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Post #1416758

Hal 9000
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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)
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Date created
11-Mar-2021, 5:07 PM

To call up a not-totally-resolved idea from a little while ago, does it seem like there are any workable alternatives for the line “they sold you to protect you”?

It would need to be replaced with something that would still make sense in context of the scene, as its part of the flow of conversation. Without this specific line, it’s much easier to headcanon the retcon as her parents perhaps paying Unklar to watch Rey for a while. When they never returned he eventually stopped. Then, Kylo Ren gets Rey to “admit” to herself what she long suspected… they sold her to him rather than entrusting her to him and ditched her.

I know there’s Kylo dialogue from video games and stuff, but… any ideas? Maybe something like “They were trying… to protect you.” Or something.