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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread — Page 145


That has been talked about. It’s an extremely time consuming process which will need frame by frame editing. I’ve love to have Rey in black to represent her in morning for Luke & Leia and actually have her outfit significantly change for once but I’m still working on the crackling Saber plus Palpatines red lightning which is taking forever. If someone else has the skills to do this well I’d be happy to help but can’t take on anymore scenes atm.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


Movies Remastered said:

That has been talked about. It’s an extremely time consuming process which will need frame by frame editing. I’ve love to have Rey in black to represent her in morning for Luke & Leia and actually have her outfit significantly change for once but I’m still working on the crackling Saber plus Palpatines red lightning which is taking forever. If someone else has the skills to do this well I’d be happy to help but can’t take on anymore scenes atm.

That’s understandable, I wasn’t really asking anyone to do it for me - I was just wondering if whoever made the mockup had some kind of software or HSB preset that would make it easier if I were to give it a try.

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


TestingOutTheTest said:

The profit-making shit show that is Fixing Disney Star Wars

Dude, let it go! You have no idea how much they’re spending on each project nor how much is being donated. Non-profit doesn’t mean designers/vfx artists/voice actors work for free. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Who ever it was used EbSynth from what I recall.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


I posted a test of black robe Rey earlier in the thread, which might be the one you’re thinking of. I used EBSynth but it still required a lot of manual masking because the tracking wasn’t great. You can see around her shoulders where I had to mask the original footage back in because EBSynth kept wanting to spread the black to the background as the shot pans (probably would’ve made more sense to start with the ending frame and process it backwards…).

I did try a test of one shot of the end scene using Rotobrush 2.0 instead, but I couldn’t get that to track any better, so it still required me to do a bunch of almost frame-by-frame masking - ultimately I decided it added basically nothing to the film for the time investment and stopped working on it.


Movies Remastered said:

TestingOutTheTest said:

The profit-making shit show that is Fixing Disney Star Wars

Dude, let it go! You have no idea how much they’re spending on each project nor how much is being donated. Non profile doesn’t mean designers/vfx artists/voice actors works for free. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Who ever it was used EbSynth from what I recall.

Yes, it’s true that there isn’t necessarily any profit-making involved. However, that still doesn’t give them the right to collect funds to create content based upon intellectual property that isn’t their own. Star Wars Theory funded his fan film entirely through his own funds, and he didn’t restrict access to seeing his work based upon whether you are paying him directly or not. If the Fixing Disney Star Wars team had a Patreon, and simply posted their content for everyone to see on YouTube while saying, “Hey, if you like us, feel free to support us financially through donations” then it wouldn’t be a problem. It becomes a problem when the content itself (which isn’t their property even if they create it) is an incentive to supply funding. Yes, it sucks to have to spend that much money on stuff, but they aren’t being forced to do any of that work. It should be coming solely from their ambition as fans of the franchise.


sade1212 said:

I posted a test of black robe Rey earlier in the thread, which might be the one you’re thinking of. I used EBSynth but it still required a lot of manual masking because the tracking wasn’t great. You can see around her shoulders where I had to mask the original footage back in because EBSynth kept wanting to spread the black to the background as the shot pans (probably would’ve made more sense to start with the ending frame and process it backwards…).

I did try a test of one shot of the end scene using Rotobrush 2.0 instead, but I couldn’t get that to track any better, so it still required me to do a bunch of almost frame-by-frame masking - ultimately I decided it added basically nothing to the film for the time investment and stopped working on it.

Wow, that actually looks excellent.

That said, I can only imagine the time such an endeavor would take so I get it. But if some brave wizard ever decides to one day take up the challenge, I’d forever be in their debt. In the meantime, if it’s only for the one scene, maybe there’s someone out there who would be willing to take the time? No? No one wants to put their whole life aside for this small change? Well, I can dream…


Dang. That’s impressive.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Jar Jar Bricks said:

Movies Remastered said:

TestingOutTheTest said:

The profit-making shit show that is Fixing Disney Star Wars

Dude, let it go! You have no idea how much they’re spending on each project nor how much is being donated. Non profile doesn’t mean designers/vfx artists/voice actors works for free. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Who ever it was used EbSynth from what I recall.

Yes, it’s true that there isn’t necessarily any profit-making involved. However, that still doesn’t give them the right to collect funds to create content based upon intellectual property that isn’t their own. Star Wars Theory funded his fan film entirely through his own funds, and he didn’t restrict access to seeing his work based upon whether you are paying him directly or not. If the Fixing Disney Star Wars team had a Patreon, and simply posted their content for everyone to see on YouTube while saying, “Hey, if you like us, feel free to support us financially through donations” then it wouldn’t be a problem. It becomes a problem when the content itself (which isn’t their property even if they create it) is an incentive to supply funding. Yes, it sucks to have to spend that much money on stuff, but they aren’t being forced to do any of that work. It should be coming solely from their ambition as fans of the franchise.

You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. Star wars theory funds his films with donations and YouTube money. He even says “without you guys these fan films wouldn’t be possible”. It’s kinda boring having the same argument on different threads so I’ll leave it there.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


sade1212 said:

I posted a test of black robe Rey earlier in the thread, which might be the one you’re thinking of. I used EBSynth but it still required a lot of manual masking because the tracking wasn’t great. You can see around her shoulders where I had to mask the original footage back in because EBSynth kept wanting to spread the black to the background as the shot pans (probably would’ve made more sense to start with the ending frame and process it backwards…).

I did try a test of one shot of the end scene using Rotobrush 2.0 instead, but I couldn’t get that to track any better, so it still required me to do a bunch of almost frame-by-frame masking - ultimately I decided it added basically nothing to the film for the time investment and stopped working on it.

