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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread — Page 142


FWIW the current ongoing Vader comic is addressing this issue right now, with Vader obtaining his Wayfinder and heading to Exegol. How exactly is it patching up this hole? We don’t know yet, but that’s what the current arc is focused on


It’s focused on, but still doesn’t address that Anakin knew of the Wayfinder he kept at his castle that Luke was searching for…

And as they’re effectively holocrons that communicate and can be felt in the Force, it’s even stranger that Luke didn’t sense the Wayfinder on the Death Star, in addition to Anakin not mentioning the one at his Castle.


Fair point. Honestly, I just don’t worry about Force ghost knowledge, they create so many technical plot holes lol. I think you just have to accept them as conduits of the Force that are used to guide light side users as the Force wills it


The Force willed that Palpatine return and that Luke failed in rooting out the evil of the Sith.


When did he ever age out of that childish hero complex? Seemed to last with him until it nearly drove him to killing his nephew. Never grew up enough to have the wisdom of Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, or Yoda until his 40’s or 50’s.

JEDIT: didn’t see the sarcastic gif, but I’m only teasing with this response anyway.


The book From A Certain Point of View (the ANH one) implies that Force Ghosts exist outside linear time and can literally perceive the future.

They just don’t care.

On an unrelated note - I’m sure you’re all as interested in minutia about the reused footage from the previous two movies in the visions in TROS as I am, so here’s some colour grading comparisons:

  • Now please excuse the terrible quality of the clip, i can’t get the render settings working right in vegas lmao

  • also ignore the logo, i had to rip it from youtube because vegas can’t open the movie in mkv.

  • the palpatine audio is terrible quality but i thought id throw together this idea because i thought it fit.

  • When Rey picks up the wayfinder, Palpatine says ‘‘Now…Fulfill your destiny’’

  • https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nmFbZVUOnkbbT2tTo-T2-ceHF0LC0UdW/view?usp=sharing

  • just something that came to mind a while ago, id love it with the audio in good quality but i dont have the facilities to do that.


Here is an end Saber spark test. 3 different versions, first clip regular speed and second at half speed to see the difference. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks to @skenera for helping with colour correction.

The idea is to give Rey a reason for burying the Sabers after the battle with Palpatine.

V1 No blue puff of smoke
V2 Hard blue smoke
V3 Softer blue smoke


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Movies Remastered said:

Here is an end Saber spark test. 3 different versions, first clip regular speed and second at half speed to see the difference. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks to @skenera for helping with colour correction.

The idea is to give Rey a reason for burying the Sabers after the battle with Palpatine.

V1 No blue puff of smoke
V2 Hard blue smoke
V3 Softer blue smoke


I think V2 is the best for sure. It fits really well, i think the smoke element should be a bit more transparent but i love it.


Movies Remastered said:

That’s what I was going for in V3. By “smoke element” do you mean the lasting smoke effect or the initial puff of smoke from the Saber?

The lasting puff, i think it just needs a little more transparency but other than that it’s a perfect addition to the scene


It’s pointing out that Anakin’s Force Ghost could’ve told Luke where his Wayfinder was, basically pointing out the massive plot hole in The Rise of Skywalker.


TestingOutTheTest said:

It is never mentioned or implied in the film that the Wayfinder belonged to Anakin specifically.

It was on Mustafar, stated in the novelisation, stated in the deleted scenes, and the current Darth Vader comic has him acquiring it directly.

The Alazmec of Winsit, whom Kylo Ren fights to obtain the Wayfinder, are a cult following Vader.


JakeRyan17 said:

It’s pointing out that Anakin’s Force Ghost could’ve told Luke where his Wayfinder was, basically pointing out the massive plot hole in The Rise of Skywalker.

My gripe with this is,a character not telling another character something isn’t a plothole. By this same logic it is a plothole in A New Hope that Obi wan didnt tell Luke that Vader was his father and that he had a sister.


JakeRyan17 said:

TestingOutTheTest said:

It is never mentioned or implied in the film that the Wayfinder belonged to Anakin specifically.

It was on Mustafar, stated in the novelisation, stated in the deleted scenes, and the current Darth Vader comic has him acquiring it directly.

The Alazmec of Winsit, whom Kylo Ren fights to obtain the Wayfinder, are a cult following Vader.

I said it wasn’t stated in the film; one shouldn’t have to go outside of a work and rely on ancillary material in order for it to make sense.

ThisIsCreation said:

JakeRyan17 said:

It’s pointing out that Anakin’s Force Ghost could’ve told Luke where his Wayfinder was, basically pointing out the massive plot hole in The Rise of Skywalker.

My gripe with this is,a character not telling another character something isn’t a plothole. By this same logic it is a plothole in A New Hope that Obi wan didnt tell Luke that Vader was his father and that he had a sister.

I wouldn’t frame it as a plot hole, but more of an Idiot Plot. On the topic of Obi-Wan, the reason he didn’t tell Luke that Vader was his father is so he wouldn’t be traumatized.


Movies Remastered said:

Here is an end Saber spark test. 3 different versions, first clip regular speed and second at half speed to see the difference. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks to @skenera for helping with colour correction.

The idea is to give Rey a reason for burying the Sabers after the battle with Palpatine.

V1 No blue puff of smoke
V2 Hard blue smoke
V3 Softer blue smoke


This looks great, the only thing that looks off is that the lasting smoke puff sends seems to follow the camera movement instead of staying in its own spot. But I love it other than that.


Yeah, Obi-Wan intentionally misled Luke, and it’s addressed.

TRoS presents Luke as spending years searching for Exegol and the Wayfinders. It doesn’t frame it as the Force Ghosts lied to him about where they were, it doesn’t frame it as anything other than a man looked everywhere and asked everyone… except the one person who knew, who he uniquely could communicate with.

It becomes a plot hole because we’re told a character exerted himself, almost desperately, to find something without trying the most basic thing that would also have worked. Like, did Luke get bitter with his father’s redeemed spirit?

Maybe, if it’s not a plot hole, we can at least agree it’s an unnecessarily stupid plot contrivance setting up the videogame-style trading sequence of multiple MacGuffins that we have instead of a story.