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Post #1410426

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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)
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Date created
15-Feb-2021, 12:00 AM

For the “Snoke bridged their minds” vs. “They’re a Force Dyad” disconnect, it’s yet another thing that TROS does to try and retcon TLJ. It could be handwaved away by assuming that Snoke was only able to bridge their minds in the first place because they’re a Force Dyad; but I think whichever explanation you prefer ignores the main problem with the reveal: How does Kylo even know about the Dyad? Kylo didn’t “sense” anything about it in TLJ. Palpy doesn’t tell him. He doesn’t discover the secret in this movie. No one has even heard of the concept until Kylo just decides to tell Rey about it, without any context whatsoever.

If we really wanted to tackle this whole “To Dyad or not to Dyad” issue, I think the best solution would be to cut Kylo’s line in the hangar about the Dyad. Then, the Dyad concept becomes a shock reveal at the very end when Palpy learns about it.

Of course, since the whole Hangar scene will have to be overhauled anyway for the eventual Rey Nobody version, it may be more practical to leave it for now and just come back to the issue after V2 is released.