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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 372


Jar Jar Bricks said:

I suppose it’s possible that as a moody teenager he ran away from home (the Resistance) and joined up with the wrong people for a while. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the canon answer eventually.

As someone who has read every single piece of canon media, I can confirm that’s literally the answer haha. There was a book released in August last year called “Poe Dameron: Free Fall” which detailed his spice-running career’s start and end. He initially got caught up in it because he was frustrated by how overprotective his father was of him after his mother’s death and how bored he was stuck in his boring small town on Yavin IV, so while in the only remotely interesting thing near his house, the local bar, he overheard some of the Kijimi Spice Runners discussing how they needed a new pilot (after the last one was killed) and he, in classic Poe Dameron fashion, acted like a hot-shot-best-pilot-in-the-galaxy and joined the crew as their new pilot.


Yeah I’m aware of some of the non-movie canon content, mostly the comic books. But I’ve gotta be honest that was pure guesswork on my part for why he would have done that lol.


Brewzter said:

Jar Jar Bricks said:

I suppose it’s possible that as a moody teenager he ran away from home (the Resistance) and joined up with the wrong people for a while. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the canon answer eventually.

As someone who has read every single piece of canon media, I can confirm that’s literally the answer haha. There was a book released in August last year called “Poe Dameron: Free Fall” which detailed his spice-running career’s start and end. He initially got caught up in it because he was frustrated by how overprotective his father was of him after his mother’s death and how bored he was stuck in his boring small town on Yavin IV, so while in the only remotely interesting thing near his house, the local bar, he overheard some of the Kijimi Spice Runners discussing how they needed a new pilot (after the last one was killed) and he, in classic Poe Dameron fashion, acted like a hot-shot-best-pilot-in-the-galaxy and joined the crew as their new pilot.

So, like… The Little Mermaid but with drug dealers in space?

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


Why would we get rid of the spice runner line? It’s hilarious!

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


I don’t think you would have to cut those lines. He was still running spice even if he was undercover.

Another alternative for the puppets, it would be funny if there was a puppet Kylo that took a swing at puppet Luke, but the puppet went below stage, then popped back up behind Kylo. Then we see kids laughing.

Basically, we see Luke taking the wind out of the First Order’s sails, making the next generation less afraid of the First Order. And since the First Order rules by fear, then their authority will fall apart. I think it all ties back to the themes we’re trying to hit pretty well.


Movies Remastered said:

sherlockpotter said:

Hal, I’m sure there will be 15 books published in the next 10 years about Poe and Keri Russell having a fling while running spice. The EU never disappoints 😉

I’m thinking something like this:

ZORII: Babu? Babu only works with the crew. That’s not you anymore.

REY: What crew?

ZORII: Oh, funny he never mentioned it. Your friend’s old job was running spice, “until we learned he was a spy for” (The Resistance) [pulled from a few lines down]

FINN: You were a spice runner?

POE: You were a stormtrooper?

REY: Were you a spice runner?

POE: Were you a scavenger? We could do this all night.

ZORII: You don’t have all night. You know, I’m still digging out of the hole you put me in when you left to join the Resistance. You. You’re the one they’re looking for. Bounty for her just might cover us.

(We can play around with it, Jar Jar; but I’m not sure how well it will fit if he was just playing a part. And personally, I think this particular banter feels a little awkward anyway. Unlike the rest of the script, which sounds like it was written by Aaron Sorkin.)

I filmed a video showing that very scene yesterday. 👍🏼

Dude, really? Ha! Just please don’t burn yourself out on this movie!

I guess the lines could still work in context, I just…I don’t know. I’m wondering if, given that we still don’t know Chewie is alive, and he only just died, it may be too soon for quips. Literally 10 seconds ago, these characters were mourning the death of a Star Wars icon. Now they’re cracking jokes in the middle of an occupation zone.

I almost feel like they have enough banter during the rest of the film. Can’t they take a scene to be serious for once? Chewie is dead! This isn’t a game anymore.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


They’re probably trying to lighten the mood. They know Rey feels responsible.


Rey quips too; but my issue is more from an external/writing/tone perspective anyway.

I realize I’ve been harder on this movie than a lot of you. That’s fine. Really. I’m just trying to think of ways to add more gravitas, more weight to the “killing Chewie” moment. It’s definitely helped a lot by removing the Hux/Chewie Reveal scene; but the three of them joking so soon afterwards just feels…disingenuous to me. I think Rey should still be agonizing over what she’s done. There’s a reason she “cares” that Zorii “thinks she’s alright.” - She needs to be comforted. She’s conflicted, and scared, and depressed. She just accidentally murdered her friend mere moments ago. How will she live with herself? How will she ever be able to move on?

