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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 377


It’s such a unique name that I figured I might as well ask. Would be funny if it was actually you though lmao.


My sarcasm online always gets me in trouble hence why I try to use emoji’s incase it’s missed.

Jar jar, the trouble is material is extremely difficult to do especially with wind movements. The amount of days it’ll take to get right out weighs it’s importance to my work load right now. I will take another run at it when I can but if anyone else what’s to try in the meantime just let me know…

Hal, No.3 😉

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MR, if you were to go with the Walker like thing, would that help hide a lot of things, at least on the left side?

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


sherlockpotter said:

Hal, it’s up to you, ultimately. But I don’t think the EU should be a factor. If we use bbghost’s edit, and cut it to “Babu works for the crew. That’s not you.” It wouldn’t contradict anything that might come up in the EU down the line. BUT, it would help avoid what feels like a disjointed ret-con from the other two films regarding Poe’s backstory.

In other words, it would make the Hal9000 Sequel Trilogy more cohesive unto itself; while simultaneously avoiding closing off any doors to the EU. And actually, it would work even better with EU material that came out before TROS, which said he was raised in a well-to-do environment. Making him a Spice Runner actually restricts the EU much more.

If you leave it ambiguous, it’s the best of both worlds, really. Both sides of the issue are appeased.

That’s just my opinion.

That’s a good point on that part, just removing the “that’s not you” does more good than bad, it doesn’t take away from anything, it just helps the audience.

It makes me think about the changes to palpy at the end regarding his time with ray and his “I never wanted to kill you” thing. It feels like a similar principle is here.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


I’m not sure. The main issue is the puppet arm and the thing it throws. A Walker could hide some sins.

I’m basically gonna go back to the drawing board, start by content-filling the ball and wire which I’ve just learnt a new trick on how to do, then remask the puppet and try to clone over the fire bucket once the other parts look seemless.

I’m still pretty new to AE but this would be a nightmare cover job even for a pro I think. Basically because there is no symmetry to the backdrop so if you just clone it your eye would see the pattern.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


I’m not opposed to removing the “anymore” in “that’s not you anymore”. Although, for some reason, I fail to understand what exactly that would accomplish. So I’m just kinda neutral about it.


Ok, this is completely off topic and probably insomnia kicking in but…

In both OT and prequels aren’t we seeing the binary sunSET going down left of the homestead? If this is the case why does the sunrise from the same spot at the end of TROS? 🤔

This is the kinda stuff that keeps me up at night. 🤣

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


It’s not the same spot. The sunrise being to the right of the homestead in both shots is confusing you, but the Lars homestead looks similar from different angles, so I can understand why it would be sort of misleading.

If you look at the shot where Rey says, “I’m Rey”, the camera is basically pointing in the same direction as the iconic binary sunset shot in A New Hope. And the suns are rising somewhere in the direction Rey is facing. It’s just that the camera all of the sun setting/rising shots are placed in a way where the homestead is placed left of frame. That doesn’t mean the suns are rising/setting in the same spot.


Jar Jar Bricks said:

I’m not opposed to removing the “anymore” in “that’s not you anymore”. Although, for some reason, I fail to understand what exactly that would accomplish. So I’m just kinda neutral about it.

If we removed “anymore,” as well as the “spice runner” quipping (which, these last few pages prove, is already divisive at best for how it subverts the emotional core of this section of the movie), it makes Poe’s entire backstory open-ended. The line then becomes: “Babu works for the crew, that’s not you.”

If you just want to watch the films and not bother with EU content, it means that Poe doesn’t run in the same circle as Babu and Zorii; he just knows them from some previous adventure he had. It doesn’t try to ret-con the brave (Hispanic) pilot as a former drug dealer.

If you prescribe to pre-Rise of Skywalker EU, it works with Poe’s backstory as the son of a respectable family, who grew up in a pro-Resistance environment.

If you decide to read up on post-Rise of Skywalker EU, it doesn’t contradict the idea that Poe may have worked with them at some point.

Basically, it opens up Poe’s history to whatever you want it to be, rather than try to narrow it down to something that only appeals to a specific subset of fans.

EDIT: Star Wars: Shattered Empire, Before the Awakening, Star Wars: Poe Dameron, and Resistance Reborn are all official EU entries that describe Poe’s backstory. All of them were published prior to Rise of Skywalker’s release, and none of them even mention spice-running, let alone the planet Kijimi. The only source Wookieepedia has for his drug-dealin’ days is TROS Visual Dictionary.

If we’re actually trying to stay true to EU material, we should cut the lines and keep it vague.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


To me, that little bit of dialogue from Zorii and Rey is like looking into an alternate universe at a better version of this movie. The idea that Rey is taking up the mantle of the legendary hero - this is literally the only moment in the movie that continues that thread. Rey’s response that she cares - along with helping the serpent and D-O it’s one of the only times we get to see her being that hero. It would be a crime to cut.


