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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread — Page 147


Yeah agreed, Your idea of the start is very similar to what I’ve done. I’ve changed the beginning completely and delayed Palps entrance.

My version opens up with Kylos (an edited version of Doms) flashback so from the start we know he’s split. Then goes into Luke & Leia’s conversation where Luke asks Leia to “Finish her journey”. Cut to Rey and Leia/training and then Rey introduces the wayfinder so we get an explanation of what it is before any reveal. Then our protagonists go on a journey and cut to Kylo meeting " hunting for the scavenger" then he finds the Wayfinder and hears Palp whisper “Find me!”. I cut the line “every voice inside your head” as I felt in undermines both Vader and Snoke’s characters and made TROS more about Palp returning now without the silly “I’ve been around from the start” “we had a plan all along” crap.

I’m paraphrasing but that delay needed to happen in my opinion just so it feels like the protagonist and antagonist are hunting for the Wayfinder at the same time and that there’s something at stake at least, without just a massive reveal at the beginning.

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I think the answer is no, but at any point in the ST, does Ben ever say “Grandfather” while unmasked?

My Edits:
Revenge of the Sith: Refocused Available

The Clone Wars Refocused: The Chosen One (Mortis Episode)


I don’t think so but maybe the audio could be cleaned up? I swear at one point when Kylo first meets Palp his voice is modified despite not wearing the helmet.

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Yeah, maybe. I was thinking about embarking on a long journey of replacing Han in the Ben redemption scene with Anakin’s ghost, who is finally able to appear to him thanks to Kylo letting go of the darkness. But that’s gonna require getting props, a wig, an Anakin actor, a bluescreen, deepfaking, and AI audio creation, so… who knows. I wanna explore it, but it might be too much. So that’s where a unmasked utterance of “Grandfather” could be helpful.

Something that would be easier if it is possible is an I had a idea for a fairly major recontextualization of Rey’s Exogol scenes. I wanted to ask for opinions on the feasibility.

So, I really love the idea of a Rey Nobody, No Palpatine edit (and joshuabri’s execution of that concept is well done.) By removing Palpatine Rey’s journey is focused solely on finding her balance and confronting her fears. However, in joshuabri’s version there is no resolution for the Knights of Ren, and Rey doesn’t actually have to confront the Sith Throne on Exogol.

I was thinking that if Palps could be convincingly removed from the Throne Room, then that confrontation could be edited to be about Rey confronting her fear of giving into the Dark? Maybe she gets to the throne and there is actually an apparition of her on it and she confronts it? She could draw Anakin’s saber, only to pass it off to Ben who needs it to defend himself from the Knights. Then the double fight happens with Ben fighting the Knights and Rey fighting the Sith guards. But when Ben shows up after his fight is over Rey reacts and SHE throws him into the pit. She is understandably freaked out by that and is caught off guard by her Sith double who zaps her or something. Then the Jedi help her back up, we see them standing behind her to support her. But then, with a knowing look at her Sith Double she puts Leia’s saber away, similarly to Luke throwing his weapon away in RotJ. The Sith Double and the Throne then crumble away. Rey made the right choice for balance. Things can then proceed from their however else the editor desires.

Could that work?

My Edits:
Revenge of the Sith: Refocused Available

The Clone Wars Refocused: The Chosen One (Mortis Episode)


That’s great haha can’t believe I hadn’t seen those yet.

Yeah, maybe. I was thinking about embarking on a long journey of replacing Han in the Ben redemption scene with Anakin’s ghost, who is finally able to appear to him thanks to Kylo letting go of the darkness.

I would LOVE this. While the Han scene was masterfully done, I’ll always be frustrated that it wasn’t Anakin


Delpheas said:

I think the answer is no, but at any point in the ST, does Ben ever say “Grandfather” while unmasked?

Adam Driver might have in a different movie.


Thanks for the suggestions folks. I have a few avenues to follow for this Anakin/Ben idea, we’ll see what pans out.

I now also wanna go back and add some shots of Anakin!Vader from RotS to Rey’s saber flashback in TFA.

My Edits:
Revenge of the Sith: Refocused Available

The Clone Wars Refocused: The Chosen One (Mortis Episode)


The thing about the Anakin idea is it inevitably begs the question… why then? Why wouldn’t Anakin have appeared to him earlier? The Han scene is some combination of a Leia-induced hallucination and a visual metaphor for an emotional breakthrough, but Anakin’s ghost would just literally be the sand man himself manifesting. Why then and there? It’d also remove some of Ben’s agency from his turn, making it less of a personal choice and more of a response to getting a bit of a scolding from Grandad.

Of course, the Force Ghost question already exists in the movies as they are, and even in the OT, Obi-Wan’s choices of when to appear or not seem entirely motivated by plot convenience, so it’s not the end of the world. It’s apparent why Lucas decided when writing the PT that no one learned how to become a ghost until afterwards, haha, to avoid this sort of thing.


If I could make it work, the idea is to have Anakin’s lines try and gently provide some of those answers. I want it to feel less like a scolding and more the fulfillment of something Ben’s been trying to get since TFA. Anakin’s still family, and it would still be a emotional moment for Ben, IMO, to see his grandfather after years of reaching out.

I was thinking the scene could go something like this:

Ben senses a presence and turns to it. Anakin’s ghost appears.

Ben: “Grandfather”

Anakin: “Ben.”

Ben: “Ben is dead.”

Anakin: “No. Kylo Ren is dead. Ben Solo lives. That’s why I’m here. (Gentle pause) Ben, she will need your help.”

