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Star Wars Episode IX: The Last Hope (Help Wanted Finishing This Edit) (WIP) — Page 9


I’m not sure I understand but off the top of my head…

Luke’s Crackling Saber throughout the movie.

Palpatines Red Sith lightning.

Removing kylo from the desert scene.

5 new planet scenes.

Finishing Palpatines message scene.

Final 3 end clips that are proving to be more complicated that I’d hoped.

Changing Poes shirt to a jumpsuit orange for end sequence.

Potentially having Lando at Leia’s death bed to replace his weird scene with Jannah.

Malfunctioning Saber effect on death star II.

Maybe a new opening scene with star destroyer heading to Mustafar.

Composition shot of Star Destroyers attacking Coruscant.

Shooting new scene of Ben holding Han’s dice.

Maybe shoot a new scene of Rey building her own Saber (Covid stopped filming)

Removing Luke’s hair blowing in the wind.

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I’d love to see the 5 new planet scenes.

Why are you going to change Poe’s jacket if you don’t me asking?


Think there are a few picture on MR Instagram page.

Leia doesn’t die until right at the end of my cut so Poe’s grey shirt needs to be orange to make it look like his jumpsuit as he comes straight from winning the battle to Leia’s bed side.

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Just followed you on insta. Will check the pics

That makes sense for Poe. I’m interested in seeing how you do it.


Ive had a few people in the past tey using Ebsynth, I’ve got another guy trying with masking atm but if he isn’t able to I’ll have to hand paint each frame which will take forever!!! But that’s basically what I’m doing with every scene from this point so… 🤣

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Seeing so many people are asking for a follow-up of the sparking Saber effect I uploaded earlier here is a very crude version of the malfunctioning Saber clip I’ll be making in the battle on the Death Star II. Ignore everything other than timing. I’ll obviously properly rotoscope Rey, the Saber effect and pretty much everything in this scene but this is just a mock-up to show people the direction I’m thinking… https://youtu.be/z7Xrve_sWCI

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Hmm, I’m not really sure if that forward-reversal thing is really gonna sell it. It seems like you’re trying to imply she is trying to shake it back on, like a malfunctioning flashlight. I wonder if it would look better if it was just flickering on its own, without her really moving.

I think the trouble is trying to determine what a malfunctioning saber looks like, since there aren’t many examples of that. With that shot, you have the benefit of a clean background, so you could rotoscope a new saber blade that could flicker on and off.

I think for the other shots that were mentioned in the Ascendant thread, I wonder if you could just add some distortion to the blade, or maybe the cracking gets worse. Like, you make the crackling effect could have some hiccups of even higher intensity when she looks at the blade and sort of shakes her free hand. That way you don’t have to paint out the saber blade which would be a pain.

But, it would be cool if you could do that in the wide shot when Kylo raises his own saber to strike her. Or perhaps the cradling could just be too intense for her to use.

Anyway, you’re doing cool work! A lot of your tests have been looking good.


BrotherOfSasquatch said:

RogueLeader said:

I think the trouble is trying to determine what a malfunctioning saber looks like, since there aren’t many examples of that.

Well, there is this one part in the Rebels TV show… >.>


Thanks dude. That’s a great help! I just need to figure out how I can achieve that effect.

We’ll according to Disney, Rey has her finger on the “on button” so the shaking is the on switch malfunctioning. Obviously I’ll tweak to motion and timing a little better. I just tried to give a rough scene concept to show what I’m trying to achieve.

Yeah, this conversation has been over three threads now and everyone seems to agree about the flickering. Ive cut the scene fairly heavily and taken Finn out completely so finding the right time to add the effect will be a little tricky. I’m trying to add it around the time Rey hurts her hand but We’ll see as this clip progresses…

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BrotherOfSasquatch said:

RogueLeader said:

I think the trouble is trying to determine what a malfunctioning saber looks like, since there aren’t many examples of that.

Well, there is this one part in the Rebels TV show… >.>


Obi-Wan’s got a little damaged in Dooku Captured in the Clone Wars, all his did was retract and extend quickly a few times, as if it was being quickly turned on and off.

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


Movies Remastered said:

I’ve made a breakdown video of the end scene with the sparking light sabers after the final battle.


Nice video on this, I really like the concept and how you pulled it off. Definitely something Hal should be incorporate as well!

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


I do personally like the removal of Luke telling her to take the sabers. It makes the appearance of Leia’s saber in Exegol more exciting.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


ThisIsCreation said:

I don’t have my headphone unpacked but if you think you can make it sound better go right ahead.

Jar Jar, I already made a mini track, cheers.

Jarbear, Exactly! Rather than holding the audience hand and explaining every step of the way, we actually get an “Oh Yeah!” Moment when Rey uses Leias Saber this way.

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Movies Remastered said:

The line was in stereo so I had to export it to audition and convert it to mono for it to sound right. If anyone knows how to do this within premiere please let me know.

This was in the other thread, but here’s what you do:
Right-click on the clip in the project panel. Select Modify > Audio Channels. Change the Clip Channel Format from Stereo to Mono. Make sure Number of Audio Clips says 1. Then, below that, make sure either the L or the R is checked (you should only be able to do one, and it doesn’t matter which if the audio is the same on both, as it should be for a voice). Once done, when you drag the clip into a sequence it should show as mono.

Hope this helps!


poppasketti said:

Movies Remastered said:

The line was in stereo so I had to export it to audition and convert it to mono for it to sound right. If anyone knows how to do this within premiere please let me know.

I agree with ThisIsCreation. Great job, MR! I think the line and pacing feels right, but the cutting back and forth to Luke is a bit abrupt. The second cut to Luke feels like it’s clearly the same camera move as the first. Can you hold on Rey instead of cutting back for “This is your fight”? I think it’s better to see Rey for this line, anyway, so we can see he thinking it over.

I’ll reply to this here as I know Hal isn’t entertaining thing edition.

I totally agree. I obsess over little things like this but I ran out of time today. I really wanted to keep on Luke as he says “This is your fight” but we’d have to stay on Rey too long if I removed it and her expression doesn’t change to suit the dialogue. I think there is a tweak to be had in this clip though. I’ll take another stab at it when I can.

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Movies Remastered said:

Thanks man. What program/technic did you use?

I always like to load files into a system called Wavepad (im 26, i’ve been using since i was 13 so im so accustom to it). It works like Audacity. I like to take a look at the file visually before i load it into Adobe Audition where i do all of the audio work.


Movies Remastered said:

Nice! I’ve not used that before. When I back up and running would you like to take a look at a few other audio clips for me?

100%. PM me when your up and running and we can go through them and give them a tune up.


Poppa, I did exactly as you instructed but the audio was still playing in the left speaker despite being in a dedicated center channel. It works fine with left or right setting but it won’t isolate to the center channel for some reason?

ThisIsCreation the new EQ track seems to have the gain turned up to 11. I’m getting a lot of hissing from that clip when I import it to PP so I wasn’t able to match the current dialogue levels with your effort.

Here’s an update anyway…

Changed the timing of the sequence so it’s a little tighter.
Removed Lukes Close-up
Changed the timing on Rey’s close-up to match the new dialogue.


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