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REY NOBODY - A Collaborative Thread — Page 4


RogueLeader said:

Not that I am the only one who can work on this, but I felt like letting y’all know I haven’t abandoned this idea or anything. Just busy with work right now.

I’m glad to hear that 😄


Potential Scenes that Must Be Changed for a Rey Nobody Edit

I’m going to point out all scenes that are also related to new info regarding her parents. Some Rey Nobody edits will want to cut as much out about her parents as possible, while others will just reinterpret that information.

Potential cut - Kylo and Palpatine’s first scene. “She is not who you think she is.” (This line could be given a new context though.)

Parent scene - Rey gets a vision where we get a quick glimpse of her parents and Ochi’s ship flying away.

Parent scene - On Pasana, Rey sees Ochi’s ship and says something is familiar about it.

Parent scene - Rey picks up the dagger and senses bad things have happened with that blade. She hears her mother’s screams. (This could be kept as-is without the other references to her parents.)

Special Mention - Although Rey using Force lightning is meant to be an obvious connection to Palpatine, without the other related connections, this can simply be seen as a manifestation of her dark side abilities.

Parent scene - While waiting for 3PO to reboot on Kijimi, Rey tells Finn that she recognized Ochi’s ship.

Parent scene - During Rey and Kylo’s Force bond duel, Kylo tells Rey that Palpatine killed her parents because they were trying to hide Rey from him.

Rey Palpatine Scene - Kylo tells Rey that she is Palpatine’s granddaughter. (NECESSARY CUT)

Parent scene - After they escape, Rey says, “He killed my mother, and my father. I’m going to find Palpatine, and kill him.”

Parent scene - Back at the Resistance base, Finn tells Poe that D-O’s former mission was to bring a little girl on Jakku to the Emperor.

Rey Palpatine Scene - On Ahch-To, Luke says to Rey, “Because you’re a Palpatine.” (NECESSARY CUT)

Rey Palpatine/Parent Scene - When Rey confronts Palpatine, he has multiple lines related to their connection (NECESSARY CUTS)
“Long have I waited… for my grandchild to come home.”
“I never wanted you dead, I wanted you here, Empress Palpatine.”
“It is your birthright to rule. It is in your blood, our blood.”
“Weak. Like your parents.” Rey responds, “No. My parents were strong.” (Would need to be cut if you were to remove her parents being murdered by Ochi)
“Your master, Luke Skywalker, was saved by his father. The only family you have here is me.”
Later, as Rey is about to kill Palpatine, he says, “She will take her revenge”. (This line would need to be cut an editor was going to remove Rey’s parents being murdered by Ochi.)

This is all I can think of without going back and watching the movie.


Random idea I don’t plan on using: Palpatine lies to Rey and Kylo about being Rey’s grandfather to manipulate her desperate desire for family. It’s revealed in the final confrontation that he made it all up.


I think keeping Palpatine killing Rey’s parents gives her a good motivation to go and kill him, which also reduces the scenes you have to cut by a lot. I also think it’s necessary to shorten the parent scenes as much as possible so they don’t look like heroes as much, like DominicCobb did - I like how he handled the opening as well. I think the hardest thing is making the Kylo dialogue sound like he’s talking fluently instead of having his words cut up and edited, but I suck at audio so I don’t know how the best way to do it is.


If Rey knows her parents were drunkards who sold her she should hate and not care that Palpatine killed them. The only way she can want to avenge them is if they died nobly, which is the thing we wanna avoid.


hinventon said:

I think keeping Palpatine killing Rey’s parents gives her a good motivation to go and kill him, which also reduces the scenes you have to cut by a lot. I also think it’s necessary to shorten the parent scenes as much as possible so they don’t look like heroes as much, like DominicCobb did - I like how he handled the opening as well. I think the hardest thing is making the Kylo dialogue sound like he’s talking fluently instead of having his words cut up and edited, but I suck at audio so I don’t know how the best way to do it is.

Anakin Starkiller said:

If Rey knows her parents were drunkards who sold her she should hate and not care that Palpatine killed them. The only way she can want to avenge them is if they died nobly, which is the thing we wanna avoid.

