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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 366


GMatias said:

I know we have shots of Star Destroyers blowing up after the Exegol battle (both from the theatrical version locates and some fanedit extras), but are there, or did anyone do shots of those ships arriving at those locations? I swear I thought someone did but I can’t find them anywhere. Am I imagining that?

I’ve done a few shots so far. I’ve got 4 seconds of footage to still finish with 2 other planet ideas but I can’t find or settle on which they should be. The final 2 shots will be star destroyers arriving out of hyperspace but I’ve had a lot of complaints from people saying I’ve used the wrong ships. If anyone knows of any better footage of Palps fleet then please let me know…

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Hal 9000 said:

sherlockpotter said:

Maybe my monitor just isn’t very good, but I don’t see any color banding in the most recent screenshots. Is that not the case?

Well, it looks okay but it seems like compressing it introduces the banding. Maybe tonight I’ll try exporting it exactly as I will for a final product and see how it looks.

I’ll try to output the LUT itself for you, to avoid any compression artifacts. I was just hoping to get a few more opinions on with beaming/without beaming before I do.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


I’m not sure I really notice a difference between the two! Although when I look at the mp4 you send I do see banding on the right side of the frame.
I don’t suppose it’d be possible to render out only the added light effect so I could try overlaying it myself? Highest quality, preferably an mov or avi.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Yeah I think if you do a star destroyer planet montage it would be nice to use the same planets as the end montage and give it some payoff.


Movies Remastered said:

but I’ve had a lot of complaints from people saying I’ve used the wrong ships. If anyone knows of any better footage of Palps fleet then please let me know…

Pretty sure if we’re going to use those shots then Hal (and myself) would actually want them to be First Order Star Destroyers, not Palpy’s. A part of the reason for removing Kijimi’s destruction is that it makes no sense that an individual Final Order Star Destroyer was able to take off without the rest so effortlessly.

Furthermore, Palpatine tells Kylo he will only receive his ships once he does as he asks (“Kill the girl”). So why would he give the First Order access to some of his ships immediately after saying that? Doesn’t make much sense.


Jar Jar Bricks said:

Movies Remastered said:

but I’ve had a lot of complaints from people saying I’ve used the wrong ships. If anyone knows of any better footage of Palps fleet then please let me know…

Pretty sure if we’re going to use those shots then Hal (and myself) would actually want them to be First Order Star Destroyers, not Palpy’s. A part of the reason for removing Kijimi’s destruction is that it makes no sense that an individual Final Order Star Destroyer was able to take off without the rest so effortlessly.

Furthermore, Palpatine tells Kylo he will only receive his ships once he does as he asks (“Kill the girl”). So why would he give the First Order access to some of his ships immediately after saying that? Doesn’t make much sense.

Palpatine changed his mind after he found out that Kylo Ren was redeemed. (“The Princess of Alderaan has disrupted my plans, but her foolish act will be in vain.”)


Yes, but we’re talking about having these Star Destroyers showing up earlier in the film and arriving at their actual planets, possibly even with Kylo on board one of them (at least that is what I’ve seen MR do). At that point, they would most certainly have to be First Order in nature.


Yeah, while a little confusing on first viewing, those are supposed to be First Order Destroyers, as the ‘Final Order’ fleet was still relegated to Exegol. Except for one ship that just left on its own to blow up Kijimi.

Is there footage of this idea? First I’ve heard of it.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

Yeah, while a little confusing on first viewing, those are supposed to be First Order Destroyers, as the ‘Final Order’ fleet was still relegated to Exegol. Except for one ship that just left on its own to blow up Kijimi.

Is there footage of this idea? First I’ve heard of it.

Yes there is. Here is MR’s video. It’s one of the first things he shows. Looks like his clip would work as it is (minus some finishing touches), as they are First Order.


Although, it’s worth noting that he is playing Palpatine’s message over all of this. I know we only played a small portion of it. And, personally, I’m only interesting in the arrival to Coruscant.


Hey, that’s a cool idea! I think it would be just a little muddy to have the First Order seeming to invade the galaxy all at once while Palpatine’s announcement goes out. Seems like they’d already have done that well before this point.

I don’t think I’ll go for it for this project, but it’s certainly cool!

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

Hey, that’s a cool idea! I think it would be just a little muddy to have the First Order seeming to invade the galaxy all at once while Palpatine’s announcement goes out. Seems like they’d already have done that well before this point.

I don’t think I’ll go for it for this project, but it’s certainly cool!

My thoughts exactly Hal.

And MR says in the video that he doesn’t understand why the rest of the galaxy came to help in the end without them invading like that. But since we have the “For Skywalker” sounds, I think we’ve already given enough of a reason.


I feel that was one of the main messages of TLJ, yes. He is the spark that lights the fire that burns the First Order down.


I think that’s the whole point, right? The First Order had scared the galaxy into submission at that point. Luke’s arc in TLJ was about accepting his status as the legend the galaxy needs- no one showed up to help the Resistance on Crait, but after Luke’s mythical stand-off with the First Order, his legend was back stronger than ever and it inspired the entire galaxy to rise up.

