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Unusual Sequel Trilogy Radical Redux Ideas Thread — Page 80


I think that’s a good idea. In this version of events, Starkiller Base isn’t destroyed, so it could still work as a base of operations for the First Order during TROS.


RogueLeader said:

The Last Jedi would have the least amount of changes, structurally. But any reference to the Republic being destroyed, or the First Order taking over the galaxy within weeks, is removed. A reason for why the Resistance fleet doesn’t just escape to Republic space may need to be created. Perhaps the Supremacy is generating a gravity well, or we could add an interdictor to the fleet. Perhaps this could be a place for more radical ideas for the B-plot. When Leia refers to her “allies”, maybe she could be more explicitly referring to the Republic. Maybe they get a transmission from the Republic on Crait specifically saying they cannot intervene.

It could also be an out of the pot into the frying pan situation. The doo doo hit the fan after Hosnian got blown up, even if the New Republic survives they’ve probably got problems of their own. It would be pretty easy to justify the Republic not showing up on the basis that they’re also fighting the First Order, all across the galaxy.

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


True. The First Order could’ve launched an attack on the New Republic without necessarily defeating them overnight. Too bad we can’t have any sequences of battles between the two factions.


Someone had mentioned attempting to change the color of Pasaana so it’s not just another desert, was that ever mocked up? Is it too ambitious to color grade all that sand to a different color?


axlanian said:

Someone had mentioned attempting to change the color of Pasaana so it’s not just another desert, was that ever mocked up? Is it too ambitious to color grade all that sand to a different color?

I can’t imagine a way of recoloring the sand that wouldn’t also change the color of the characters’ skin. Maybe the color of the sky could be changed, though.

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


Yeah, we went through a bunch of colours but landed on magenta that just wouldn’t look right. Someone also made the Rey meditation jungle scene purple that looked pretty cool but looked a bit avatar-ish.

I’m not sure it needs changing?

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Movies Remastered said:

Yeah, we went through a bunch of colours but landed on magenta that just wouldn’t look right. Someone also made the Rey meditation jungle scene purple that looked pretty cool but looked a bit avatar-ish.

I’m not sure it needs changing?

I just wish we didn’t get three new desert planets in the Disney movies, you know? Between Jedha, Jakku, and Pasaana, it seems like they could have given one of them blue or teal or orange or purple sand, or something.


I think super orange is the easiest place to go with Pasaana. I might put it together for my edit (no guarantees though). After all, Blade Runner 2049 did it, so it’s officially kino.


I’d be very interested to see a clip like that! Anything to give it its own visual identity.


axlanian said:

Movies Remastered said:

Yeah, we went through a bunch of colours but landed on magenta that just wouldn’t look right. Someone also made the Rey meditation jungle scene purple that looked pretty cool but looked a bit avatar-ish.

I’m not sure it needs changing?

I just wish we didn’t get three new desert planets in the Disney movies, you know? Between Jedha, Jakku, and Pasaana, it seems like they could have given one of them blue or teal or orange or purple sand, or something.

Totally agree. They all seem like Tatooine rip-offs. Not many original ideas in the sequels.

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There was talk of trying to make Passana into Jedha at one point. Though I think that was decided against because the major recognizable marker from Rogue One was destroyed so there’d really be no way to make it clear that is what was going on.

My Edits:
Revenge of the Sith: Refocused Available

The Clone Wars Refocused: The Chosen One (Mortis Episode)


Delpheas said:

There was talk of trying to make Passana into Jedha at one point. Though I think that was decided against because the major recognizable marker from Rogue One was destroyed so there’d really be no way to make it clear that is what was going on.


Some months ago I did a quick mock-up to sum up the ideas that were suggested:

  • Use a shot from a Rogue One trailer as part of the establishing sequence.
  • Rescoring the arrival scene with the Jedha theme from Rogue One
  • Recolor the desert to an orange/reddish tone.