Hal 9000 said:

For Zorri and Rey, I see three options:

  1. Leave it alone. Zorri recognizes Rey’s skill and gives her a nod of respect. Rey accepts her compliment and extends her hand. Going into the following scene, we understand Zorri has decided to help.

  2. Rey owns the other crew members, presumably killing them all since we don’t see them again. She holds a gun to Zorri’s head, asking for her help. Zorri, who we imagine wouldn’t act out of cowardice, reluctantly admits her willingness to help by responding with just “okay.”

  3. Rey owns the other crew members. She holds a gun to Zorri’s head, voicing her desire for help. She retracts her saber and extends her hand, assuming Zorri’s cooperation.

3 (and ESPECIALLY option 2) would work better if Zorii betrayed them or something. They’d be starting off on an uneasy alliance with 2 and 3, but that doesn’t go anywhere. She is just on their side the whole time, Rey faces no movie consequences for kinda forcing Zorii into helping out. I prefer 1, because it more overtly feels like Zorii decides to help by her own volition. And Rey saying she cares about what Zorii has to say feels very Jedi, and I’d be bummed to have that removed, even if the exchange is a little wordy for some.

2 is the one I’d really fight to not have edited in this. Rey murdering a group of guys like that and truly forcing Zorii to help is maybe a tiny bit too sadistic. Although it is a desperate situation. And also unless the idea is that it’s a darkside thing on Rey’s part, I guess. Then maybe I can see what the idea is, it’d add to the audience not being sure if she’s going to turn bad. Which would be a plus. A sort of Anakin “TELL US NOW!” parallel to Attack Of The Clones? But again, Zorii is just on their side and happy to help out with more things after. So… ehh… not a good enough pay off for what option 2 sets up. I dunno.

I’d rank the options from best to worst; 1, 3, 2.

and sorry if i just repeated points that have been said already. there’s a lot to catch up on every day here, lol.

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!


Good discussion, revisiting an idea from earlier. But I will leave the scene alone altogether. Anyone who desires to tinker with this should have an east time doing so.

One last observation is that the spice runner thing pays off Finn’s “how do you know how to do that?” line as Poe hot wires a speeder. It’s true we removed the other two links in the chain (due to the lightspeed skipping scene) but that one remains.

My stance on revising fan edits.


I’ve been off line for a few days due to vacations but gosh these ideas are so cool and well-thought! Hope to see the puppet show come to fruition soon.

As a Hispanic myself I don’t really feel any racist issues with Poe’s spice-running days. It just bothers me because it’s a lazy-ass retcon that doesn’t really add a lot to Poe’s character arc and muddles his established backstory for no reason. Keeping it vague would be better.

I don’t know if this has been asked earlier but Hal would you be up to including some of the Legends Sith Lords faces in Exegol as suggested and played with in the general thread?


Hal 9000 said:

Good discussion, revisiting an idea from earlier. But I will leave the scene alone altogether. Anyone who desires to tinker with this should have an east time doing so.

One last observation is that the spice runner thing pays off Finn’s “how do you know how to do that?” line as Poe hot wires a speeder. It’s true we removed the other two links in the chain (due to the lightspeed skipping scene) but that one remains.

Is it possible to remove Finn’s line in question, if one were to remove the spice-running backstory?


As we have MR slave away with the Puppet scene/Ligthsaber (Work! WORK!) and hopefully Jonh will be finishing up with Luke’s haircut, I brought this up on a different thread, that started with a comment from Hal regarding the Palpy Clone.

First of all, having the vat full of Palpy clones is fantastic and helps address the Sith Elephant in the Room with his, erm, return.

So now just sitting an thinking about it, “Why have the clones of him as an old guy?” Kinda like, you are going to go on a road trip, and instead of filling up your tank, you fill only fill it up a couple of gallons.

So the thought is, if possible, what about adding a “variety” of clone faces. Maybe take a face/head of Palps as you see him in The Phantom Menace. And maybe another one, could be the face of his “clone son.” I saw a deep fake of using a younger Ian McDairmid and it didn’t look too different, albeit maybe the nose and eyebrows I think?

I dunno if this really matters or helps with anything, but was just a thought I had just thinking about “Why clone old guy Palps and not younger?” Granted, I am ok with the idea that the clone body cannot take it and it pretty much ages/falls apart … but it does still seem “kinda strange” to have clones of his old body … why not the younger model to get some more milage out of it? Lol.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


jarbear said:

As we have MR slave away with the Puppet scene/Ligthsaber (Work! WORK!) and hopefully Jonh will be finishing up with Luke’s haircut, I brought this up on a different thread, that started with a comment from Hal regarding the Palpy Clone.

