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Post #1404590

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If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place
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Date created
20-Jan-2021, 3:30 PM

Anakin Starkiller said:

That’s what my meds do. If I don’t take them I just slouch around on Discord all day or something. When I take them, I have the drive to actually do something. The problem I ran into today was not knowing what I wanted to put that drive into. I have the energy but nowhere to direct it. I haven’t felt truly passionate about any of my projects for a long time, and it’s killing me. Without a project to occupy me I don’t know what to do with my life. Plus, I didn’t register for any classes this semester mainly because of how unwell I’m feeling emotionally, so I have all the time in the world but nothing to do with it. I don’t dare to commit to something without my heart being in it in both classes and personal projects, so now I’m stuck running in circles. I just can’t seem to hone in on one, maybe two particular projets to work on. I guess I did start that music video. I should finish that. Regardless, I feel so apathetic to everything even with my meds giving me the motivation I don’t feel comfortable taking on a task that should be for my own pleasure knowing I’m faking it.

It’s none of my business to know what meds you are on, i wouldn’t want to impede on your privacy, but relatively speaking are the medication for pain or would they be along the lines of an antidepressant?
I’m not sure what country you live in, but i think you should express this to your doctor, because either way medication shouldn’t be able to swerve you one way or the other and it be looked at in a positive light.