“Seriously, you were a spice runner?”

(A compromise could be keeping Finn and Poe’s lines - they’re forcing themselves to be upbeat for Rey’s sake - but trimming Rey’s and Poe’s exchange. Still doesn’t quite have the right tone for me from the audience’s perspective - the audience should still be mourning Chewie as well; but again, it’s not just about me.)

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


Not trying to discredit your complaint, Sherlock. But, I do want to point out:

In ANH, we have a scene where Luke mourns Ben for a few seconds after they escape the Death Star… Right before he hops in the gunner seat and gleefully takes out some TIE fighters, quipping with Han while doing so.

Star Wars and complete tonal shifts in humor go hand in hand. lol.


True, but…Luke didn’t seem to know Obi-Wan as well as Rey knew Chewie. (“Just some old hermit living past the Dune Sea.”) Plus, Luke wasn’t directly responsible for Obi-Wan’s death, and he had Obi-Wan’s voice in his head urging him to action. But that’s all nitpicks.

The real thing for me at least, is that Chewie to us is a character who’s been around for 40+ years. He’s one of only a few characters that’s been in every trilogy. The audience knows and loves him; I personally grew up knowing Chewbacca. The movie doesn’t just disrespect Rey’s (should be) mourning of the character’s apparent demise; it disrespects the audience’s. The audience knew Ben Kenobi for approximately…60 minutes? We’ve known Chewbacca for up to 40 years. We should be feeling that pain. I don’t think there should be another joke in the film until cute little Babu Frik comes into frame.

I’ve also been discovering that every time I look closely at a scene for this edit, the more issues I find with each scene. That’s on me, I admit it. Can’t imagine that’s healthy.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


sherlockpotter said:

I’ve also been discovering that every time I look closely at a scene for this edit, the more issues I find with each scene. That’s on me, I admit it. Can’t imagine that’s healthy.

This is absolutely a real thing, it’s easy to nitpick something you already dislike and blindly love something you like. I’ve experienced it very much with easily ignoring or not noticing glaring flaws in my favorites, TLJ and ROTS, but it took what felt like forever to stop constantly trashing TROS and start appreciating it lol. Even sometimes now I catch myself mentally complaining about the most minor things in it that I would never even think about or consider in other movies. I have suucchhhh mixed feelings on this movie haha


RogueLeader said:

Another alternative for the puppets, it would be funny if there was a puppet Kylo that took a swing at puppet Luke, but the puppet went below stage, then popped back up behind Kylo. Then we see kids laughing.

Basically, we see Luke taking the wind out of the First Order’s sails, making the next generation less afraid of the First Order. And since the First Order rules by fear, then their authority will fall apart. I think it all ties back to the themes we’re trying to hit pretty well.

I love this! 😄 RogueLeader, how do you come up with your ideas? 😉

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sherlockpotter said:

Movies Remastered said:

sherlockpotter said:

Hal, I’m sure there will be 15 books published in the next 10 years about Poe and Keri Russell having a fling while running spice. The EU never disappoints 😉

I’m thinking something like this:

ZORII: Babu? Babu only works with the crew. That’s not you anymore.

REY: What crew?

ZORII: Oh, funny he never mentioned it. Your friend’s old job was running spice, “until we learned he was a spy for” (The Resistance) [pulled from a few lines down]

FINN: You were a spice runner?

POE: You were a stormtrooper?

REY: Were you a spice runner?

POE: Were you a scavenger? We could do this all night.

ZORII: You don’t have all night. You know, I’m still digging out of the hole you put me in when you left to join the Resistance. You. You’re the one they’re looking for. Bounty for her just might cover us.

(We can play around with it, Jar Jar; but I’m not sure how well it will fit if he was just playing a part. And personally, I think this particular banter feels a little awkward anyway. Unlike the rest of the script, which sounds like it was written by Aaron Sorkin.)

I filmed a video showing that very scene yesterday. 👍🏼

Dude, really? Ha! Just please don’t burn yourself out on this movie!

I guess the lines could still work in context, I just…I don’t know. I’m wondering if, given that we still don’t know Chewie is alive, and he only just died, it may be too soon for quips. Literally 10 seconds ago, these characters were mourning the death of a Star Wars icon. Now they’re cracking jokes in the middle of an occupation zone.

I almost feel like they have enough banter during the rest of the film. Can’t they take a scene to be serious for once? Chewie is dead! This isn’t a game anymore.

Exactly! I give a full breakdown of why I made these changes in the video coming soon. The whole Zorri “For what it’s worth…” line had to go to. I’ve moved Chewies fakeout much later in the story as well.

