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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread — Page 152


I don’t remember, I think it was on another website. It was a weird one; it was only an hour long, cut out all of Kijima and Pasaana, and replaced Palpatine’s death with narration over white screen.

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


Delpheas said:

Anyone put thought into whether it could work to NOT kill of Leia in this movie?

I’ve kept her alive right up until the last battle but I’m not sure how you can add her to the celebration? I saw someone of reddit asking for this version today. Was that you?

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That actually could be a really cool addition. I kinda think the idea of “ultimate Sith lightning” is a little silly, but visually it’d be very striking and a subtle way (since it’s never remarked upon) to sort of show that things are a bit different now. Plus symbolically the red vs. blue. It’s over the top but feels Star Wars.


It feels very Star Wars, and is a nice callback imo, to Clone Wars’ Mortis arc.

My Edits:
Revenge of the Sith: Refocused Available

The Clone Wars Refocused: The Chosen One (Mortis Episode)


That’s the exact way I was thinking. Ultimate red sith lightning is in canon with a few Sith Lords. I also love the red vs blue visuals and the links to Mortis. It feels epic compared to the saturated blues of Exagol.

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I’ve been trying to replace the Lando and Janna final scene with one of Lando by Leia’s bed side. Can anyone think of any usable dialogue to use here? The whole “give Leia my love” and Rey saying “You should tell her yourself” was never paid off but would’ve been such an easy and respectful scene to do.

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From a convo over at Hal’s thread regarding adding the “Kylo Searching the Falcon” deleted scene from TFA into TROS.

NeverarGreat said:

I don’t think it would be practical, but I’m all for someone removing the timecodes and attempting to include the Falcon deleted scene in this movie…for totally selfless reasons of course 😉

Using the Falcon scene for this movie just seems really impractical. I don’t see how you could edit that scene in a way that isn’t blatantly apparent that it’s a fan edit. Kylo just looks totally different than his appearance in the rest of TROS, not to mention the snow-covered windows and other changes you would need to make. You could say that he wears a hood or whatever, but we never seem him wear a hood at any other part of the film, so it would just come off as confusing to the audience, imo.

Plus, as Hal sort of mentioned, Luke was the last person we saw with the dice (on the Falcon), and we don’t know if he put them back or kept them.

BUT, if you were to try to implement the dice into TROS, this is how I think would be the simplest, and most natural way, to do it.

First, I would take the final shot from Solo, the insert shot of the dice hanging while the Falcon is in hyperspace, and insert it somewhere early in the film to establish that the dice are in the Falcon. Maybe during the lightspeed skipping sequence, or just somewhere during that first scene with Finn and Poe.

Second, after we see the Falcon hauled onto the Star Destroyer (or when Palpatine communes with Kylo in the hallway), I would literally only use the insert shot of Luke’s gloved hand taking the dice, but recolor it to make it black (like Kylo’s glove). I just don’t think any of the shots from the deleted scenes would really fit, or would be really necessary. Leave some room for ambiguity.

Finally, when Kylo is moping on the Death Star ruins, you could reutilize Kylo holding the dice to show he does indeed have them, and is thinking of his father (if you can get it to work). Then that would lead straight into the “memory” of Han.

So, literally three shots, max. I think this makes the implementation of this idea unobtrusive and not stick out as an obvious fan edit change.


Yeah it’s an amazing “what if” but I just don’t see it. Honestly RL that’s a nice idea but I feel like even that wouldn’t necessarily work, would feel a bit like a non sequitur. Perhaps if some wizard could successfully comp Kylo from the scene where he phone calls Palps into the Falcon, you could place it with that, but even that much seems like it’d be too much work.


Movies Remastered said:

I’ve been trying to replace the Lando and Janna final scene with one of Lando by Leia’s bed side. Can anyone think of any usable dialogue to use here? The whole “give Leia my love” and Rey saying “You should tell her yourself” was never paid off but would’ve been such an easy and respectful scene to do.

