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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread — Page 146


Ooh, very cool Movies Remastered! Looking a lot more like Kylo’s.


Excellent work! I do not think it is overdone. This is your best version yet.


There was some talk a while ago of making Ajin Kloss into Naboo. Did that ever get anywhere?

Also Sade that black clothes for Rey test is amazing, if it every is something you wanna embark on finishing… that would be so cool.

My Edits:
Revenge of the Sith: Refocused Available

The Clone Wars Refocused: The Chosen One (Mortis Episode)


snooker made a few tests with the Theed palace waaay in the background of one shot, and also a shot of an elder head in the background of another shot, but I don’t think anything was ever really finalized with that.

A random thought that I know I’ve brought up before, but I wonder if anyone had ideas to emphasize that Palpatine in TROS is literally all the Sith, and not just Palpatine. He mentions that all of the Sith live in him once and says he is all the Sith, but it is never really brought up besides that, despite it having huge implications. I feel like if that revelation was emphasized more, it could intensify the threat of his return, and make his return more inevitable. It’s almost like before his “death” his identity was pretty contained to the man “Sheev Palpatine”, but after his “death”, the collective consciousness speaks through the shell of Palpatine.

I think back on ROTS, when Mace is killed and the mask of Palpatine is “shed” and the true face of Sidious is revealed. When Sidious gives Anakin the name Darth Vader, Sidious has this guttural, inhuman sound to his voice that I always found unnerving. To me, this could be recontextualized as the Sith spirit showing itself for a brief moment. Or perhaps Palpatine was always that “spirit”, his wrinkled face is his true face, and Palpatine was merely a mask throughout the prequels.

I just think having Palpatine’s voice being layered with multiple voices, sort of like the Avatar State in Avatar: The Last Airbender could add to that side of this character. You wouldn’t have to use this effect the entire movie, but maybe when Palpatine says the line, “as all of the Sith live in me”, and after he transforms into “Sidious” at the climax of the film.

It would also deemphasize the dumb “House Skywalker vs House Palpatine” dynamic they tried to force in this film. The antagonist of the film isn’t really Palpatine. It’s too bad they basically refer to him only as Palpatine throughout the film. Not Sidious, not the Sith, etc.


That would be awesome but I’m not sure we’ve actually got any other recognizable Sith voices that would make sense or stand out unless you use voices from Clone Wars and Rebels?

I’ve added a scene where Palpatine is making Sith clones to suggest all the Monk type characters are “ALL THE SITH” and added ‘Duel of the fate’ choir chant over the introduction of the arena onlookers.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


It doesn’t have to be voices we know. The implication would be that they are the voices of past Sith, from Bane to Palpatine. They could literally be anyone’s actual voice though.


One of those other voices could always be given some expository dialogue.

“I am the voice of Darth Bane, the first Sith to go into hiding a millennia ago and plan our revenge. I and all my successors now reside within the vessel of the final Sith Lord. Don’t fuck with us!”

Wait, wrong thread.

My stance on revising fan edits.


It’s almost like before his “death” his identity was pretty contained to the man “Sheev Palpatine”, but after his “death”, the collective consciousness speaks through the shell of Palpatine.

This was how I assumed things to be on my first viewing in the theatre; that it was Palpatine’s actual corpse being reanimated by some kind of amalgamated essence of evil. Dooku and Bane have canon voices that could be imitated (as do Vader and Maul though they arguably weren’t Sith when they died). I like this idea a lot since it adds a greater finality to the conflict rather than being just Palpatine again.


Hal 9000 said:

One of those other voices could always be given some expository dialogue.

“I am the voice of Darth Bane, the first Sith to go into hiding a millennia ago and plan our revenge. I and all my successors now reside within the vessel of the final Sith Lord. Don’t fuck with us!”

Wait, wrong thread.

Seems like the perfect song premise for the The Rise of Skywalker: The Musical

sade1212 said:

It’s almost like before his “death” his identity was pretty contained to the man “Sheev Palpatine”, but after his “death”, the collective consciousness speaks through the shell of Palpatine.

This was how I assumed things to be on my first viewing in the theatre; that it was Palpatine’s actual corpse being reanimated by some kind of amalgamated essence of evil. Dooku and Bane have canon voices that could be imitated (as do Vader and Maul though they arguably weren’t Sith when they died). I like this idea a lot since it adds a greater finality to the conflict rather than being just Palpatine again.

Techincally Dooku wouldn’t be one of the voices. Since he never killed Palpatine, the spirit never passed into him. Someone could impersonate Hamill’s depiction of Darth Bane in The Clone Wars, though. One voice could techincally be Plagueis, but we never heard his voice in canon.


Has anyone intercut between Rey training and Kylo killing the Mustafar colonists in their edit? I feel like one would run into some issues doing that, like one montage being slow motion and the other not, but I think wit the right pacing/rescoring, it could work pretty well. It’d be a good way to show Rey and Kylo’s connection, plus you could tie Rey’s vision into Kylo picking up the wayfinder. There’s already a shot of Kylo twitching/reacting to holding the Wayfinder in Rey’s vision montage, so it could be applied to that.


