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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 385


Movies Remastered said:

I’ve actually removed all the Rey Palpatine references/storyline. I feel it leaves a bit more mystery than shoe horning the family link to Palps.

Oh that’s brilliant, MR! I was just wondering how the community’s progress on Rey Nobody was coming, since Hal was waiting until a blueprint for it could be conceived. Maybe you could share the techniques you used in the main Rey Nobody thread?

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


Hal 9000 said:

sherlockpotter will solve this or it’ll just remain poop.

Oh god, Hal himself just hinged the success of whole project on me. Fuuuuuu…

How does this sound for a v2 of the line? If it’s not perfect yet, let me know; but I’ve been listening to the same two seconds of audio for the past few hours, and I’m starting to lose objectivity. I’ve heard it so many times - and I’m hyper aware of where the different seams are - that I’m not sure if it sounds fluid or not. I need an fresh set of ears!

I’ve added an extra layer to smooth the transition a little more, re-pitched a couple of syllables, and I’ve been shuffling the different pieces around by a few thousandths of a second to make it flow better. Thoughts? Be brutal.


The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


Man, that’s perfect. Sincere bravo to you. As much as I sometimes think “hey I’ve gotten pretty good at sound mixing for edits” things like this remind me that I haven’t skimmed the surface.

That’s wonderful. Once you’re happy with it please just send it along.

JEDIT: And I just looked; you’re quite a new member, too! Where the hell’d you come from? Thanks for everything so far the last month or so.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Pretty solid. Obviously we’ll still always tell the line is cut up no matter what, because we have all this stuff memorized by now. But a regular audience member probably wouldn’t bat an eye; it’s just how he says words. Good stuff. 👍

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!


As much as I appreciate the work done on the “become a Dyad” line I just don’t like that idea narratively. For me, the fact that they are a Dyad from the start explains so much about their connection even before they met. I don’t want to beleaguer the point so I guess I’ll just leave it at that…

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


Hal 9000 said:

Man, that’s perfect. Sincere bravo to you. As much as I sometimes think “hey I’ve gotten pretty good at sound mixing for edits” things like this remind me that I haven’t skimmed the surface.

That’s wonderful. Once you’re happy with it please just send it along.

JEDIT: And I just looked; you’re quite a new member, too! Where the hell’d you come from? Thanks for everything so far the last month or so.

Thanks so much, Hal! I’ll upload the wav and send you a PM. I actually only made this account to participate in the Ascendant discussion and track the progress, so I’m just glad I could help! And I’m honestly a novice - some of the edits and effects you guys have produced have absolutely astounded me. Trust me, you far outclass me in terms of editing ability. I could never put a full film together like this.

The whole community here should be enormously proud of what we’ve accomplished!

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


Hal, after V2 and the Rey Nobody cut, would you consider having this thread published?

Thousands of years from now the pages can serve as documentation of contemporary discussions of the ways of the force, only to be (nearly) destroyed without being fully understood.


poppasketti said:

Hal, after V2 and the Rey Nobody cut, would you consider having this thread published?

Thousands of years from now the pages can serve as documentation of contemporary discussions of the ways of the force, only to be (nearly) destroyed without being fully understood.

Not to sound egotistical, but I would kind of be honored to go down in history this way. 😄

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


My proposed title:

The Rise of Fan-Editors: Underground Artists, or Fanboys Who Can’t Let Go?


RogueLeader said:

My proposed title:

The Rise of Fan-Editors: Underground Artists, or Fanboys Who Can’t Let Go?

😄 +1 F***ing hilaroius


I think “fanboys who can’t let go” is the opposite of this. The fact that this is all in-service of a community effort to turn something they didn’t like into something they do (or, well, tolerate) purely for the sake of their own personal enjoyment is inspiring. It feels to me like a vision of how creating mass-appeal art could actually progress in a world where creators didn’t have to worry so much about what corporate shareholders think is profitable. Even at it’s most dull, this is infinitely more productive than a bunch of people just whining about the movie not being good, because something is literally being produced, and not really out of spite (well, disappointment isn’t much better, but it’s not as mean).

Like, mods and fanedits are just kind of incredible to me? Even before Star Wars, I was absolutely blown away by things like One Pace, Dragon Ball Recut, Dreamcast Conversion and even stuff like Black Mesa (to an extent). It feels like this is just the purpose of fandom, in a way.

