Okay this is what I have so far:
Set 30 years after Episode VI
Opening battle set 5 years after Episode VI
The Whills are a force species (looking similar to the Souls in Pixar’s Soul) rather than micro biotic things
Darth Maul is the Supreme Leader and the Main Antagonist of the Trilogy (REBELS is NOT CANON in this REWRITE)
Realm of the Whills
Female Antagonist
Pilot son to Han and Leia, Samuel “Sam” Solo
Mandalorian love interest who is a Han Solo character, Tayrn
Luke Skywalker in exile with PTSD from OT
Luke is introduced midway into VII like Bo Peep in Toy Story 4
Female protagonist is a nobody with special Force powers
Leia is Supreme Chancellor and Luke’s first student
Journal of the Whills is created in Episode IX ending
There’s a Whill who takes form as Yoda’s species and follows heroes and likes R2-D2
Padme Solo-female antagonist alias
Imperial Remnant restored to Second Empire
Second Clone War
Kaminoans enslaved by Imperials
Felucia and climactic Sarlacc Battle in Episode VIII
Luke dies in Episode VIII
Lando returns in Episode VIII
Leia dies at the ending of IX knowing she’s at peace with everything
Kaminoans create new cloning technology
What happened to Kamino after Prequels
Remincore Fields with wild Space Whales
R2-D2 is brought by Whills child to realm to help create journal of the Whills
Yoda and Anakin’s ghosts appear, Obi Wan’s voice is heard too
Kira and Padme survive IX and grow to have a lesbian relationship
Luke and Anakin redeem Padme Solo at her lowest Point
The Imperial Remnant is led by Grand Admiral Thrawn
Tayrn is revealed as the biological son of Boba Fett