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Post #1412013

Ed Slushie
Parent topic
The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)
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Date created
21-Feb-2021, 2:26 PM

Jar Jar Bricks said:

Look no further than the fact that Palpatine’s original plan in the script was to get Rey and Ben together in order to drain their dyad (which would have been significantly better imo)

I’m gonna have to disagree. If draining Rey and Ben was Palpatine’s plan all along, then that would undermine all the decisions they made up to that point. It’s still a problem in the final movie - if Rey and Ben hadn’t gone to Exegol, Palpatine wouldn’t have gotten the power to electrocute the civilian fleet and the sith would still lose - but at least he discovers the dyad by accident. If he wanted them together from the beginning, that would mean all of the inspirational moments they’ve had (Kylo being redeemed, Luke lifting the X-Wing, Rey and Ben deciding to stand together) were exactly what Palpatine wanted, and that makes the whole movie worse in my opinion.