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Thor: Ragnarok: Phoenix Cut (WIP)


Here’s a mad little idea I had after reading about the recent dumb stunt from Marvel Comics (i.e, making Thor the son of the Phoenix Force), suppose we include such a twist in Thor: Ragnarok?

I’m using Dark Phoenix as a base, but have delved also into sequences from X-Men: Apocalypse too.


-To establish that the Phoenix is the one on their way to claim Odin at the end of his life, we have shots of in between Thor’s arrival at Doctor Strange’s sanctum, she heads towards Earth. We next see her when Strange notifies Thor Odin is presented based in Norway (using the shot at the very end of Dark Phoenix to indicate she’s on her way there)

When Odin tells Thor that his mother is calling to him over in Norway, we can cut to shots of the Phoenix and then back to Odin

Ideas suggested to me have been shots of The Phoenix watching over her son throughout small scenes of the movie, building to her appearing before Thor and Loki at the end of the mid-credits scene (instead of them being confronted by Thanos’ ship)

Granted, this would completely unshackle this version of Thor Ragnarok from established MCU continuity, but as a standalone idea it would be nice to try this.