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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread — Page 149


If you go red, only the lightning looks better.


Hey all, this is completely unrelated to the current topic of conversation but I used Samuel Kim’s version of the final Star Wars trailer music in a pivotal scene (linked below). I know it breaks conventions but I really dig it and thought someone else might enjoy it as well. Cheers!


Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.


I wouldn’t say that it works in terms of the movie, but the timing is flawless! Very well done, but it’s definitely still obviously trailer music, not John Williams score, and would feel a bit disjointed in that regard.

Seriously though, EXCELLENT timing on the cuts!


Thanks mate. I needed a break from the color correcting and wanted to see if I could sneak it in. It was definitely a cool thought experiment.

Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.


That’s really cool! Great work, you nailed the timing. I love that trailer soundtrack and plan on using it in my edit for when Palpatine is disintegrated and all of the Sith Eternal / Final Order destruction begins- it feels so much more climatic to me than ANOTHER unfitting misuse of the Force theme, and it’s just a beautiful piece of music that I think deserves to be included.

I have a rough mockup here but I’m very inexperienced in editing so it’s a bit rough, my main issue was trying to blend the cut-off and the original audio right after General Pryde dies.


I’m planning on trying to learn more and refine it, but I’d love to see someone else take a shot at trying this


Brewzter said:

That’s really cool! Great work, you nailed the timing. I love that trailer soundtrack and plan on using it in my edit for when Palpatine is disintegrated and all of the Sith Eternal / Final Order destruction begins- it feels so much more climatic to me than ANOTHER unfitting misuse of the Force theme, and it’s just a beautiful piece of music that I think deserves to be included.

I have a rough mockup here but I’m very inexperienced in editing so it’s a bit rough, my main issue was trying to blend the cut-off and the original audio right after General Pryde dies.


I’m planning on trying to learn more and refine it, but I’d love to see someone else take a shot at trying this

I could see this working in the movie actually. That triumphant music cue really is made of pure dopamine, isn’t it?


I’d be happy to try my hand at it and see if I can get it to blend. I’m new to fan editing myself and know the learning curve can be daunting but it’s opened up so many new and exciting possibilities. Keep at it and let me know when your cut is finished. I’d love to check it out.

Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.


amobex said:

Hey all, this is completely unrelated to the current topic of conversation but I used Samuel Kim’s version of the final Star Wars trailer music in a pivotal scene (linked below). I know it breaks conventions but I really dig it and thought someone else might enjoy it as well. Cheers!

Password: fanedit

Link to the Samuel Kim music?


amobex said:

I’d be happy to try my hand at it and see if I can get it to blend. I’m new to fan editing myself and know the learning curve can be daunting but it’s opened up so many new and exciting possibilities. Keep at it and let me know when your cut is finished. I’d love to check it out.

Great to hear, looking forward to seeing it. And regarding my TROS edit, I’ve started on a few parts but mostly I’m waiting for the crackly saber work that’s been in development for Hal’s TROS Ascendant to be done so I can use a lot of that edit as a starting point for mine. Plus I’m in the middle of a very busy semester so I don’t have much free time haha but I’ll get there


amobex said:


For what it’s worth I also use his Battle of the Heroes and Duel of the Fates mashup over the Death Star lightsaber duel between Rey and Kylo. That one is available below:


Nice, I plan on using this exact audio in my cut:


It’s my one of my favorite SW soundtracks, it further pushes the parallels between the TROS duel and the ROTS one (my favorite), and fits very well.

And skenera, that looks great! I don’t think it looks too video game-y at all anymore.


skenera said:

I color corrected and added motion blur to the Ajan Kloss clip from Battlefront 2, there are artifacts and it still looks like a video game, but oh well: https://vimeo.com/512664913

That’s a great job dude but has anyone noticed that brick-like shapes near the centre two white cans move and then disappear? There seems to be a few random artefacts floating around that scene.

I’ve been working on the red lightning scene all day and your LUT looks amazing. It’s making the whole scene so much easier. The only issue I can see is that the scene will have to be red when we first see the force ghosts which doesn’t feel right.

Did you ever do a purple Saber scene with the force ghosts?

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Brewzter said:

amobex said:


For what it’s worth I also use his Battle of the Heroes and Duel of the Fates mashup over the Death Star lightsaber duel between Rey and Kylo. That one is available below:


Nice, I plan on using this exact audio in my cut:


It’s my one of my favorite SW soundtracks, it further pushes the parallels between the TROS duel and the ROTS one (my favorite), and fits very well.

And skenera, that looks great! I don’t think it looks too video game-y at all anymore.

