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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 406


I like the idea a lot about the flickering/saber issues during the DSII fight. It’ll pay off at the end of it sparks and dies at the end.

However, the only “argument” is use about not using the blue color at the end is we saw the saber die off and know the crystal is too damaged … so why have it as the blue/purple combo and not green/purple since the blue crystal is kinda dead?

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


What is this I’m hearing about giving Rey Luke’s green crystal? Put it in Anakin’s saber?

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


jarbear said:

However, the only “argument” is use about not using the blue color at the end is we saw the saber die off and know the crystal is too damaged … so why have it as the blue/purple combo and not green/purple since the blue crystal is kinda dead?

Just so we’re all on the same page, MR’s clip also has Leia’s lightsaber explode.

Regardless, I do like the idea that Rey went back yet again to Ahch-To to retrieve Luke’s green lightsaber. Hmmm that’s giving me some ideas for a certain novelization.


NeverarGreat said:

That’s what I think would actually be powerful about burying the sabers, though. They are blue and purple, and in the next shot the saber activates with a flash of two colors - it seems odd that it would be anything but those colors if that message is to ‘read’, at least to me.


Ahem. Please continue 😃

I agree with Nev. The blue saber represents Luke in this trilogy more than the green, so it should be blue and purple symbolism. That’s why he projected the blue saber on Crait.

As for the sparks, I was just thinking of ways to cover up the lighting issue. I think the best solution visually would be to flicker the lightsaber when Rey looks at it (doing a color mask to hide the lighting discrepancy), then have it simply cut out before Kylo’s final strike.

Then have it spark out on Exegol, to show that it’s truly destroyed.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


If the consensus is to go with blue and purple for the two lights, so be it! I think that’s fine and has a logic to it.

I’m not going to rescore the X-wing lifting. And I get why they used Luke and Leia’s theme for Lando and Jannah. It’s John Williams’ way to let us know they might (or may as well) have a family connection. To me it’s the only thing in the film that steers me away from “lol wtf smoothie Lando is hitting on this 19 year old.”

My stance on revising fan edits.


And the music during the lifting of the x wing is a direct call back to yoda. This is Luke’s yoda moment, its fitting.


Hal 9000 said:

To me it’s the only thing in the film that steers me away from “lol wtf smoothie Lando is hitting on this 19 year old.”

LMAO. I read the leaks before the movie so I knew they were related before seeing it. As a result, I never got that vibe from that scene. But you’re right, the music is the only hint that the movie itself gives.


I thought they got the chemistry wrong with so many characters in TROS but none worse the Lando & Jannah *shudder. I’m currently planning to roto that scene and put Lando at Leia’s bedside so they’re actually in a scene together.

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Hal 9000 said:

I get why they used Luke and Leia’s theme for Lando and Jannah. It’s John Williams’ way to let us know they might (or may as well) have a family connection. To me it’s the only thing in the film that steers me away from “lol wtf smoothie Lando is hitting on this 19 year old.”

Oh god, you’re right. I always thought Billy Dee misread the line, and made it way too seductive. John Williams is the only thing in the film trying to push the “family” angle for them. God bless John Williams, trying his best to salvage the scene.

If I make my own version, I’ll cut the entire exchange; but I don’t think that would fly in this edit. 😉

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


sherlockpotter said:

When Luke lifts the X-Wing, what if we carry through the Rise of Skywalker Theme (which is already playing when Rey pulls the Wayfinder from Kylo’s ship) instead of transitioning to Yoda’s Theme? I get what they’re going for (namely: extremely obvious, hit-you-over-the-head-with-a-mace parallels), but…ehhh. Besides, even ignoring the Yoda disconnect, the Rise of Skywalker Theme is the key theme for this entire movie; and with the new coloring, this is the key scene for the film as well. There’s a lot of significance to pairing the two, instead of…Yoda’s Theme. I think the scene would have a lot more power and carry a lot more weight if we allow it to stand on its own, rather than distracting the audience with, “Hey! Yoda’s Theme!”

You know, I never had a problem with the Yoda music in this scene. But re-watching the current iteration of the “day to night” Ahch-To scene, I actually agree with you on just finishing out the TROS theme instead.

JEDIT: Just saw that Hal vetoed this. Lmao. Oh well.