Watch Adventure Time


Yeah, absolutely. It’s an act of devotion, I think. Fanediting exists becuase people love the whole, but take issue with specific elements, and want to change them to produce something more lovable. If you were talking about a person there, that’d be kind of a shitty thing to say, but since these media don’t have emotions it’s totally valid. There’re people who might think fanediting is disrecpectful to the original artists, but I think it’s right to acknowledge that they were producing their art to a limited timeframe or budget or amount of resources (most specifically different brains with fresh ideas). If we’re able to hold up imperfect art, analyse it from many angles, interrogate it, and improve it, we produce something that not only satisfies our need to polish that which we love, but we get to share it with others who’ll enjoy it too. It’s potentially a HUGE value add, to allow people to enjoy the things they want to more unconditionally.

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


It’d be good to have archived I guess, I could imagine revisiting this fondly in a decade or something.

It still seems weird to me that it all came together the way it did. Again, it’s like the civilian fleet in the movie. I’m not aware of such a wide collaboration for a fan edit project and I’m happy to be the MC. When the movie came out and I felt the weight of how little free time I have anymore, I almost cut 9 loose and forgot about it in terms of working on a fan edit project.

EDIT: Nevermind; you can’t print gifs.

My stance on revising fan edits.


sherlockpotter said:

Movies Remastered said:

I’ve actually removed all the Rey Palpatine references/storyline. I feel it leaves a bit more mystery than shoe horning the family link to Palps.

Oh that’s brilliant, MR! I was just wondering how the community’s progress on Rey Nobody was coming, since Hal was waiting until a blueprint for it could be conceived. Maybe you could share the techniques you used in the main Rey Nobody thread?

I didn’t realise there was a thread. I thought Hal was just removing the “Rey Skywalker” part. Can you link Me? I’d be interested to see how that last scene plays out. No way she was gonna be a Palpatine in my cut!

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


dgraham414 said:

As much as I appreciate the work done on the “become a Dyad” line I just don’t like that idea narratively. For me, the fact that they are a Dyad from the start explains so much about their connection even before they met. I don’t want to beleaguer the point so I guess I’ll just leave it at that…

Well I actually feel like that’s the genius of this line change. It’s up to us to decide when they “become” this dyad in the force . You can say it happened in the interrogation scene, or you can say it happened before they even met each other. This line change doesn’t change that.

Also, now that the clean plate is done for the puppet show, who was it that said they would be willing to create the puppets for it?


I ask that because Poppa’s wonderful work was buried in our previous discussion so it was likely whoever was willing to do it didn’t notice it was finished.


Jar Jar Bricks said:

I ask that because Poppa’s wonderful work was buried in our previous discussion so it was likely whoever was willing to do it didn’t notice it was finished.

Dude, I understand your excitement but chill out! You seem to be dominating this thread lately, no wonder things are getting lost.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Movies Remastered said:

Jar Jar Bricks said:

I ask that because Poppa’s wonderful work was buried in our previous discussion so it was likely whoever was willing to do it didn’t notice it was finished.

Dude, I understand your excitement but chill out! You seem to be dominating this thread lately, no wonder things are getting lost.

I’m the only one that was arguing my point of view (except Jarbear maybe). Do you want me to simply not respond to people when they’re trying to have a conversation with me? Doesn’t seem very realistic. Besides, I made it right, didn’t I?

Anyways, I was thinking about Palpatine’s line “your coming together will be your undoing”. I think that would be a wonderful line to include in this edit if I got a clean copy of it. He would say it either before or during he’s zapping the fleet so that it has a double meaning:

  1. Ben and Rey coming together only restored him.
  2. He is currently zapping all of his enemies because they all came together in one place.



Could work, but I doubt there’s a clean copy out there. The trailer was heavyladen with music.
I can’t find a good spot to put that line where it would feel organic, but who knows.

My stance on revising fan edits.


I was actually imagining it would play during the montage of ships being electrocuted as a sort of voice over.

And then all the Jedi of the past come together to prove him wrong.

EDIT: Also, I was always under the impression that it was possible to remove certain audio channels from the trailers? There is a video on YouTube of one of the first TROS trailers with all of the music removed. That’s how I got access to a clean copy of Luke saying “This is your fight”.


dgraham414 said:

As much as I appreciate the work done on the “become a Dyad” line I just don’t like that idea narratively. For me, the fact that they are a Dyad from the start explains so much about their connection even before they met. I don’t want to beleaguer the point so I guess I’ll just leave it at that…

Saying “we’ve become a dyad” ends the possibility of always having been a dyad. Saying “we are a dyad” leaves it open to interpretation in either direction… they could have always been one or recently become one. For me, becoming a dyad in the force is more interesting because it means that perhaps Snoke inadvertently made Rey and Ren uber powerful by facilitating the bridging of their minds. I like the change and it’s done seamlessly here. What starts off as a strong connection can become a dyad given the right environment.

heil Palpatine!