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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread — Page 148


I actually love that. I’m hoping that someone does all of the Exegol scenes in red or gray, the blue is so bland.


While it is a fan edit, and we could put more warnings on the edit just in case, apparently red and blue flashing can put people more at risk of epileptic seizures.

I’ve never had one, but I even felt like I was on the verge on getting sick when I watched the movie in theaters. I bet this red color scheme would’ve been really intense to see on a big screen.

Despite my practical/safety gripes, I do like the red and blue color scheme. It makes me think of some of the posters for the film that had a striking red/blue scheme.


I love orange Exegol a bunch, but you’d have to do a lot of masking to bring back the blue engines, blue lights on control panels, whatever colour lightning, etc. Ditto for the red lightning, which I’ve fiddled with myself in the past - very cool but a lot of masking needed to perfect it.


Blue lightsabers on a red background give a good “last flame of good in the environment most representative of bad” vibe.

I’m really against red lightning though, I don’t think we need a colour change to represent a higher power level like in a videogame.

If anything along those lines, I’d lean into the green mist which implies new, weirder magicks.

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


sade1212 said:

I love orange Exegol a bunch, but you’d have to do a lot of masking to being back the blue engines, blue lights on control panels, whatever colour lightning, etc. Ditto for the red lightning, which I’ve fiddled with myself in the past - very cool but a lot of masking needed to perfect it.

I’m trying to figure out if it’s easier to mask the red LUT lightning or just redo the effect like I’m doing with the crackling Saber. I’m willing to put the work in as I feel it really adds to this ending. What are your thoughts?

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Like Eddie said, is it possible to keep the lightning, or is it all or nothing since it’s all blue?


Red Lightning absolutely has to stay. Not only does it work aesthetically, but it shows that Palpatine is at his strongest and “all the Sith”.


Can we add his health bar too? That way we know how close we are to Rey killing the final boss.


LepidusIII said:

Red Lightning absolutely has to stay. Not only does it work aesthetically, but it shows that Palpatine is at his strongest and “all the Sith”.

But, respectfully, I’m kind of arguing that “I’m even MORE strong” doesn’t really up the stakes. Just like “Starkiller base is even BIGGER than the Death Star” didn’t either. It didn’t add any emotional value for us.

What’s the more emotionally powerful moment- the massive fleet of strangers showing up at the end of TROS or Han returning to shoot Vader away followed by Luke’s one-in-a-million shot? One’s bigger, one features two great character beats that wins the day.

A starship that can destroy whole solar systems is not more exciting than one that can blow up planets, and a monster who can lightning a fleet isn’t more exciting than a monster who can lightning a person.

Emotional stakes come from relevance to the characters we care about, not from power levels. The relevance of this scene is Rey’s conflict with the temptation of darkness, and her need to protect her friends.

I’d propose that “I am all the sith” be removed instead, because it’s emotionally meaningless to add a new complexity to sith lore at this point that doesn’t add any value beyond power levels. It feels like an attempt to set up Rey’s “I am Iron Man” moment, which doesn’t need to be spoken when using jonh’s wonderful Jedi spirits shots.

The things that WOULD add value are anything which helps explain Palpatine’s return beyond “unnatural somehows”, for example putting Palps in the tanks instead of Snokes, and for my mileage, hints of unfamiliar magics (preferring green for the Nightsister angle).

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


Oh yes, red lightning is absolutely videogamey and tacky, but the final battle is already Rey making Palpatine explode by using two lightsabers and channelling all the Jedi, so (like with Jonh’s ghosts) I feel like it works better to lean further in to that rather than try to mitigate it. We can’t easily fundamentally change the third act of this movie through fanediting, unfortunately. I feel red lightning makes for a much more visually interesting contrast rather than having even more blue on blue; it better conveys that sense of Rey (and Jonh’s ghosts if present) struggling to hold back the overwhelming power of Palpatine; and the poster promised me some red lightning damn it!


I’m happy enough with red lightning because it brings to mind The Son, a personification of the Dark Side.


Health bar is an easy addition. 🤣

Well, here’s the options. (Anything is possible) but in the animation just the lightning is red, obviously, it would be a nightmare drawing all the light reflections in the room etc. With live action should the lightning just be red or should it turn the whole surrounding area red?

