn't put out both editions. Jimbo was just pointing out that there are many DVDs out there that don't have both editions, many of which I own! So what Lucas is doing here isn't unprecedented, and again, it's not lke he didn't tell us this was going to happen nine freakin' years ago.

In my opinion, you guys should have gotten over it by now. God knows Lucas has given you plenty of time.
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Unless you are a Star Wars Fanboy, then you can visit : Lord Peeler Vs. The Fanboysl

In my opinion, you guys should have gotten over it by now.
Yep. Fact is, I haven't. I want both versions on DVD. Something that isn't unprecedented either.

jimbo, is actually a pretty nice guy and not a troll at all and many people respect him a lot, despite of different opinions. The only one trolling on these boards at the moment is you. That's for sure.

If you just came here to 'back poor jimbo' up, I have to tell you that he's doing a pretty good job speaking for himself. This is no battle field for trollsports. It's a message board for all the StarWars fans who share one common goal: To have the original theatrical cuts on DVD as well as the Special Editions.

If you don't share this goal, these boards are not really meant for you. jimbo is welcome here because he is a nice guy and he actually shares our common goal, besides his preference of the Special Editions. You on the other hand just try to bash people, because "some - correction - all of your friends were jealous of your millenium falcon".
Ah, correction. I've also said it would be nice to have both on DVD. It would be.

But I see the petty attacks and bashing against George Lucas as not only pointless, but actually counter productive to your goal. The bashers and haters don't see that, and more's the pity.

If you want me to give you $5, do you think you'd have better results if you asked me nicely, or told me to give you $5 or else you'll break my legs? Especially if you where an overwieght, smelly fanboy who sweats when he breaths?

I'm willing to bet George has gotten many more e-mails saying "Fuck you Lucas, you asshole! Give me the originals on DVD or I'll cutt your balls off" then "Dear Mr. Lucas, could I pretty please have the originals on DVD? Please?"

I think you are still missing the point I've been making for several pages now.
Want to talk comics, RPGs and other stuff? Visit otherearths.coml

Unless you are a Star Wars Fanboy, then you can visit : Lord Peeler Vs. The Fanboysl
You know, Lord Peeler is correct. You get a lot further with people when you are polite and civil. We could all learn from his fine example...
-Everyone is entitled to my opinion-

Originally posted by: Lord Peeler
I'll use whatever icon I like, thank you very much.

"I'll never buy the Ses on VHS, DVD, etc". Whatever. You already own them on VHS, because you bought them back in '97 when they came out.

But the point I need to make is, how the hell can anyone act surpised that Lucas isn't going to put the rough-cut out on DVD? He said nine years ago, NINE YEARS AGO thar the "95 release was the LAST TIME the original versions would ever be released on video.

And you get on to US for not paying attention.

"would never be released ON VIDEO." Back in the day, that generally referred to VHS tapes. It still does--DVDs are called DVDs, not videos. He never said anything about not releasing the movies on LD or some other format which may come around in the future.

Now, care to go suck the magic pacifier?

Originally posted by: Lord Peeler
Do you even concieve how lame it is to compare a DVD release to being in physical pain?

Do you realize that the story wasn't changed, just the effects? Luke is still from tatooine, he's still a whiny little bitch,


Luke's a "whiny little bitch?" SINCE WHEN?!

You've just proven that you have even less track of the plot than the guy who said Boba Fett had a vendetta against the Skywalker family.


Originally posted by: Warbler

So tell me somthing should they use CGI to redo the classic parting of the red sea in the Ten Commandments? Should they use CGI to redo the Ape in the classic King Kong? They would make the SFX in those movies better too would'nt it? And the SFX in the Classic OT were not crappy!

CGI sucks. How the hell is some cartoony graphics that stick out like a sore thumb any better than, say, actual props and sets that don't?

Someone on a newsgroup I went to once commented: "It was a good thing Jaws was made before CGI was invented. If it was made today, they would've CGI'ed it and the shark would've looked like a cartoon character."


Originally posted by: JamesEightBitStar
Someone on a newsgroup I went to once commented: "It was a good thing Jaws was made before CGI was invented. If it was made today, they would've CGI'ed it and the shark would've looked like a cartoon character."

And the result would be Deep Blue Sea.

"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
Excellent point, Bossk.

Princess Leia: I happen to like nice men.
Han Solo: I'm a nice man.


Ah, correction. I've also said it would be nice to have both on DVD. It would be.
True. But it wasn't really the main theme of your rantings, so I deemed that statement a bit half-hearted.


But I see the petty attacks and bashing against George Lucas as not only pointless, but actually counter productive to your goal.
True. Yet I have to say you're not a very good role model yourself, when it comes down to that kind of productive behaviour you demand from others at all times.


The bashers and haters don't see that, ...
Yep. That does include yourself, though.


If you want me to give you $5, do you think you'd have better results if you asked me nicely, or told me to give you $5 or else you'll break my legs?
I don't want $5 from George Lucas, I want to give him an additional $50 (or more) for his original vision of the classic StarWars trilogy on DVD.


Especially if you where an overwieght, smelly fanboy who sweats when he breaths?
What was it again you said about petty attacks and bashing a few lines before?