BrotherOfSasquatch said:

sherlockpotter said:

When Luke lifts the X-Wing, what if we carry through the Rise of Skywalker Theme (which is already playing when Rey pulls the Wayfinder from Kylo’s ship) instead of transitioning to Yoda’s Theme? I get what they’re going for (namely: extremely obvious, hit-you-over-the-head-with-a-mace parallels), but…ehhh. Besides, even ignoring the Yoda disconnect, the Rise of Skywalker Theme is the key theme for this entire movie; and with the new coloring, this is the key scene for the film as well. There’s a lot of significance to pairing the two, instead of…Yoda’s Theme. I think the scene would have a lot more power and carry a lot more weight if we allow it to stand on its own, rather than distracting the audience with, “Hey! Yoda’s Theme!”

You know, I never had a problem with the Yoda music in this scene. But re-watching the current iteration of the “day to night” Ahch-To scene, I actually agree with you on just finishing out the TROS theme instead.

JEDIT: Just saw that Hal vetoed this. Lmao. Oh well.

Yeah, it definitely feels very abrupt and awkward when you listen for it. The music just…changes. No transition, no nothing.

It’s taking a scene that should be about Rey moving forward, and making it all about Rey(‘s Master(‘s Master’s)) past. Like…oof. Ah well. It’s not the first time I’ve been overruled on this film.

And MR, I definitely want to check out how you get Lando and Leia together. That sounds amazing!

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


Jar Jar Bricks said:

sherlockpotter said:

I think the scene would have a lot more power and carry a lot more weight if we allow it to stand on its own, rather than distracting the audience with, “Hey! Yoda’s Theme!”

I get where you’re coming from to a certain extent, but 2 changes in this project include music from the prequels (3PO and R2 theme, ROTS Palpatine as he drains dyad). It would be a shame IMO to not include such an iconic piece from the originals. Even if you remove the music, the scene is still an overt reference to Yoda. You can’t undo that. For me, I really enjoy the music there. It shows how far Luke Skywalker has come; he has taken the place of Yoda.

Yeah, I get the justification for the scene, but I think there are more reasons against using it than for it. Besides, this shouldn’t be a question of “We’ve included ‘music from the prequels’”; it doesn’t matter that it was “an iconic piece from the originals.” There’s no checklist for “pieces that we can bring back.” I’m looking at it from what suits this scene, this film, this trilogy, the best. Rey has no connection to Yoda, and this moment is about her. Luke did have a connection to Yoda, which is why Yoda (and his theme) were brought back for his arc in TLJ. But his arc is done. The scene is supposed to be about Rey. Not Luke, and certainly not Yoda.

Look, this isn’t just my opinion. This is John Williams’s. John Williams himself didn’t intend to put Yoda’s Theme into the film; the stupid music editor was the one who wanted it.

So unless y’all think that you know how to score a Star Wars movie better than John Williams…

EDIT: To be clear, I’m just arguing my viewpoint. I can only speak for myself (and John Williams, apparently); I begrudge no one who still wants to leave it in the film.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


I’ve been having a really bad habit with memory with this thread recently, due to putting more focus and attention into my own projects. Has there been discussions for the Rey Nobody version yet?

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


Not just yet. Still working on a V2 for the film proper.

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!


Icecream2448 said:

Not just yet. Still working on a V2 for the film proper.

Sorry. I’m just so eager based on what’s been accomplished for this edit.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


Hal 9000 said:

Nev delivered another update, and I think it makes a definite improvement to those couple shots. Here it is fully implemented. If you ask me I think this scene looks pretty good now! Once we get the haircut I think we’ll be in business.

Here it is fully implemented: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1E70DdvpSOCvug2xvC-MnIzQk7g-ydwCc/view?usp=sharing

Perfect. As you mentioned, once the hair is edited this sequence is done for sure, Nev covered all grounds with his regrade.


Neerb said:

Do we know for sure that the hair is still happening? Last update I recall, ~80 pages and two months ago, was this post by jonh which seemed to basically say that he can’t do it all and has done all he can:


As far as I know, the hair is still happening. Jonh applied a haircut and some subtle weight loss to Luke in basically every single shot it needed to be. When he said that he’s done all that he can, he was referring to one or two shots were the camera movement made it impossible to apply a mask. Specifically during the line, “A thousand generations…”

Somebody, (I think it might have been DominicCobb???) Addressed several small masking errors and provided screenshots to show where some minor fixes needed to be made. Jonh acknowledged the screenshots and said he’ll work on it. That’s the last we’ve heard on the matter.

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Wow, that’s great. I can’t believe I didn’t think of that.


Hahaha good one!

Hey guys is Luke’s hair gonna be fixed on his last shot on Tatooine?


Maybe he grew it out in between scenes.


I honestly can’t tell, does that ending scene use a wig as well?

From my experience, the only scenes of him using a wig are when he starts talking to Rey.