VFX would be needed for adding a huge crater on the Jedha surface as seen from space, (maybe but not that necessary) a ring of debris orbiting the planet, and erasing the U-Wing and adding in the Millennium Falcon instead.

But honestly the hardest part of turning Pasaana into Jedha is that the name of the planet is mentioned in dialogue. One of those instances (a FO officer reporting to Kylo) could be redubbed as her mouth is away from view, but Rey saying “Pasaana” before embarking on the journey seems more difficult to change.


Movies Remastered said:

I haven’t seen rogue one in ages, was this clip ever used in the movie?

That particular clip was not used in the film. The Jedi toppled statue appears in an earlier scene but different takes are used.


Knight of Kalee said:

But honestly the hardest part of turning Pasaana into Jedha is that the name of the planet is mentioned in dialogue. One of those instances (a FO officer reporting to Kylo) could be redubbed as her mouth is away from view, but Rey saying “Pasaana” before embarking on the journey seems more difficult to change.

Since “Jedha” sounds very similar to “Jedi” and that word is said quite a lot by Rey, the only thing we would really need would be something that sounds like the “-ha” from “Jedha”


After giving it some thought after my debate with JJB on the Ascendant thread… I propose that the ship we see in Rey’s Force vision in TFA (yes, TFA) should be changed so it wouldn’t be Ochi’s ship, also remove Rey’s familiarity with Ochi’s ship.

EDIT: Nevermind, I think we can still continue it in Hal’s thread…?


I think if I could make the sands of Pasana the same colour as the sand in the beginning of rogue one, a black colour, it would be good. Maybe add some plant life and the like


RogueLeader said:

Jedi statue

Piggy backing off of your ideas a bit but… It would be dope if this shot we re-colored to be Exegol (maybe even doing some work to make the statue less Jedi-y and more Sith-y). After that, you could swap in whatever ship you want for it (either Ren’s TIE from either time he comes to the planet or Luke’s X-wing when Rey arrives).

Doing this could help with some of the pacing issues people might have with TROS (especially if it’s used for Ren’s initial arrival to Exegol following the Mustafar Minute).


I can’t imagine a way of recoloring the sand that wouldn’t also change the color of the characters’ skin.

EbSynth: Now this looks like a job for me.

If I do do that I’ll make it so you can change the color of the sand to whatever you want. Sam with the sky. I’m thinking maybe cyan sand and magenta sky? Black sand, yellow sky? Something striking.

Someone also made the Rey meditation jungle scene purple that looked pretty cool but looked a bit avatar-ish.

That would be me. Here it is.

I think super orange is the easiest place to go with Pasaana.

Then it’s just Geonosis.


Anakin Starkiller said:

I can’t imagine a way of recoloring the sand that wouldn’t also change the color of the characters’ skin.

EbSynth: Now this looks like a job for me.

Awesome! I’ve just been convinced to start using EbSynth. It looks like a lot of fun. Looking forward to seeing what you can do with it. 😃

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


I made a whole (1 minute) Persona fanfilm using EbSynth to paint the walls blue. I should warn you it’s extremely time consuming and struggles with camera movement.


Yeah, I’ve just tried a few scenes and it wasn’t happy at all. So glad it lets you preview each frame as it goes. I could’ve waited a lot of wait time.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Here is an idea that wouldn’t be worth the time to construct lol

Open the movie with a younger Richard E. Grant hunkered down as he is in his hologram scene with Palaptine in TROS.

I would use someone who could do an impression of him,deage Richard e grant and give him the badges of a high level imperial officer (I’m trash with rankings lol)

Have Palpatine tell him to arrange everything for Exegol. The time has come.

All of this takes place on the bridge of a star destroyer. It would take place just before Vader and Luke meet the Emperor.

It’s too much work to carry out but I picture the star destroyer going through hyperspace.

It arrives above Exegol, and an officer asks Richard e grant “what now, sir?”.
Richard e grant would reply “we wait…”

And from there it cuts into the movie as we know it.