Hi all I’m new to this forum, I’m a long time Star Wars fan and thought I would have a go at some fan edits of my own.
Being a massive fan of the original trilogy I was a little disappointed when the prequels came out I tried my hardest to love them as I did with the originals but it just felt different! Dodgy dialogue, too many cartoonish cgi characters! Burp humour and awful romance.
But On the upside these movies still had a lot to love! Some great action! Special effects and some great moments.
I started with the phantom Menace as I felt this would be the one that needed most of the work (until I got to clones) 😂
I used the original soundtrack to help mix in during transitions from scene to scene also used the classic Star Wars wipes between scenes to keep the original feel.
Anyway so what have I changed!
The Phantom Menace
Less jar jar! I’ve fixed up he’s dialogue and taken out the clown antics.
Gungan underwater city scene taken out.
They now meet jar jar and head straight to the palace. -
I’ve tightened up the pod race on tattooine to create a little more tension with a lot less comic relief.
Tightened up some cringy dialogue and unnecessary scenes throughout the movie.
The battle of Naboo is a lot more epic, jar jar will not win the day by tripping over himself.
tightened up some Battle scenes!
Attack of the Clones
No meeting at palpatines office (never liked this scene) instead the explosion of padme’s ship transitions straight into anakin and obi wan in the elevator.
Dialogue between obi and anakin at padmes apartment fixed up.
Anakin is a lot more likeable no cringy dialogue.
The chase through corrusant tightened up.
Less romance in this version anakin and padme fall for each other along the adventure rather than desperate love scenes with terrible dialogue.
Moved a few scenes around to restructure the flow of the movie.
No Dex and very little jar jar (he does not speak at all)
Anakin less whinny
Tightened up the battle to flow a little better.
No love scene before geonosis battle.
Revenge of the Sith
Less battle droid humour at the beginning.
Tightened up the battle at the beginning of the movie right up to the crash landing on coruscant to help the pace of the movie.
No elevator malfunction scene. -
I restructured a lot of the anakin and palpatine stuff to make anakins turn to the dark side Seem more believable.
after palpatine tells anakin about the secret to create life and convincing Anakin that he could learn to stop people from dieing the scene then cuts to the battle at kashykk then we move on straight to palpatines office and I’ve edited that scene so it seems as though anakin was called in by palpatine He does not pull out the lightsaber and threaten to turn him over to the Jedi council! Instead he’s very tempted by him, then the next scene with anakin he’s telling padme that he’s found a way to save her From he’s nightmares! -
Anakin does not kill children in this version.
Tightened up some dialogue throughout the movie and added some of the movie soundtrack in some scenes.
Padme dies from her injuries.
What do you think 🤔
Cross Vader