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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread — Page 140


That’s why I suggested in Hal’s thread that we create new scenes using limited resources a la Adywan.


TestingOutTheTest said:

Is it possible to have Rey go to Naboo instead of Tatooine and set Anakin, Luke (yes, Luke’s green lightsaber) and Leia’s lightsabers beside or inside Padmé’s tomb? Setting the lightsabers beside or inside Padmé’s tomb would be symbolic of the Skywalker family finally getting to be together after death.

We don’t have footage of her tomb, so that would have to be created from scratch. We’d also have to colour-correct Rey to be in a dark tomb rather than a bright desert. And it would also raise the question of how does Rey even know who Padmé is? Luke and Leia never knew Padmé, though Leia knew of her ostensibly…

If any of this were possible, I feel like Ahch-To would’ve been a better place, as if she’s planting the seed of a new Jedi Order where the last Order had their first Jedi Temple. That would still be incredibly difficult, and potentially just as impossible.


She buries them near Shmi so there’s already some idea that it’s a Skywalker family grave plot.


Thinking about in in that context confuses me even more! Haha. I honestly have always hated that scene. She’s memorialising a man and woman she cares about in the place that Luke spent every moment trying to escape and never returning to, and where Leia had never even been to, having been made into a sex slave by a giant slug nearby. And that’s assuming Luke talked about Tatooine a bunch, and where the exact location of the Lars homestead was after having been abandoned in the desert for about 35 years… Linking it to Shmi puts more weight on how silly that scene was.


JakeRyan17 said:

We don’t have footage of her tomb, so that would have to be created from scratch.

I proposed in Hal’s thread we come up with new scenes like Adywan did with the OT.

And it would also raise the question of how does Rey even know who Padmé is?

I mean, you can apply that same question to Rey and the whole Lars homestead situation…

Luke and Leia never knew Padmé, though Leia knew of her ostensibly…

I mean, they’d know specific things after death as Force ghosts; it’s why Obi-Wan knows about Vader being “more machine than man” in the OT and why he knows who Rey is in TFA, also why Luke (not Leia, but Luke) knew of her connection with Palps.

I guess you can imply them guiding Rey to Naboo or something…?


Obi-Wan knew Vader was more machine than man because he himself chopped his body into pieces. Abrams’ writing of Rey is just lazy… that’s how you get Leia hugging Rey instead of Chewie


Hey, so, I remembered a few months ago when some people were discussing the idea of having Ben give Rey his life force before she faces Palpatine instead of after, so that it feels like they’re fighting together. The big problem with this is that it looks like they’re in a different setting because of the debris around them and the fact that Palpatine doesn’t notice what’s happening. So I was thinking, what if Palpatine threw them both into that pit, and Ben healed Rey allowing her to climb out?

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


RogueLeader said:

Hmm, I don’t see how any of that would be filmable.

Yeah, and I realize making a composite shot of Rey falling alongside Ben would be impossible because of how much the camera moves.

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


Digitally reduce the amount of Xyston Destroyers we see in the beginning and end parts of the film. I havent an issue with the Destroyers themselves, but there are too many.


That’s the point. Palpatine is launching an attack against the galaxy, destroying any planet whose citizens refuse to listen to him. He’s basically going to be holding the galaxy at gunpoint.


TestingOutTheTest said:

That’s the point. Palpatine is launching an attack against the galaxy, destroying any planet whose citizens refuse to listen to him. He’s basically going to be holding the galaxy at gunpoint.

That’s the exact scene I’ve been working on for months. What planets would you include? (Bear in mind that cloud city, Endor & Naboo are already used in the end scene) I’ve already got Coruscant, Yavin 4, Tatooine, Mustafar…

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Movies Remastered said:

TestingOutTheTest said:

That’s the point. Palpatine is launching an attack against the galaxy, destroying any planet whose citizens refuse to listen to him. He’s basically going to be holding the galaxy at gunpoint.

That’s the exact scene I’ve been working on for months. What planets would you include? (Bear in mind that cloud city, Endor & Naboo are already used in the end scene) I’ve already got Coruscant, Yavin 4, Tatooine, Mustafar…

Corellia and Kashyyyk would be nice.


Knight of Kalee said:

Movies Remastered said:

TestingOutTheTest said:

That’s the point. Palpatine is launching an attack against the galaxy, destroying any planet whose citizens refuse to listen to him. He’s basically going to be holding the galaxy at gunpoint.

That’s the exact scene I’ve been working on for months. What planets would you include? (Bear in mind that cloud city, Endor & Naboo are already used in the end scene) I’ve already got Coruscant, Yavin 4, Tatooine, Mustafar…

Corellia and Kashyyyk would be nice.

Corellia could be cool. I looked at adding a Star Destroyer to the dock scene in Solo. I looked through hours of travel videos and drone footage of Thailand to create Kashyyk but couldn’t find anything that would suit. If you know of any footage that would work I’d love to add that planet?

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We’ve been sharing scenes with each other for a while now but they’re a good way off from completion. They’re very ambitious in some of their new shots. I can’t wait to see what they come out with. They’re spending an absolute fortune on this project.

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Movies Remastered said:

TestingOutTheTest said:

That’s the point. Palpatine is launching an attack against the galaxy, destroying any planet whose citizens refuse to listen to him. He’s basically going to be holding the galaxy at gunpoint.

That’s the exact scene I’ve been working on for months. What planets would you include? (Bear in mind that cloud city, Endor & Naboo are already used in the end scene) I’ve already got Coruscant, Yavin 4, Tatooine, Mustafar…

Wait, are you designing an entire sequence of Sheev Ships attacking the galaxy? Because if so…dude.


I’m having “planet killing” star destroyers turn up at as many planets as I can find to explain why the galaxy United in TROS and not TLJ.

So, far Kylo turns up at Coruscant (inspired by Idir_hh) and you’re left questioning if he’s good or bad. Here’s a WIP but the footage from the prequels is very grainy and blurry in comparisons to current day footage.


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The camera movement looks odd, it looks as if the Star Destroyer is moving downwards from front to bottom towards Coruscant. Make the movement of Coruscant slower.


That’s a fantastic idea! When would that scene take place though? Kylo spends more time chasing after Rey in the movie than Finn does.


It’s just after the Ben and Han scene. It fits perfectly. I’m just waiting on some 4k footage to see if it improves.

Does it look blurry to you in that clip? It’s from 1080p blu-ray but just looks off to me.

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