Thanks! Recently I have been thinking about the first act, and how one could lay it out to delay Palpatine’s reveal.

Even though it isn’t as dramatic of a start, I thought it would be interesting if the film started off with Kylo on the bridge of the Star Destroyer, and as he staring into the abyss, he hears a whisper of mechanical breathing. It cuts to him in his chambers, unsealing Vader’s mask and placing his hand on it. He gets a brief vision of Mustafar, Vader’s castle, the chest that contains the Sith wayfinder, and maybe a brief glimpse of Vader/Anakin himself. He also hears the voices of Vader, and maybe Snoke, to better set up Palpatine’s line about being the voices in his head. Palpatine, through the mask, is leading him to the Wayfinder. It ends on a haunting echo of Vader saying “Join me…” which transitions into Rey’s meditation scene, with her chanting, “Be with me.”

Rey speaks with Leia, then goes to train, which is where we then get the Mustafar Minute intercut with Rey’s training. We see that through their bond, Kylo’s rage is fueling Rey’s. She eventually breaks the remote, Kylo picks up the Wayfinder, and then they share a vision of Exegol, the fleet, the battle, and we get a glimpse of Dark Rey.

Rey snaps out of it, and we get the scene where Rey tells Leia she’s just distracted. Then, we finally get to Kylo flying towards Exegol and meeting Palpatine. After that, we get Finn and Poe’s mission, and the film continues as normal.

I might play around with this eventually but I’m not sure if it would work.

EDIT: One thing you couldn’t use in this version, which I really like, is Dom’s mini-flashbacks we see as Kylo touches Vader’s helmet in his version, which compels him to reforge his mask. I sort of would like to see if one could intercut Kylo reforging his helmet with the mini-flashbacks, instead of making them two separate scenes. Alternatively, it could be interesting to give the monkey-creature off screen dialogue where he says the modifications would shield his mind from outside influence (implying he is trying to remain independent from Palpatine), or simply, using the Knights of Ren line, “May our bond never again be broken.”


RogueLeader said:

Thanks! Recently I have been thinking about the first act, and how one could lay it out to delay Palpatine’s reveal.

Even though it isn’t as dramatic of a start, I thought it would be interesting if the film started off with Kylo on the bridge of the Star Destroyer, and as he staring into the abyss, he hears a whisper of mechanical breathing. It cuts to him in his chambers, unsealing Vader’s mask and placing his hand on it. He gets a brief vision of Mustafar, Vader’s castle, the chest that contains the Sith wayfinder, and maybe a brief glimpse of Vader/Anakin himself. He also hears the voices of Vader, and maybe Snoke, to better set up Palpatine’s line about being the voices in his head. Palpatine, through the mask, is leading him to the Wayfinder. It ends on a haunting echo of Vader saying “Join me…” which transitions into Rey’s meditation scene, with her chanting, “Be with me.”

Rey speaks with Leia, then goes to train, which is where we then get the Mustafar Minute intercut with Rey’s training. We see that through their bond, Kylo’s rage is fueling Rey’s. She eventually breaks the remote, Kylo picks up the Wayfinder, and then they share a vision of Exegol, the fleet, the battle, and we get a glimpse of Dark Rey.

Rey snaps out of it, and we get the scene where Rey tells Leia she’s just distracted. Then, we finally get to Kylo flying towards Exegol and meeting Palpatine. After that, we get Finn and Poe’s mission, and the film continues as normal.

I might play around with this eventually but I’m not sure if it would work.

I like it, especially the idea of having the Mustafar minute intercut with Rey’s training - it would still be fast-paced, but I think it would feel more natural since the two scenes have similar locations and emotions.

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


That is true! And in this version of events, we don’t start the film with the Mustafar Minute, so it is okay if it is fast-paced. And if the slow motion and regular speed look weird side-by-side, perhaps the slow motion shots could be sped up to regular speed.


RogueLeader said:
Even though it isn’t as dramatic of a start, I thought it would be interesting if the film started off with Kylo on the bridge of the Star Destroyer, and as he staring into the abyss, he hears a whisper of mechanical breathing. It cuts to him in his chambers, unsealing Vader’s mask and placing his hand on it. He gets a brief vision of Mustafar, Vader’s castle, the chest that contains the Sith wayfinder, and maybe a brief glimpse of Vader/Anakin himself. He also hears the voices of Vader, and maybe Snoke, to better set up Palpatine’s line about being the voices in his head. Palpatine, through the mask, is leading him to the Wayfinder. It ends on a haunting echo of Vader saying “Join me…” which transitions into Rey’s meditation scene, with her chanting, “Be with me.”

Like this? 😉


Peace is a lie
There is only passion…