First of all, I’m glad I’m not the only one who had an issue with the Lando/Jannah scene. Great idea swapping the other scene in!

Maybe he could say something like, “It was thanks to you, that’s how we won.” Or just simply “Thank you, Leia/Princess”?

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


Well, Billy Dee Williams is on Cameo, if anyone has three hundred bucks to burn. You could get any line you want from Lando that way.

Watch Adventure Time


Regarding the Kylo/Falcon/Dice scene, I’ve created two variations. I originally posted the first one in Hal’s Ascendant thread - it features a new establishing shot I made of the Falcon interior, followed by a shadowy figure entering the cockpit and pulling Han’s dice (that we can assume Luke hung back up in TLJ) down from the Falcon.


I also was working on a Kylo-focused version, using the fantastic cleaned footage provided by 21C Peasant. The color grading I did could probably be cleaned up a bit, and the biggest problem would be tracking the red cracks onto Kylo’s helmet - I’d definitely need help with that, but the new shadowy coloring might help to hide any seams - and there’s an issue with the lights turning on behind the dice between cuts. But I dunno, maybe it has potential?


Interestingly, I realized that I don’t like it if we both see Kylo, and see the dice being taken down. It feels way too on the nose for me. So in the first version, there’s at least some visual ambiguity of “Oooh, who just took the dice?” In the second version, I inserted a shot I extended of the dice, and then cut to Kylo rejoining his officers. It’s then a question of “Did Kylo take the dice? Or did he abandon “Han” yet again?” After the Death Star fight, we’d see that, yup, he did take them after all! And that will be the key to Han appearing again.

Or, if you still hate the dice, the shot could easily be removed. (Which would make the sequence easier to edit, honestly.)

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


Honestly I think the dice insert works pretty well, it would be better if the glove was black of course but I think it’s a solid mockup right now


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You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


Joonas Suotamo confirms in his new book, “My Life as a Wookiee”, that he and Adam Driver filmed a now-deleted scene for “The Rise of Skywalker” where Kylo Ren tortures Chewbacca

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Woah. That just sounds absolutely incredible.

I can see why they would delete it if they considered it too dark and make it unbelievable for him to turn back to the light.

But still… I would pay good money to get my hands on deleted TROS scenes.


When we get the “I’m the spy scene” from Hux.

If I could suggest an edit:

After we hear the shots and Poe and finn turn to look, instead of cutting to the stormtroopers and Hux then saying the line. Have the shots, the characters turn and then cut straight to Hux saying “we dont have much time”.

The characters look at the ground anyway, and it removes the dreadful exchange and it let’s us know everything we need to know and the humour ruins it. Its much better in my opinion.

Remember, Hux helped form Starkiller base, and having his reveal be a goofy one, it removes any form of seriousness.


idir_hh said:

Joonas Suotamo confirms in his new book, “My Life as a Wookiee”, that he and Adam Driver filmed a now-deleted scene for “The Rise of Skywalker” where Kylo Ren tortures Chewbacca

Confirmation they filmed the Kylo and Chewie scene
Me: “Holy shit yes!”

Turns out the scene was Kylo Ren torturing Chewie
Me: “What the fuck”


ThisIsCreation said:

When we get the “I’m the spy scene” from Hux.

If I could suggest an edit:

After we hear the shots and Poe and finn turn to look, instead of cutting to the stormtroopers and Hux then saying the line. Have the shots, the characters turn and then cut straight to Hux saying “we dont have much time”.

The characters look at the ground anyway, and it removes the dreadful exchange and it let’s us know everything we need to know and the humour ruins it. Its much better in my opinion.

Remember, Hux helped form Starkiller base, and having his reveal be a goofy one, it removes any form of seriousness.

I posted that exactly cut for Hal a while back but I’m not sure he used it? It’s in my cut though. It flows so much better, IMO.

That Chewie scene is brutal. I’m not sure I wanna see that in live action. 😣

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