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Star Wars Episode IX: The Last Hope (Help Wanted Finishing This Edit) (WIP) — Page 10


Movies Remastered said:

Poppa, I did exactly as you instructed but the audio was still playing in the left speaker despite being in a dedicated center channel. It works fine with left or right setting but it won’t isolate to the center channel for some reason?

ThisIsCreation the new EQ track seems to have the gain turned up to 11. I’m getting a lot of hissing from that clip when I import it to PP so I wasn’t able to match the current dialogue levels with your effort.

Here’s an update anyway…

Changed the timing of the sequence so it’s a little tighter.
Removed Lukes Close-up
Changed the timing on Rey’s close-up to match the new dialogue.


Ooh I wasn’t sold on this line before but I actually really like this.


Looks pretty good on my phone!

I don’t know if it’s just YouTube, but there is a certain part of the video which seems to get kinda pixelated. Maybe it’s the part that transitions from slow-mo to regular motion?

EDIT: Scrap that. Don’t see it on my computer. I think the slow-mo effect is subtle enough to be unnoticeable, but we’ll have to see what others say.


Movies Remastered said:

Poppa, I did exactly as you instructed but the audio was still playing in the left speaker despite being in a dedicated center channel. It works fine with left or right setting but it won’t isolate to the center channel for some reason?

Hey can send me a screengrab of your timeline? Or better yet, can you send me your project file with just the one audio clip you’re trying to change (even if everything else is offline). I can record my screen to show you what I did, and hopefully it will make things easier for you in the future!


Hal 9000 said:

MR, do you think you could apply the slowdown to a clip I can send that has Nev’s color correction?

(There would be no hurry.)

I’ve PM Nev to do one small colour change in that clip. Once that’s done I’ll overlay it to this whole scene.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


The original file has a hissing sound, cleaning it up brought it to the forefront but it can be hidden once the audio is matched to the rest of the sentence, i can make it all sound consistent in the future if you can send me the whole scenes dialogue without the music, that way all that needs to be done is to turn the volume either up or down.

Alt version - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PT9m3VMDvcw1fd3CuMtjzOSoquaiwSGJ/view?usp=sharing

But just listening to the version you posted, it fits so well, if you could make it match Nev’s version of the scene it would be perfect.


It sounds like the S is clipping?

I’ve just packed up for the day but if Nev gets back to me soon I’ll sync up the shot when I have it.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


That’s strange, in the compressed version i have the levels reading here at about -3db & in the newer version i have it reading at -6db. Does loading it into adobe premiere making it automatically louder by any chance?

Here’s a third pass at it just incase the s’s are just being very harsh overall & Incase you want to use it, i did a slight de-esser on the whole file, it helped bring down alot of the hiss



I don’t think so, I had to lower the gain by -14 or something but it still stood out way more than the original.

Thanks for doing another pass. I’ll check it out tomorrow.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


I know i’m a bit late but if you you need to add audio to Premiere and you want it to be mono, you don’t have to convert anything just create a new audio track and select type: mono and then go to your track mixer (might need to click windows) and then pan it 100% to the center channel. Sorry if someone already said this


I really like how that’s shaping up. It almost feels it could been in the original cut instead of that shoehorned “you’ll take both sabers to Exegol”.


i think the ship looks good, but it appearance is kind of odd.


Watched your info-trailer: raised my excitement 😃 Even though the trailer itself isn´t a catchy trailer, that´s why i called it info-trailer^^

One question: the integrated starkiller scene (and the sith eyes) - did you try it to match as much as possible to a real movie scene regarding the appearence? Did worked very well for your mustafar landing scene 😃


Indeed I did. I’m gonna change the eyes again to be a little more Sith like but I thought it worked pretty well to explain who all the Monks were. Thanks 😃

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


I just thought about something:
Since you’ve palpatine given red lightning as symbol for absolute power and darkness, i feel it wouldn’t be enough for rey to beat him with the help of past jedi. Perhaps you’d consider to give her sith eyes for a brief moment. So she taps willingly into the dark side to prevail against palpatine. My reasoning behind it would be that she tapped into her dark side before (previous movie and neverargreats „starlight project“) but out of fear or anger. This way it would manifest here growth as force user and neither hang on to the dogma of jedi or sith.

*original idea with the sith eyes is from „peregrine“


Nice idea but I feel weird that Rey would need the darkside to beat Palps. I’ll hopefully be using the Sith eyes at some point in the movie but I think that Palps needs to be defeated by the light which comes from the 2 Saber, 4/6 force ghosts and Reys own strength to be a righteous win for the Jedi.

Did you see the new trailer? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQnXhZnsIpg I’m really close to 1000 subs so I’d really appreciate the help to open the community tab if you haven’t already.

Peregrine’s work was great. I’m teaching myself EbSynth atm.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Movies Remastered said:

Nice idea but I feel weird that Rey would need the darkside to beat Palps. I’ll hopefully be using the Sith eyes at some point in the movie but I think that Palps needs to be defeated by the light which comes from the 2 Saber, 4/6 force ghosts and Reys own strength to be a righteous win for the Jedi.

Did you see the new trailer? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQnXhZnsIpg I’m really close to 1000 subs so I’d really appreciate the help to open the community tab if you haven’t already.

Peregrine’s work was great. I’m teaching myself EbSynth atm.

Valid reason and it’s your edit. We just stand on oppsites. I think or at least in my imagination the way to beat palps couldn’t be achived only with the light side. That’s why the jedi failed the entire time. It’s more about control your innerself rather than taking sides.

Already got you covered since day one 😃

Holy moly your new video about the saber assemble, it’s just awesome. Very exciting.


Movies Remastered said:

Since my trailer launch last week I’ve now got some amazing new VFX artists working on some new scenes. Here’s a breakdown of Rey building her new yellow Saber.

Let me know what you think? https://youtu.be/7xf2i_kGIMs

There are so many cool additions happening in your edit!! Ugh I can’t wait to see how this all turns out


Thanks guys! I’m only spoon feeding new scenes atm. I don’t wanna spoil the new story too much with the bigger new scenes.

I’ve personal taught myself so much from the cut and the new crew are insanely encouraging. It’s hopegully gonna break the mould for fan edits as it feels like a totally new movie now. 😎

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


One downside though: you’re raising the expectations and we know how that played out for ep 9 🤣