I appreciate the burnout thoughts, I’ve done it a few times in this past year but Star Wars has been the only thing keeping me going at some points. I can’t wait for this lockdown crap to be over in June!

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Interesting idea about the puppet idea Rogue. Im very, very curious what can be done.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


The puppet show has to end with this right?

With the last appearance of Vader’s Castle!

Forum Moderator

Chase Adams said:

RogueLeader said:

Another alternative for the puppets, it would be funny if there was a puppet Kylo that took a swing at puppet Luke, but the puppet went below stage, then popped back up behind Kylo. Then we see kids laughing.

Basically, we see Luke taking the wind out of the First Order’s sails, making the next generation less afraid of the First Order. And since the First Order rules by fear, then their authority will fall apart. I think it all ties back to the themes we’re trying to hit pretty well.

I love this! 😄 RogueLeader, how do you come up with your ideas? 😉

I’ve just put way, way too much thought into Star Wars…

But like I said, I could make some puppets. So if MR gets a clean plate completed, filming some puppets wouldn’t be a problem. I kind of have an idea of how to design the Luke/Kylo puppets.


RogueLeader said:

Chase Adams said:

RogueLeader said:

Another alternative for the puppets, it would be funny if there was a puppet Kylo that took a swing at puppet Luke, but the puppet went below stage, then popped back up behind Kylo. Then we see kids laughing.

Basically, we see Luke taking the wind out of the First Order’s sails, making the next generation less afraid of the First Order. And since the First Order rules by fear, then their authority will fall apart. I think it all ties back to the themes we’re trying to hit pretty well.

I love this! 😄 RogueLeader, how do you come up with your ideas? 😉

I’ve just put way, way too much thought into Star Wars…

But like I said, I could make some puppets. So if MR gets a clean plate completed, filming some puppets wouldn’t be a problem. I kind of have an idea of how to design the Luke/Kylo puppets.

Lol, I picture a Kylo puppet “bouncing” towards the Luke puppet and the Luke puppet quickly gets pull down and the Kylo Puppet stops bouncing and the Luke Puppet pops up and bounces around to “mock” him. That would make kids laugh me thinks.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


A good thing about having a Kylo puppet, is that Rey will see the puppet and make her think of Kylo right before they have another Force bond.


Hal 9000 said:

The sweet spot to hit is something that would be “haha” for the kids but also “Mmmm, there’s that” to Rey.

Right. You don’t want it to be too silly to undercut the moment for Rey or the audience.


RogueLeader said:

A good thing about having a Kylo puppet, is that Rey will see the puppet and make her think of Kylo right before they have another Force bond.

Ooh… I didn’t even consider this. This scene is going to be a real onion, isn’t it?


I don’t think there should be a Kylo puppet. The place is surrounded by Stormtroopers so people would still live in fear of them. To mock the supreme leader could lead to bad things and doesn’t seem realistic in this situation. Something similar to the mockup seems to be a good direction, IMO.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Thought I’d go see what CaptainFaraday was planning for this same sequence for his novelization rewrite. Might be good for inspiration:

CaptainFaraday said:

“Let’s split up, see what the locals know,” Poe said.
He and Finn headed off, but Rey’s legs were suddenly rooted in place. A pair of Acky Acky were performing a puppet show, and one of them had just used a word she recognised.
“Di sana berdiri Skywalker!”
All of the children gasped. Some of them cheered. Rey looked more closely at the puppets.
A little human figure made of twisted-up wire and tiny cloth robes stood in front of a blast door made of paper, the puppeteer pulling a string to make his arm brandish a little green wire sword at a puppet of an AT-AT walker. The walker had just fired some little pieces of red paper at him, to absolutely no effect. Then the children whooped and cheered again as the little wire man leapt at the walker, and the puppeteer flipped it over backwards with a cowardly little wail.
Luke’s saber on Crait that day had been blue, and Rey noticed immediately, as someone who lived in the burned-out shell of one for the better part of her life, that the walker had been designed after the old Imperial kind. She smiled. Even if some of the details weren’t perfect, she thought, the important part of the story was still there.
The children stared wide-eyed, sometimes gasping, sometimes laughing, as other exploits of puppet Luke were depicted. A mother dressed in bright pink sat amongst them, bouncing a pudgy infant in her arms. Instead of the long trunks of the adults, the children had rather stubby little noses and plump cheeks. Rey’s smile doubled as the baby chuckled at Luke knocking down a round dish that was clearly supposed to be the second Death Star.
Something tugged on her tunic, and she looked down to find a young Acky Acky girl in a green robe trying to get her attention. Rey knelt before her.

My stance on revising fan edits.