That’s the same issue I’m having with a few other scenes. Roto2 seems a lot better when colours are more distinguishable but it really struggles with whites, beige and greys.

I still think you did a great job using EbSynth. Hopefully a future update will make things easier.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


Movies Remastered said:

Jar Jar Bricks said:

Movies Remastered said:

TestingOutTheTest said:

The profit-making shit show that is Fixing Disney Star Wars

Dude, let it go! You have no idea how much they’re spending on each project nor how much is being donated. Non profile doesn’t mean designers/vfx artists/voice actors works for free. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Who ever it was used EbSynth from what I recall.

Yes, it’s true that there isn’t necessarily any profit-making involved. However, that still doesn’t give them the right to collect funds to create content based upon intellectual property that isn’t their own. Star Wars Theory funded his fan film entirely through his own funds, and he didn’t restrict access to seeing his work based upon whether you are paying him directly or not. If the Fixing Disney Star Wars team had a Patreon, and simply posted their content for everyone to see on YouTube while saying, “Hey, if you like us, feel free to support us financially through donations” then it wouldn’t be a problem. It becomes a problem when the content itself (which isn’t their property even if they create it) is an incentive to supply funding. Yes, it sucks to have to spend that much money on stuff, but they aren’t being forced to do any of that work. It should be coming solely from their ambition as fans of the franchise.

You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. Star wars theory funds his films with donations and YouTube money. He even says “without you guys these fan films wouldn’t be possible”. It’s kinda boring having the same argument on different threads so I’ll leave it there.

No you don’t know what you’re talking about. I clearly made that distinction in my argument. I have no qualms with donations. The problem comes when you restrict access to content that isn’t intellectually yours based upon whether you donated or not.

Their team literally just said that for 2 months the only way you will be able to see their fan edit is if you pay them via SubscribeStar. If that isn’t illegal then I don’t know what is.


Additionally, they made an account here in June that was instantly banned. Look at the records on this site… I’m sorry, but you’re in the wrong here.


Jar Jar Bricks said:

Movies Remastered said:

Jar Jar Bricks said:

Movies Remastered said:

TestingOutTheTest said:

The profit-making shit show that is Fixing Disney Star Wars

Dude, let it go! You have no idea how much they’re spending on each project nor how much is being donated. Non profile doesn’t mean designers/vfx artists/voice actors works for free. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Who ever it was used EbSynth from what I recall.

Yes, it’s true that there isn’t necessarily any profit-making involved. However, that still doesn’t give them the right to collect funds to create content based upon intellectual property that isn’t their own. Star Wars Theory funded his fan film entirely through his own funds, and he didn’t restrict access to seeing his work based upon whether you are paying him directly or not. If the Fixing Disney Star Wars team had a Patreon, and simply posted their content for everyone to see on YouTube while saying, “Hey, if you like us, feel free to support us financially through donations” then it wouldn’t be a problem. It becomes a problem when the content itself (which isn’t their property even if they create it) is an incentive to supply funding. Yes, it sucks to have to spend that much money on stuff, but they aren’t being forced to do any of that work. It should be coming solely from their ambition as fans of the franchise.

You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. Star wars theory funds his films with donations and YouTube money. He even says “without you guys these fan films wouldn’t be possible”. It’s kinda boring having the same argument on different threads so I’ll leave it there.

No you don’t know what you’re talking about. I clearly made that distinction in my argument. I have no qualms with donations. The problem comes when you restrict access to content that isn’t intellectually yours based upon whether you donated or not.

Their team literally just said that for 2 months the only way you will be able to see their fan edit is if you pay them via SubscribeStar. If that isn’t illegal then I don’t know what is.

Yeah that’s not a grey area, that’s plainly just money in exchange for a product using someone else’s intellectual property - a clear violation of copyright law.


They’re a danger to this website, other fanediting communities, and fanediting as a whole.

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


Why do you keep slagging off people that can’t be here to defend themselves? Really says a lot, man.

So, you wanna use and have access to their scenes before the final edit but you don’t wanna help them with costings despite them investing more than they’ll ever get back, and you’re against people helping them fund their projects? 🤔

They’re not charging for their finished feature edits. They’re just showing investors the progress of each scene which are being created from scratch using Hollywood grade VFX artists.

So, how about you stop bringing this drama to these threads and get back to the subjects!

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


No, I am simply concerned about the safety of this community. What they are doing is extremely dangerous. I was legitimately considering a donation to their cause until I realized that I shouldn’t have to pay to see content that is rightfully owned by Disney.


IMHO, it’s a grey area we and the people of FE.org have maintained distance between for years. It may be somewhat out of touch with how the Internet works nowadays, but we’ve been forged by fire.

Can we let it go, though? It sounds like the disagreement is about how to assess the agreed upon facts.

Either way, this site will be free of that grey area, whether one wishes to pursue the during the parts of their lives when they aren’t on this site. (What is that, maybe 20% of their time?)

My stance on revising fan edits.


Yes, I am letting it go because I am specifically reporting their site to Disney anti-piracy. Do not be concerned, I am not mentioning this site whatsoever. I doubt I will receive a response but it will at least help me feel better about all of this.


I’m not sure that’s such a great idea. Better not to draw their attention to any of this sort of thing at all. Don’t need to cut off our nose to spite our face.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Yeah, guess you’re right. Sorry for making a huge deal out of this everyone, I can get a little heated sometimes. I think I am going to take a few days off of this site. If you haven’t noticed, I’ve been spending way too much time on here.