I'm willing to bet George has gotten many more e-mails saying "Fuck you Lucas, you asshole! Give me the originals on DVD or I'll cutt your balls off" then "Dear Mr. Lucas, could I pretty please have the originals on DVD? Please?"
Well, that's mere speculation on your part.


I think you are still missing the point I've been making for several pages now.
No. You just failed to make one. All you did was putting a group of StarWars fans in one sack and bashing them with pointless insults and generalisations.

Originally posted by: Lord Peeler
Who am I?

I am a guy who remembers when being a Star Wars fan was actually cool. When we weren't seen by the public at large as obsessed geeks who have a love-hate relationship with Star Wars, like the Trekkers seemed to have with Star Trek.

I remember a time when everybody i talked to was a Star Wars fan. They all loved the movies and enjoyed reading Tim Zahn's new novel. The girl I was dating loved watching the movies with me and we where totally blown away at the prospect of the SEs.

Then the SEs came out, and Star Wars fans slowly and surely where replaced by self loathing fanboys who watched the damned movies 10 times and went on and on about how much it sucked to anyone who would listen.

Then came the dark times. The internet. Here fanboys could reach out across cyber-space and bitch, piss moan and groan about how much they hate these movies they've watched 20 or 30 times since 1997. And don't even get me started on the Prequels.

Do I think I'm better than them? Hell yes, because I realize they are still the same movies, only with better effects. I remember what being a fan was like, back when all my friends where jealous because I had the Millenuim Falcon and they didn't.

I miss those times, and I hate every last one of these fanboys for polluting the internet with their hate and rancor. That jealousy is still there, and it's directed at George Lucas. These pathetic losers wish they had the success he does, and they'll do anything they can to try and bring him down to their level.

True I hate bitchy fanboys to but many people on this site are asking for it politly. With some exceptions.
Lord Peeler, I suggest you actually read the petition letter that will be sent to George Lucas along with all the signatures of the people who signed it - Link to petition letter. If you find anything unpolite in there, that would justify you coming in here and bash the entire originaltrilogy.com community from your very first post on, please let me know.

Originally posted by: Master Sifo-Dyas
@Warbler: I don't see why a 16 year old boy should not be allowed to have AOTC as his favorite movie. If that's bad taste in your book, it is your problem - not his.

F*** OFF!!! you jerk!

^^ Now that's bad taste in my book. -- "Don't give in to hate - that leads, to the dark side."

As always Master Sifo you speak the truth. perhaps I've been too hard on Jimbo. I'll allow him his favorite movie. I would advise him to watch Godfather and Casablanca though.

I may have going too far with Lord Peeler but he really got me angry when he said we were full of s**t. But you're right, hate leads to the dark side. One look at Lord Peeler can tell you what the darkside does to you . It dominates your destiny and consumes you as it has Lord Peeler. I am sorry for calling him a jerk and a jackass. What can I say? there is much anger in me, as there is, in my father before me.

*Warbler lowers his head in shame *

I would continue to politely try to show Lord Peeler where he is wrong but I couldn't put it better than Master Sifo already has.

*Warbler Kneels down and solutes Master Sifo, than stands and walks away to meditate on his wrong doings.........*

Hehe, well said Warbler. It wasn't really a biggie, I just think you get angry too quick (although I can understand that someone with a short temper can get angry at intentionally provocative statements, like those made by Lord Peeler - I'm still convinced he merely came here to troll around a bit because this is "the whiny fanboy's homebase" in his twisted phantasies). We also have to wait and see if Lord Peeler is able to forgive where you were able to apologize.
@ Lord Peeler

First of all, what's wrong with having an oppinion that differs from yours? You say you don't care what we want. Hmm, well, you have sure put a hell lot of energy into telling us so.

You wrote:

Then the SEs came out, and Star Wars fans slowly and surely where replaced
They were not "replaced", oh greatest of all observers, a lot of them converted (so to speak). We're still the same, we just don't agree with the likes of you anymore.

The world is big enough for various points of view. Who are you to condemn people who don't like the SE (for obvious reasons)? I didn't like them all that much, either, still I don't run around and criticize those who did.

This forum was made by AND for people who prefer the original version to the special edition. It's a "shelter", it was created for this one purpose, and therefore we have the right to post here from that particular point of view. And it's getting annoying to be forced over and over again to justify that POV. That's not the purpose of this forum.

You don't invade a Democratic election campaign office and tell them that Republican politics are the only true way to go, now do you?

Taylor: Oh H, whatever happened to the way of the warrior??
Harold: The way of the warrior doesn't stand a chance against the way of the wife.
('K2', 1991)

Originally posted by: Master Sifo-Dyas
We also have to wait and see if Lord Peeler is able to forgive where you were able to apologize.

We also have to wait and see if Lord Peeler even comes back here.
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic

Originally posted by: Bossk

Originally posted by: Master Sifo-Dyas
We also have to wait and see if Lord Peeler is able to forgive where you were able to apologize.

We also have to wait and see if Lord Peeler even comes back here.

*................Warbler returns from his meditation with reborn desire not to return flame with flame*

If he returns or not, either way is fine by me