I think it’s cool how the general galaxy has an arc where they became complacent after the relatively small Rebellion took down the Empire, and ignored the warning signs of fascism coming back. The New Republic is wiped out, fascism returns, and the people are terrified. It’s the legend of Luke that inspires them to realize they can’t just rely on the Resistance as they did with the Rebellion, and everyone stands up across the galaxy. It’s a pretty relevant and important message to the real world right now too.


Brewzter, that idea is exactly why I wish we could have Luke’s standoff replace the puppet show on Pasaana. I don’t care if it was their cultural holiday, I still feel that it would have been amazing to show it there again.


It’s a real shame TROS never once specifically addresses Luke being an inspiration (the TROS writers really just didn’t give a single thought to this thing, lol). Zori says people will help if you ask, Lando goes and asks off screen, and that’s it. Hal’s chorus of “for Skywalker!” is nice but I really wish we could add something else.


Jar Jar Bricks said:

Brewzter, that idea is exactly why I wish we could have Luke’s standoff replace the puppet show on Pasaana. I don’t care if it was their cultural holiday, I still feel that it would have been amazing to show it there again.

Exactly. It would be a small detail but it’s just so ridiculously obvious I can’t imagine how it didn’t happen haha


It wouldn’t necessarily have to be done through VFX. If somebody could create real life props and record them in front of a green screen, I’m pretty sure it could be inserted into the film.

Thing is… I’m in no way artsy enough for that.


Jar Jar Bricks said:

The only things I see creating a v3 are new visual effects being released by the community or (please God) the release of several deleted scenes from TROS.

The lack of deleted scenes for TROS is the main reason I’m not touching edits of the sequels for some time and will just reccomend Hal’s cuts here instead. I’m perfectly content keeping my hands tied into the Lucas era for the time being.

I would eventually like to do 4K extended cuts myself, but until we have actual new content to play with, I think this “community cut” is about as good of a version of the film as there ever could be. It’s certainly one of the most elaborate community Star Wars projects I’ve seen yet, and far more than I could ever do as one lone editor.


Yeah, it’d be nice for something more substantial to Luke’s effect beyond a new opening crawl and “For Skywalker” during the attack.

And MR, that saber clip is gorgeous. Beautiful introduction to it!

My stance on revising fan edits.


I’ve actually never really analysed it that much. I just feel…


Leia "we’re trapped and need help! Anybody? Somebody? Remember we saved the galaxy before?

Nobody “…”

Luke steps up and sacrifices himself against a handful of gorilla walkers and kylo.

3 kids talk about his epic fight on Canto bite

TROS (No mention of Luke or his legacy)

Palpatines is back and has thousands of star destroyers with planet killing weapons!

Everyone “for Skywalker!”

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Brewzter said:

I think that’s the whole point, right? The First Order had scared the galaxy into submission at that point. Luke’s arc in TLJ was about accepting his status as the legend the galaxy needs- no one showed up to help the Resistance on Crait, but after Luke’s mythical stand-off with the First Order, his legend was back stronger than ever and it inspired the entire galaxy to rise up.

I think it’s cool how the general galaxy has an arc where they became complacent after the relatively small Rebellion took down the Empire, and ignored the warning signs of fascism coming back. The New Republic is wiped out, fascism returns, and the people are terrified. It’s the legend of Luke that inspires them to realize they can’t just rely on the Resistance as they did with the Rebellion, and everyone stands up across the galaxy. It’s a pretty relevant and important message to the real world right now too.

That is a cool idea but it’s frustrating how much the theatrical versions just keep TELLING us this is what’s happening rather than SHOWING any part of it happen.

For example, how does anyone other than the handful of folks on Crait know about Luke’s actions? I’m assuming none of the First Order troops are raving about it. So assuming the Republic survivors can’t stop talking about it, but is there enough of them to spread the story across the galaxy that quickly and convincingly? Probably not because you could fit all the survivors in the Falcon with room to spare. Was there video? If not, does the Republic fabricate something to broadcast as propaganda? Getting the word out would be an interesting story. I’m not asking for a spinoff movie, but doing the barest minimum (like having some kind of broadcast of Luke on Crait) to make the audience not have to suspend a huge amount of disbelief would have gone a LONG way. Pics or it didn’t happen, as I believe the kids say these days.

So some extra inset shots of Star Destroyers showing up over planets or other people listening to Palpatine’s broadcast or watching Luke’s sacrifice would have really sold things to the audience.

(And just as an aside, I know SW plays fast & loose with time & distance and all that, but it never struck me as realistic to think nobody showed up to Crait just because they were afraid of the First Order. Considering how close Kylo & Co were to Crait, the window of opportunity for someone to come to Leia’s aid before their attack, from getting a distress call completely out of the blue, was pretty small, putting it charitably.)

“That’s not how the Force works!”