My thoughts are when Palp hits his “ultimate power” that it turns everything red until Rey hears the voices of the Jedi. Then when she ignites the Saber it turns to just the red lightning as if the Saber is absorbing the power? That way I can do the cinematic red, blue, purple for the finale I explain here 22:40 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWy5RtoQMMc

Skenera has done an amazing LUT so it’s just a matter of knowing where to mask. I’m really split so any input would be Great?

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EddieDean said:

The thing is we’ve already seen the real Palpatine get defeated by Vader. This is a Cloned version, yes he has taken power from the dyad but it still feels like a rehash. Adding red “ultimate power” lightning indicates a much bigger threat and this is why Rey needs both Sabers and the force ghosts to defeat him.

In the version I’m trying to create, It’s Leia’s purple lightning that finally kills Palps which is pushed by the force of “All the Jedi”.

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Is it a clone? I thought it was now canonically Palpatine’s spirit inhabiting a Palpatine clone body? So, functionally the original Palpatine reborn.

It’s moot anyway I suppose, I think there’re two valid schools of thought here.

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


It is a clone, both canonically and in legends, its a clone body with Sidious’ soul inside trying to build to full strength. So, mentally it is Sidious, but also not cus cloning of force sensitives is extremely unstable.

My Edits:
Revenge of the Sith: Refocused Available

The Clone Wars Refocused: The Chosen One (Mortis Episode)


EddieDean said:

Is it a clone? I thought it was now canonically Palpatine’s spirit inhabiting a Palpatine clone body? So, functionally the original Palpatine reborn.

It’s moot anyway I suppose, I think there’re two valid schools of thought here.

Yeah as per the TROS novelization it’s a clone body of him that he used Sith magic to transfer his spirit into, which then decayed since the Sith Eternal hadn’t perfected cloning Force-sensitives yet. When he saps the Dyad power, not only does it rejuvenate him, but it actually amps him to the most powerful we’ve ever seen.

For how much controversy this explanation causes, I actually like it. It’s a nice connection to him learning about cloning during the prequel era and it only makes sense to me, plus it’s just as convoluted as any of his other plans in the prequels lol. But FWIW I’m somehow who loved Palpatine’s return in TROS and don’t think the movie could’ve made sense any other way.


Extremely crude example but shows how you may see the lightning affecting the surrounding area.

  1. Does the light reflet into the whole room
  2. Just red lightning like the animation series?


Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Movies Remastered said:

I’m surprised they allowed him to post that on star wars reddit. I always get my stuff removed.

Not sure if he’s using a low quality source as there’s a lot of pixel distortion on my screen.

Red Exagol seems to be so much more dramatic. That’s kinda the effect I’m going for during the battle sequence. Nice!

They let him post it because the star wars section on reddit is now full of people who parrot each others opinions and seeing him “fix” the “shit” movie is why they allowed it.

I mentioned a few pages back about making the scene on Ach-to look overcast, and while I dont have the capabilities of doing it myself I did a quick edit and I think it makes the ship burning look more striking and it adds to Rey’s sadness and frustration.


Movies Remastered said:

Extremely crude example but shows how you may see the lightning affecting the surrounding area.

  1. Does the light reflet into the whole room
  2. Just red lightning like the animation series?


In this example I think the lightning-only red works much better.


ThisIsCreation said:

Movies Remastered said:

I’m surprised they allowed him to post that on star wars reddit. I always get my stuff removed.

Not sure if he’s using a low quality source as there’s a lot of pixel distortion on my screen.

Red Exagol seems to be so much more dramatic. That’s kinda the effect I’m going for during the battle sequence. Nice!

They let him post it because the star wars section on reddit is now full of people who parrot each others opinions and seeing him “fix” the “shit” movie is why they allowed it.

It seems to be one rule for one and different rules for another. I’ve stopped posting on Reddit other than the fanedit page because of so much hostility and trolling.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


The main sub r/StarWars is terrible at this point and the mods love to ban people they disagree with and often just delete any posts that remotely postive towards the sequels, I’d avoid that place as much as possible