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Post #1407001

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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)
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Date created
31-Jan-2021, 6:02 PM

A couple of other tiny thoughts I had while looking at the Death Star fight. The added shot of Leia holding the medal - would it be possible to add some of that bright white backlight color into the shot? Right now, the colors feel a little off between the Medal insert and the Leia silhouette shot. It’s just a small little thing, but it might help to incorporate the shot better into the scene.

The other thing is, would it make the scene flow better if Leia says “Ben…” before we see her, and then Kylo stops fighting, turns, “sees her” - as if he’s stopping fighting because he hears her voice and senses her presence. The way it is in V1 (and the original cut) is that Ben stops short, Leia appears, then says his name, and then he looks over at her. There’s a split second where the audience is thinking “Wait, why the heck is he stopping?” Rather than “Oh! Was that Leia’s voice?” The scene still makes sense as is, I just wonder if it might flow a little more cleanly. What do you guys think?