First of all, having the vat full of Palpy clones is fantastic and helps address the Sith Elephant in the Room with his, erm, return.

So now just sitting an thinking about it, “Why have the clones of him as an old guy?” Kinda like, you are going to go on a road trip, and instead of filling up your tank, you fill only fill it up a couple of gallons.

So the thought is, if possible, what about adding a “variety” of clone faces. Maybe take a face/head of Palps as you see him in The Phantom Menace. And maybe another one, could be the face of his “clone son.” I saw a deep fake of using a younger Ian McDairmid and it didn’t look too different, albeit maybe the nose and eyebrows I think?

I dunno if this really matters or helps with anything, but was just a thought I had just thinking about “Why clone old guy Palps and not younger?” Granted, I am ok with the idea that the clone body cannot take it and it pretty much ages/falls apart … but it does still seem “kinda strange” to have clones of his old body … why not the younger model to get some more milage out of it? Lol.

I think we’re going off of “Hal9000 canon,” which implies in Ep. III that Palpy was always a gross, shriveled monster; his “true form” was revealed when he used the lighting on Mace. In that context, it makes sense for Palpy to only have shriveled clones brewing. Also, if he had younger models, it would raise the question of why he isn’t using them to rejuvenate his life? Why bother with the whole “possession” thingamajig?

(Side note: I just watched both Revenge of the Sith and Labyrinth of Evil over the past week, and your edit is once again a massive improvement, Hal. Brilliant work!)

As a closing thought, I don’t think Finn’s line of “How did you do that” really necessarily implies “spice running.” If anything, it implies that Poe had some past adventure (maybe with Zorii?) but it doesn’t matter what that was. But I’ll concede the point lost. Maybe I’ll trim the spice running stuff for my own personal version when Rey Nobody comes out. 😉

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


There shouldn’t be a deepfake of Palpatine’s son onto one of the clones in the tube (that would shoehorn in the retcon from the book that Rey’s father was a clone which undermines Palps’ goals from the actual film); the point is that Palpatine decided to have s%# and create offspring because he knew he could possess the body of a Force-sensitive without said body suffering in the way the clone body he is possessing already is, it’s why he was after Rey and then Ben Solo, neither Rey nor Ben were clones.


Regarding the Palpatine Clone stuff, for the sake of clarity, I think the clones are fine the way they are.

But, the whole thing is sort of confusing when you think about it. If we’re going with “Shriveled Palpatine is his true form”, I would assume he became shriveled and had to mask his true appearance because the dark side (or the Sith spirit that possesses him) corrupted his physical form. So, if those are simply clones of Sheev Palpatine, then it wouldn’t make sense that the clones are shriveled, because it was the actual possession, or just the long-term corruption of the dark side, that gave him his monstrous appearance. Perhaps you could say it is a side effect of the “dark science” or “Sith magic” they’re using to make the clones.

On the other hand, for most of TROS, Palpatine appears to be just a decayed version of his Sheev Palpatine form, and he doesn’t look like monstrous Sidious until after he sucks up the Dyad like a milkshake. Maybe you could argue he was masking his true form to make himself look more weak and decrepit, appearing as an easier target for his soon-to-be new host.

It’s all a mess, honestly. And I think we should save ourselves the work and leave it as-is.


jarbear said:

So now just sitting an thinking about it, “Why have the clones of him as an old guy?” Kinda like, you are going to go on a road trip, and instead of filling up your tank, you fill only fill it up a couple of gallons.

Intellectually this makes sense, and I like it. In implementation though with the very brief scene, the casual viewers would have no idea wtf was going on unless you subsequently sat them down and explained what they were seeing.

heil Palpatine!


This may be totally impossible, but I’m just spitballing. If we cut around the “Hux is a spy” stuff, would it be possible to imply that Pryde kills Hux in order to merge the First Order with the Final Order on Palpatine’s…er, orders? So it’s like Pryde is staging a coup, as a Palpatine cultist, in order to bring the First Order resources to Exegol?

Not sure if there’s enough footage to effectively portray this, but I thought it was an intriguing angle. The Spy stuff can almost definitely be removed; I have an edit of the Poe’s return/“What did you do to the Falcon?” scene somewhere that I made as a proof of concept.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


You could make the argument that they purposely made the clone bodies more attuned to the dark side, thus resulting in that appearance. However, the one Palpatine is currently in either didn’t have those modifications (as a prototype) or his spirit rapidly decayed those enhancements already.

Even in the original ROTS, that is Palpatines real look. It’s just not implied very well in the film because Palpatine is purposely making it look like he is being injured, even though he isn’t. It was a manipulation tactic done by himself against Anakin (and the galaxy as well).