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Chronologically Lost HD (Remaster of Mike Maloney's edit) (Released) — Page 7


Very interested watching this in HD, can i get the link? Thanks.


After finishing the first 5 seasons, I watched parts of this edit, and I’ve gotta say DragoonClawNZ has done an excellent job at re-ordering this massive series, very impressive stuff. What I saw was seamlessly edited (audio & video). The parts where multiple events take place side-by-side were particularly impressive. I also have to give credit to Mike Maloney, who first made this edit in 2010.

The only thing I didn’t like was that the time travel parts were also linearised. I know some people would prefer that, so that everything is in strict chronological order, but I personally felt that they felt out of place, and that since the show established that the time travel parts were the “present” of the time travelling characters, I felt that those segments should’ve played out in the “present” timeline rather than past. But anyway, that’s just my personal view on that.

I would recommend this edit to someone who has already watched Lost, but not if you haven’t, as the time travelling parts will confuse you. This edit also offers the opportunity to watch Lost WITHOUT flashbacks if you so wish, as now entire episodes take place solely on the island (once you’ve gotten through the flashbacks episodes, which I skimmed). I think that when I eventually re-watch Lost, I’ll just watch the parts of this edit set from 2004 onwards. At least for the first 3 seasons, which had great island plotlines.


Appreciate that, Heavysyde. LIke many others, I was wanting an HD version myself on this, but whether anyone would do it, was the question.

Yeah, it’s not for everyone, definitely not meant for anyone who’s starting off the series a first time.

FINISHED Projects: Chronologically LOST HD

Youtube Profile


I would love the link for this, have watched it years ago and like to rewatch it in better quality.


Hi there

Fab job, can I please have the link

Many thanks


DragoonClawNZ said:

I was rewatching the ‘Chronologically Lost’ edit recently and while it was nice to revisit, it was certainly feeling dated now with its quality, which was expected being done around the time the series was finishing and even Mike himself said doing it in HD would be quite a task.

Fan edits isn’t something I’ve done much of, so I wasn’t sure if this was something I could do,. Surely is something I would have liked to see if someone else had done it but no idea who would want to re-edit all 100+ episodes again. 😄

The big thing that’ll help with this remaster is a consistent source used for all episodes as the original did have areas that had HDTV recording used (Season 6 area) and certain episodes that were stretched (S2E9 What Kate Did was more horizontally stretched), as well as being edited in 30fps (for some reason).

As far as split screens go, for the most part it’s the same as the original, but I’ve replaced a couple with switching back and forth between perspectives if it felt better or made more sense narratively (which is ironic for an edit like this 😄 ). Also tidied up the split screens as well:

[Left=Original, Right=HD Remaster]

Video: 1080p 5mbps, Audio: AAC 5.1 320kbps (Webisodes upmixed to 5.1), English CC subs

Feel free to PM me if you’re interested.


PM sent, ssurfer. I assume that was a PM request, MaXxx, but I just sent it.

FINISHED Projects: Chronologically LOST HD

Youtube Profile


Thanks for the link! I’m working my way through this and I’m on episode 25. It is an absolute blast!

I have an idea for an edit but it likely already exists. Maybe someone can help me find it. Essentially, it would be the same as this, with the exceptions of the time travel backwards. We would follow the character’s stories from beginning to end, as opposed to the timeline of the world itself. Does such an edit already exist? I’d love to watch it when I’m done with this one.


Glad to hear. 😃

Not sure, sorry. There was also Lost Chrono, but don’t remember exactly how that was done, only remember that the Desmond/Eloise “flashback” segment was placed somewhere else in the edit.

FINISHED Projects: Chronologically LOST HD

Youtube Profile


DragoonClawNZ said:

Appreciate that, Heavysyde. LIke many others, I was wanting an HD version myself on this, but whether anyone would do it, was the question.

Yeah, it’s not for everyone, definitely not meant for anyone who’s starting off the series a first time.

I watched just the first season years ago, and just from that this edit has been AMAZING and so much fun.


This looks amazing, may I have the link for the torrent? Thanks!


Can I also request link to that torrent?


Hey! Could you send me the link? Looking forward to watch this. Thnx for your hard work 😃