Yes, this is kind of the problem for me. Having Palpatine kill her parents was clearly meant to provide her personal motivation for wanting to kill Palpatine, but they had to make her actually want to avenge them by making her parents sacrifice themselves for her. This is a clear contradiction to how they are presented in TLJ, which, in my opinion, is the more interesting approach. And I just hate how the story goes, “Your parents sold you for drinking money” to “No, your parents actually loved and died for you!”

There are also weird plot questions it brings up, like the fact that saying “She isn’t on Jakku” is such an obvious lie that Ochi never questions. Or the fact Ochi could have tortured them, or had Palpatine use his Force powers to get that information from their minds, rather than just kill them. Perhaps you could have Ochi kidnap and kill her parents so Rey would have a reason to hate and kill Palpatine in the future, because he foresaw what she would become, and wanted her to be a potential new vessel for him.

Of course, there are many different options editors can go with, like krausfadr’s idea to have Rey be the one to kill her parents. Maybe it would be a good idea to list out the different options and their pros and cons. Personally, I am pursuing a version that doesn’t string the audience along with more backstory. Instead, Rey’s visions focus on the potential futures. In her vision, she see the Resistance and her friends be killed by Palpatine, so she still has that personal motivation to kill Palpatine. Editing the Force bond duel to get this idea across is what I’m currently working on. He helps her piece together the fragmented vision she had at the beginning of the movie, and makes it clear to her that she needs more power to keep her friends safe.


“Rey’s visions focus on the potential futures. In her vision, she see the Resistance and her friends be killed by Palpatine, so she still has that personal motivation to kill Palpatine.”

That sounds pretty great and would mirror anakin’s “turning to the dark side to prevent a vision”.


Just a heads up darkshadowspike, you can make quotes by using > before the text.


RogueLeader said:

Yes, this is kind of the problem for me. Having Palpatine kill her parents was clearly meant to provide her personal motivation for wanting to kill Palpatine, but they had to make her actually want to avenge them by making her parents sacrifice themselves for her. This is a clear contradiction to how they are presented in TLJ, which, in my opinion, is the more interesting approach. And I just hate how the story goes, “Your parents sold you for drinking money” to “No, your parents actually loved and died for you!”

I wholeheartedly agree. If you’re going through the trouble of keeping Rey a nobody, you should also maintain the core point behind this revelation in TLJ.

The thing she has to overcome isn’t just that her parents weren’t anybody important, but that they were filthy drunks that didn’t care about her. The whole point was Rey needs to move past her fixation over them, which was a big struggle for her not only in TLJ but also in TFA.

When Kylo says they were “filthy junk traders who sold you off for drinking money”, he’s just saying aloud what Rey already knows, so suddenly making her parents noble and heroic contradicts Rey’s own beliefs and nullifies her inner struggle. TRoS already has themes of family being something that goes beyond blood relation, with Rey even taking on the Skywalker name by the end, so there really is no point in clearing her parents name.


Personally I think any solution that removes Ochi killing Rey’s parents as her motivation for hating Palpatine is going to be pretty difficult to pull off seamlessly. I’d like to see someone attempt a “conservative” version first that just removes the family lineage without messing with anything else.


No. At least for me, I’m working on the computer everyday right now, so after I get done with work, the last thing I want to do is sit on the computer and edit some more. 😂

I just need a good weekend where I don’t have anything else to do, to actually sit down and work on this some more. I’m still making notes here and there, though, about what could be done.

I might throw the “script” I have written for the Force bond duel scene on here sometime, in case anyone else wants to tackle it.


Would you believe me if I told you that I just last night I finally implemented my new Rogue Leader inspired non-Palpatine reveal? For the first time since I started editing I feel like this is something that works. Just need to touch up a couple things now before my workprint is a reality.


RogueLeader said:

No. At least for me, I’m working on the computer everyday right now, so after I get done with work, the last thing I want to do is sit on the computer and edit some more. 😂



DominicCobb said:

Would you believe me if I told you that I just last night I finally implemented my new Rogue Leader inspired non-Palpatine reveal? For the first time since I started editing I feel like this is something that works. Just need to touch up a couple things now before my workprint is a reality.

