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Post #1409773

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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)
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Date created
11-Feb-2021, 5:20 PM

Just had a thought - what if, in the Death Star fight, the clip of Leia dying is shuffled forward slightly, and spliced in as Rey is healing Kylo. Then the implication would be that Leia sacrifices herself, allowing Rey to channel her life force into her son? That also explains how Rey is able to heal a mortal wound without killing herself, like Ben did when he healed her.

Leia’s death then serves a narrative purpose beyond “drama,” or “losing the will to live.”

I’m thinking:

  • Ben hears Leia calls his name.
  • Ben turns around, distracted.
  • Rey stabs him.
  • (Maybe Rey hears Leia call her name too?)
  • Shot of Leia silhouetted.
  • Rey reaches out towards Kylo’s wound.
  • Leia collapses
  • Wound heals