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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread — Page 153


Movies Remastered said:

ThisIsCreation said:

When we get the “I’m the spy scene” from Hux.

If I could suggest an edit:

After we hear the shots and Poe and finn turn to look, instead of cutting to the stormtroopers and Hux then saying the line. Have the shots, the characters turn and then cut straight to Hux saying “we dont have much time”.

The characters look at the ground anyway, and it removes the dreadful exchange and it let’s us know everything we need to know and the humour ruins it. Its much better in my opinion.

Remember, Hux helped form Starkiller base, and having his reveal be a goofy one, it removes any form of seriousness.

I posted that exactly cut for Hal a while back but I’m not sure he used it? It’s in my cut though. It flows so much better, IMO.

That Chewie scene is brutal. I’m not sure I wanna see that in live action. 😣

Oh damn! I never knew that! I think it helps remove the “oMg Im So SiLlY” schtick. I hate when characters are in dire moments and they start quipping.

The Last Jedi Poe wouldn’t quip over a moment like that! It’s so god damn annoying.

I love marvel but I don’t want marvel humour in star wars.


100% agree! In fact it’s felt like a fulltime job removing that from the sequels. Did you see my Zorii video abouy removing “banter”?

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I did. I fully support it. There is a time for jokes and there is a time to shut up, the movie cant let a suspenseful moment exist without a quip!


Holy shit that Chewie scene description! We need that released so bad


Yeah, I’ve been replaying that scene a bit lately. The fact that Pride announces Hux is the Spy really makes that reveal a little redundant.

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“I’m the spy” is definitely a goofy line and a bit redundant. I think it was intended to be that way though especially after seeing the behind the scenes documentary of the movie. That line isn’t my cup of tea.

The rest of it I like just because I love the Finn-Poe dynamic so much. I don’t care if their behavior doesn’t match their current circumstances, they’re just goofballs lol.

Glad you both enjoy removing it though.


All of this SNL humor in movies is either going to age like fine wine for some reason or rot into stinky trash. I’m placing all my bets on the latter.

But like I said, I’m willing to let it slide sometimes when it comes to making characters endearing.


ThisIsCreation said:

When we get the “I’m the spy scene” from Hux.

If I could suggest an edit:

After we hear the shots and Poe and finn turn to look, instead of cutting to the stormtroopers and Hux then saying the line. Have the shots, the characters turn and then cut straight to Hux saying “we dont have much time”.

The characters look at the ground anyway, and it removes the dreadful exchange and it let’s us know everything we need to know and the humour ruins it. Its much better in my opinion.

Remember, Hux helped form Starkiller base, and having his reveal be a goofy one, it removes any form of seriousness.

I disagree. How else are Poe and Finn supposed to know that Hux is the spy? They’ll be confused as to why Hux just shot his own men.


OutboundFlight said:

Hal 9000 said:

All the star destroyer stuff takes place within an SNL sketch so what are ya gonna do?

Simple, we put the undercover boss SNL skits into the movies.

This is what happens when you use 100% of your brain right here.


Joking aside, I did actually go through those at one point to find any shots that could be used in edits lol.


TestingOutTheTest said:

ThisIsCreation said:

When we get the “I’m the spy scene” from Hux.

If I could suggest an edit:

After we hear the shots and Poe and finn turn to look, instead of cutting to the stormtroopers and Hux then saying the line. Have the shots, the characters turn and then cut straight to Hux saying “we dont have much time”.

The characters look at the ground anyway, and it removes the dreadful exchange and it let’s us know everything we need to know and the humour ruins it. Its much better in my opinion.

Remember, Hux helped form Starkiller base, and having his reveal be a goofy one, it removes any form of seriousness.

I disagree. How else are Poe and Finn supposed to know that Hux is the spy? They’ll be confused as to why Hux just shot his own men.

The “What? You?!” reaction (and the later “I knew it!”, depending on whether it’s kept or not) would be enough to sell that. Some things don’t have to be explicit all the time.


Knight of Kalee said:

TestingOutTheTest said:

ThisIsCreation said:

When we get the “I’m the spy scene” from Hux.

If I could suggest an edit:

After we hear the shots and Poe and finn turn to look, instead of cutting to the stormtroopers and Hux then saying the line. Have the shots, the characters turn and then cut straight to Hux saying “we dont have much time”.

The characters look at the ground anyway, and it removes the dreadful exchange and it let’s us know everything we need to know and the humour ruins it. Its much better in my opinion.

Remember, Hux helped form Starkiller base, and having his reveal be a goofy one, it removes any form of seriousness.

I disagree. How else are Poe and Finn supposed to know that Hux is the spy? They’ll be confused as to why Hux just shot his own men.

The “What? You?!” reaction (and the later “I knew it!”, depending on whether it’s kept or not) would be enough to sell that. Some things don’t have to be explicit all the time.

Agreed! At least with the “I’m the Spy!” line cut, it doesn’t treat the audience like total idiots. They seem to keep adding little plot reminders throughout this trilogy, TLJ was extremely heavy on this “make for people with short attention spans”

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Movies Remastered said:

Agreed! At least with the “I’m the Spy!” line cut, it doesn’t treat the audience like total idiots. They seem to keep adding little plot reminders throughout this trilogy, TLJ was extremely heavy on this “make for people with short attention spans”

So true. I’ve become more supportive of TLJ with each day that passes but it still bugs me that many instances of expositionary dialogue seem to underestimate their audience. TROS is equally guilty of this, though.


21C Peasant said:

Finn and the Villager Deleted Scene - No Timecode

It’s a simple scene that some might consider unnecessary, but I’ve always really liked it. I think it gives Finn’s decision not to kill the villagers a more personal touch.


I was watching this a few hours ago and I thought:
Do you guys think this short scene could be repurposed convincingly as a flashback for Jannah’s story? (obviously with the blood removed from the helmet


You mean to imply that Jannah is the stormtrooper and we’re seeing the incident where her entire company refused orders? Interesting idea but I think it would be too obviously from the TFA scene


I like the idea but I’m not sure it needs a flashback at that point of the conversation. Giving Jannah a little more depth would’ve been nice though.

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There are moments of humor in the movie that work but I have a seething hatred for comedy where characters say a “funny line” & another character responds with a “funny line” instantaneously.


Han & 3PO had great humour in the OT but the sequels felt like old Dad jokes that are awkward. I really don’t like how the new team bully 3PO either. They got the chemistry all wrong. I feel particularly bad for 3PO in the cave. He completely gets ignored, at least the OT had interaction with him. The who “my friends” line in TROS isn’t earned at ALL!

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Or maybe I feel the younger characters haven’t earnt the right to treat him like crap. I Dunno, it makes me uncomfortable so I made 3PO a bit of a Dick to Poe so he at least earns it a bit. 🤣

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Movies Remastered said:

The who “my friends” line in TROS isn’t earned at ALL!

Idk man, when you were younger did you ever have that one guy in your friend group that nobody really was that close with, but they thought you guys were super close?

Reading R + L ≠ J theories