Oh yeah? I can’t wait to see it, especially if you’re feeling good about it!

Hal, have you been watching the Monster’s Inc movies on repeat with your kid or something? 😂


darkshadowspike said:

RogueLeader said:

No. At least for me, I’m working on the computer everyday right now, so after I get done with work, the last thing I want to do is sit on the computer and edit some more. 😂


I mean same, but something about the fact that we’re coming up on a full year of this disappointment… felt like it was time.

RogueLeader said:

DominicCobb said:

Would you believe me if I told you that I just last night I finally implemented my new Rogue Leader inspired non-Palpatine reveal? For the first time since I started editing I feel like this is something that works. Just need to touch up a couple things now before my workprint is a reality.

Oh yeah? I can’t wait to see it, especially if you’re feeling good about it!

It’s very similar to yours, with a touch of something that I thought I was gonna need as a crutch for an alternate solution but actually feel like works pretty well with this new version as well. I’ll keep it vague for suspense.


RogueLeader said:

I just need a good weekend where I don’t have anything else to do, to actually sit down and work on this some more. I’m still making notes here and there, though, about what could be done.

I might throw the “script” I have written for the Force bond duel scene on here sometime, in case anyone else wants to tackle it.

DominicCobb said:

Does this fan edit have anything useful?



Hello, all. I’m not sure what the state is of the Rey Nobody story line, but Neerb had a really great idea over on the Ascendant thread that I wanted to make sure people saw:


Basically, the crux of the matter is that Palpatine never tells Kylo to “Kill the girl.” Instead, Palatine just says “You will do as I ask,” Kylo lowers his saber, and Palpy smiles evilly at the camera before it cuts to the next scene. Palpy’s plans then becomes a mystery for the audience to unravel as the film progresses. We get little clues throughout (as Neerb explains above), and we’re led to assume that Palps wanted Rey dead; but then it’s revealed at the climax that he always wanted Rey to come to him, alive.

After that, other things that would have to be cut include (off the top of my head):

  • Palpatine being “Every voice [Kylo] has ever heard inside [his] head.” Snoke wanted Rey dead, Palpatine wanted Rey alive, so they can’t be working together, let alone the same person.
  • Ochi killing Rey’s parents. They were deadbeats, they wouldn’t be trying to protect her.
  • Kylo’s dialogue to Rey in the hangar. My thought is to trim the scene down, and as he’s approaching her, say, “I know what I have to do, but I don’t know if I have the strength to do it.” According to Neerb’s setup, we’d assume that he doesn’t want to kill the person he once wanted as his friend; in hindsight, we realize that he was conflicted about delivering her to Palpatine. The line works both ways.
  • Palpy’s dialogue at the end (obviously). “Empress Palpatine…” shut up, Grandpa, you’re drunk.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


This isn’t really related to anything, but in Rey’s confrontation with Palpatine, I like the idea of cutting out Rey telling Palps “My parents were strong…” If her parents are still the deadbeats from TLJ, then Palpy’s line about “Weak…like your parents,” actually hits really hard; because we know that her parents were weak. Rey silently staring at Palpatine in response, without being about to refute his point, actually creates a gigantic character beat for her - has she moved past her idolization of her parents? Will Palpy’s taunt actually affect her? Will she succumb to the same failings as they did?

I created a (very rough) mock up that incorporated that idea, and I was honestly shocked at how much gravitas the taunt now had - gravitas that was completely absent from the theatrical version of the film.


The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


sherlockpotter said:
If her parents are still the deadbeats from TLJ, then Palpy’s line about “Weak…like your parents,” actually hits really hard; because we know that her parents were weak. Rey silently staring at Palpatine in response, without being about to refute his point, actually creates a gigantic character beat for her

BIG agree. This is a great improvement. And I agree about removing Ochi killing her parents, anything that portrays them as important to the story detracts from the “Rey Nobody” idea.


Just tagging in here. My cut is basically a Rey Nobody edit up until she says “Rey Skywalker”.

If you need any help with scenes just let me know. All mine are finished. It’s just the crackling Saber, Sith Red lightning and a few other VFX shots that need to be finished now so if there’s any specific scenes you’re struggling with just ask.

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