“It’s too late. She’s gone.”

“It’s never too late Ben. You and Rey can bring balance to the Force. Finish what I started.”

Pregnant pause, Ben looks at Anakin.

“I know what I must do.”

Ben throws away Ren’s lightsaber, turns back and Anakin is gone.

As the camera pulls away for the wide shot, Anakin says:
“May the Force be with you.”

My Edits:
Revenge of the Sith: Refocused Available

The Clone Wars Refocused: The Chosen One (Mortis Episode)


Delpheas said:

If I could make it work, the idea is to have Anakin’s lines try and gently provide some of those answers. I want it to feel less like a scolding and more the fulfillment of something Ben’s been trying to get since TFA. Anakin’s still family, and it would still be a emotional moment for Ben, IMO, to see his grandfather after years of reaching out.

I was thinking the scene could go something like this:

Ben senses a presence and turns to it. Anakin’s ghost appears.

Ben: “Grandfather”

Anakin: “Ben.”

Ben: “Ben is dead.”

Anakin: “No. Kylo Ren is dead. Ben Solo lives. That’s why I’m here. (Gentle pause) Ben, she will need your help.”

“It’s too late. She’s gone.”

“It’s never too late Ben. You and Rey can bring balance to the Force. Finish what I started.”

Pregnant pause, Ben looks at Anakin.

“I know what I must do.”

Ben throws away Ren’s lightsaber, turns back and Anakin is gone.

As the camera pulls away for the wide shot, Anakin says:
“May the Force be with you.”

I like it. I would keep in Ben’s “I know what I have to do but I don’t know if I have the strength to do it.” and then have Anakin say “You do. We all do.”

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


Hmmm. I like that. I initially had left it out it because with Han it was too repetitive of TFA, but it takes on a different meaning here.


My Edits:
Revenge of the Sith: Refocused Available

The Clone Wars Refocused: The Chosen One (Mortis Episode)


How would this be implemented? Are those all lines Christiansen or Lanter recorded in the films or series?


I would imagine they’d have to use a really good voice actor or an AI bot for voice generation like the Kylo one that was mentioned earlier


sade1212 said:

The thing about the Anakin idea is it inevitably begs the question… why then? Why wouldn’t Anakin have appeared to him earlier? The Han scene is some combination of a Leia-induced hallucination and a visual metaphor for an emotional breakthrough, but Anakin’s ghost would just literally be the sand man himself manifesting. Why then and there? It’d also remove some of Ben’s agency from his turn, making it less of a personal choice and more of a response to getting a bit of a scolding from Grandad.

Of course, the Force Ghost question already exists in the movies as they are, and even in the OT, Obi-Wan’s choices of when to appear or not seem entirely motivated by plot convenience, so it’s not the end of the world. It’s apparent why Lucas decided when writing the PT that no one learned how to become a ghost until afterwards, haha, to avoid this sort of thing.

I know the wider canon does not matter but I believe there’s some place where it’s established Force ghosts could only talk to willing light-side users.


I found a voice actor who does a top notch Hayden Anakin impression, so we’ll see how that pans out. AI voice generation is also a possibility, though I’d prefer an actor cus you can get the necessary emotionality much easier.

If I go with an Actor I would probably not use any existing Hayden audio, just to avoid the viewer’s ears clocking the difference. As much as I love Hayden’s delivery of “May the force be with you” in RotS…

Knight of Kalee said:
I know the wider canon does not matter but I believe there’s some place where it’s established Force ghosts could only talk to willing light-side users.

Even if that’s not the case, that’s kinda what I’m running with. Kylo Ren could never reach Darth Vader because DV only exists in the memory of the darkside. So it’s only when Ben has begun to let go of Kylo that Anakin is able to speak with him.

My Edits:
Revenge of the Sith: Refocused Available

The Clone Wars Refocused: The Chosen One (Mortis Episode)


Sequel Trilogy: “Anakin who?”

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Knight of Kalee said:

sade1212 said:

The thing about the Anakin idea is it inevitably begs the question… why then? Why wouldn’t Anakin have appeared to him earlier? The Han scene is some combination of a Leia-induced hallucination and a visual metaphor for an emotional breakthrough, but Anakin’s ghost would just literally be the sand man himself manifesting. Why then and there? It’d also remove some of Ben’s agency from his turn, making it less of a personal choice and more of a response to getting a bit of a scolding from Grandad.

Of course, the Force Ghost question already exists in the movies as they are, and even in the OT, Obi-Wan’s choices of when to appear or not seem entirely motivated by plot convenience, so it’s not the end of the world. It’s apparent why Lucas decided when writing the PT that no one learned how to become a ghost until afterwards, haha, to avoid this sort of thing.

I know the wider canon does not matter but I believe there’s some place where it’s established Force ghosts could only talk to willing light-side users.

As someone who has collected and read literally every single canon story, I’m 90% this has never been established. Sadly there isn’t much Force spirit lore 😕


I’m surprised they allowed him to post that on star wars reddit. I always get my stuff removed.

Not sure if he’s using a low quality source as there’s a lot of pixel distortion on my screen.

Red Exagol seems to be so much more dramatic. That’s kinda the effect I’m going for during the battle sequence. Nice!

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Jar Jar Bricks said:

idir_hh said:

Exegol in Red, with Blue Lightning and Blue Sabers

How to get an epileptic seizure 101
Red and blue like that is a serious issue. Agreed that it looks pretty cool though.

Lol Yeah, even the original was barely watchable in the theatre.

Maybe green lightning instead of blue?

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There is only passion…