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Post #1402299

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Star Wars: The Coaxium Heist (COMPLETED)
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Date created
12-Jan-2021, 12:44 PM

Jose Hidalgo said:

Yuri_Kenobi said:

I actually did sync english subtitles to TCH a while ago for my own use, send me a message if you need it.

Well Yuri_Kenobi, of course I need it 😃 But I’m not the only one. I think lots of people need it, and I’m sure DigMod would be happy to add a subtitle file to TCH. So please, make them available in this topic so we can all enjoy them. Thank you.

I’m not entirely sure how this works when it comes to subtitles, but it may be against the rules to post them here, as they originate from copyrighted materials just as fan-edits do. I have, however, sent them to DigMod.