I’m not really a fan of adding Hans Zimmerized-trailer music to the actual film (mostly because its simplified 4-chord structure doesn’t really fit Williams’s style for SW), but I really like Battle of the Heroes for the duel and it fits nicely (I’d say better than the uncut DOTF), even the chorus doesn’t sound out of place.

Honestly the best possibly outcome to rescore this duel scene would be a slowed down, instrumental Battle of the Heroes/Duel of the Fates mashup-cover with an ominous feel to it not unlike the DOTF cue Hal’s using.


Is anyone else interested in trying to put Anakin’s Force ghost into the final Tatooine scene so it’s actually the entire Skywalker family adopting her? Jonh originally said he was planning on adding Anakin in after Ben for an alternate version but then later decided not to, so I tried to make my own at that point and it looked off since I don’t know how to do anything beyond adding in a translucent photo to fade and stuff. This was the only serviceable photo I found so I photoshopped the lightsaber off his belt and ended up with this:


And then later, someone named “Star Wars and company” commented on my Vimeo post and emailed me photos I think he made? which were somewhat low resolution and disproportionate:



He recently emailed me again with a different version which is the second video, but it looks even more off-putting. The only other version I’ve ever seen someone else do is this, which has a good-looking (although short lol) Anakin but an odd-looking Ben:


Would anyone be able to help add Anakin into jonh’s work? It seems to be a fairly difficult task and with my limited editing ability, I don’t think I can do any more than I could in my first clip, which I’ll probably use for my TROS edit if nothing else comes to fruition.


TestingOutTheTest said:

Rey has no connection to Anakin.

Agreed, and this is coming from somebody that likes the prequels.

His appearance is served much better in the Palpatine fight alone, where he finishes the job which wasn’t completed in the first place because of unnatural and unforeseeable Sith magic.


I wasn’t really trying to start a debate on whether or not he should’ve been included since I think we’ve been through that cycle a few times haha, I’m just looking for help on my TROS edit from anyone else capable or also interested in this ending.


Brewzter said:

I wasn’t really trying to start a debate on whether or not he should’ve been included since I think we’ve been through that cycle a few times haha, I’m just looking for help on my TROS edit from anyone else capable or also interested in this ending.

Fair enough. I don’t think it’s an abomination to include him, but I just don’t feel that it’s necessary at all.

I think the main problem with what you have right now is that (at least to me) it’s quite obvious that Anakin picture is snipped from the balcony scene between Anakin and Padme in ROTS. Although that might just be because I’ve seen the movie way too many times.

Honestly I think a good frame of reference for how your final product should look is the special edition of Return of the Jedi.


I agree that the second and third versions look very off-putting and clearly from that portion of the movie. The first one looks better in my eyes as he’s more proportionate and higher resolution, plus it’s not actually from ROTS since it’s a promo photo of him in the Tantive IV for some reason. But of course, it’s just a still photo which looks a bit odd next to the others, plus he’s in dark robes that don’t match the other three and aren’t consistent with his ghost at the end of ROTJ or behind Rey on Exegol.


Brewzter said:

I agree that the second and third versions look very off-putting and clearly from that portion of the movie. The first one looks better in my eyes as he’s more proportionate and higher resolution, plus it’s not actually from ROTS since it’s a promo photo of him in the Tantive IV for some reason. But of course, it’s just a still photo which looks a bit odd next to the others, plus he’s in dark robes that don’t match the other three and aren’t consistent with his ghost at the end of ROTJ or behind Rey on Exegol.

Yep unfortunately it seems it would have to be video footage from some point in the saga. Maybe splice it out of the actual ROTJ scene? Or maybe there are some deleted scenes with Anakin in ROTS that might work idk.


It you’re going for “whole Skywalker family” why not add Shmii and Padme? I mean this sort of seriously, because Anakin has as much importance to Rey as Shmii or Padme would, and everyone else got the Skywalker name from Shmii. In an edit that keeps the Force Ghosts AND keeps Ben alive & convincingly adds him to Tatooine then I would be on board with Anakin being present. I just don’t see his presence being necessary otherwise, as annoyed as I was that he wasn’t in the ST at all.

My Edits:
Revenge of the Sith: Refocused Available

The Clone Wars Refocused: The Chosen One (Mortis Episode)


The entire Skywalker Force ghost family then? If everyone became one then we’d be working with Ben, Leia, Luke, Han, Anakin, Padmé, Shmi, and then all of her ancestors lol.

But yeah for me it’s a mix of wanting to see Anakin as much as possible while also just having the entire Skywalker (Force ghost) family. I like adding in Ben at the end, but it feels weird to me to only add Ben and not Anakin too.


I will admit it is somewhat strange that all three people she looks at have different last names (Organa, Solo, Skywalker) and yet still lands on calling herself a Skywalker. Having Anakin might help with that.