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Post #1410371

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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)
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Date created
14-Feb-2021, 5:57 PM

Jar Jar Bricks said:

jarbear said:

Also, if the focus on the fanedit is to remove the “direct” link of snoke and palpable (aka Snoke the Meat Puppet) then why have that line? If Snoke vats are no more and the idea is Snokes origin is now ambiguous, in that Palps “I made him” is not literal, then why have the line?

Well, I know we don’t have to abide by canon, but Snoke is a strand-cast, or biologically engineered individual. As a result, even I thought it was stupid to show a vat full of Snoke clones, because Snoke ISN’T a clone. That would be like creating an extremely detailed work of art and then creating it exactly the same way a second and third time. It’s near impossible.

As a standcast, he does have his own free will. However, through the manipulation of genetics and Palpatine he is at some times forced to do certain things and think certain ways. And I already stated in my previous post why Snoke’s actions against Kylo actually line up with Palpatine’s.

I get there is an explanation, but one of my personal gripes is for a movie to have the audience to then either read the books, comics, tweets/interviews from the director AFTER, etc. for explanations on important things that involve the plot and the story. Just my opinion.

As the movie stands, it pretty much implies that Snoke is a meat puppet since Palps uses his voice, and Vaders, to Kylo saying he is ALL those voices influencing him. So for the sake of the audience, it’s best to leave it ambiguous instead of so concrete.

As Burbin mentioned, which I agree with, the simple removal of the line doesn’t really change anything on the facts of the matter. It just leaves it more open to interpretation.

As for a personal view too, it’s better to at least imply there is distinction to the two since in the last movie, although it is a retcon now of the whole Kylo/Rey Mind Bridge connection is now the Dyad stuff … Palps was utterly surprised during the force draining thing … when we have Snoke in the previous movie that “he bridged their minds.” If Snoke is the Meat Puppet, then Palps did it … so there should be no surprise.

Now I know the whole Dyad thing was of JJ doings to help explain things and it was not the concept at all from the previous movie, and you can argue he just bridged their minds as in being able to communicate in the force, but at another level compared to like Luke and Vader reaching out in the original movies and didn’t know about there Dyadness/in the room/etc., but for the audience we saw it in the last movie and now it has a name … and Snoke did something in the last movie to affect what we saw then and now … but he is Palpatine’s Meat Puppet … Why is he surprised and taken back by it? Even if he didn’t know for sure, he would have suspected something … but he didn’t.

Just a simple thing to fix that “kinda” plot hole.