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Post #1404931

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Anyone else dislike Rogue One? I feel like the only person.
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Date created
22-Jan-2021, 2:36 AM

WookieeWarrior77 said:

Sure the Vader scene was cool, the pilots were nice, and it tied in nicely to the original Star Wars at the end; but other than that it just isn’t a very good movie in my not so humble opinion.

I do agree: since day one I don’t like this movie. Let’s say I tolerate it now because of a few qualities (it looks great, I’m a big fan of Giacchino’s score, and a few sequences actually are pretty good). One of my main issues is it doesn’t tie that nicely to the original SW. When I watched both movies back to back, ANH felt inconsistent with R1 in many ways… I have the same problem with the PT, however at least ROTS ends some 20 years before ANH starts, so my mind can adjust the inconsistencies with the time gap. With R1, the 5 minutes gap don’t explain why Vader is suddenly so weak and got memory issues… I don’ dig at all the plot about some engineer who input a defect on purpose into the DS, it kinda ruins everything we see in ANH (it removes the symbolic of the Dragon to become something which allegedly makes sense, exactly what people usually are mad with the PT for but they mostly gave a pass to R1 here for some reasons I still don’t get). Also, R1 is a war movie with some myth used as a background for no real value, so even in tone it doesn’t align well with the main Saga.

In the end, I really hated it when I first saw it. Now it take it as it is: a boring war movie with incredible visuals, high standard scenery and a thrilling last half hour. Which qualifies it as one of the best of the Disney (bad) batch 😄

(my Disney ranking would be: TLJ > R1 > Solo > TROS > TFA)