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Post #1400003

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The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!
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Date created
5-Jan-2021, 4:45 AM

McFibb said:

Nice mock-up. Helpful! Do you know if the ending build up in the original episodes is always the same, or at the very least, in the same key each time?

Also, do you want to drop right to credits or to logo again?

Finally, could you send me the video track + dialogue + no music for the last 30 seconds, then your full credit sequence, sans music?

I think probably the same key every time. Which might mean that I’m giving myself the same problem per episode, if the key match is what we really need. In which case it might be sensible for us to switch out Clones (Sad) for something in the same key, though this makes me EddieDean (Sad).

It might be easiest for you to match to whatever note episodes tend to land on.

A little later today I’ll give you some examples of episode endings so you can see, as well as the other couple of examples you’ve asked for.

Not sure what you mean about dropping right to credits or logo. If you mean, at the end of each episode, do I want the build at the end of each episode to hit the peak which triggers the first visual of the closing credits (a name over concept art), then yes, sure. Though it doesn’t need to hit immediately after.

Don’t worry too much about getting the length of this too perfect or synced to my visuals, because it goes like:
Credits over concept art (I can change their length) > Community credit (fixed length) > Main credits (can vary in length) > Lucasfilm credit (fixed length). So I can always make tweaks to fit. What’s most important is the transition from the episodes, and then that the track is good (and ideally melancholy/emotional/not too upbeat).

Knight of Kalee said:

Regarding the closing titles, personally I think the credits/score sync works best when the piece of music that starts at 21:30 in Cloak of Darkness hits the same time as the OT forum credits, as it did in the previous episode. The starting point of the music of course can vary depending on how it blends better with the episode. Maybe you could move forward the beginning of the credits a few seconds or reduce a bit the duration of the text. I agree with giving more screentime to the most striking concept art.

I think you’re saying/asking the same thing McFibb is there? That the final scene of the episode should be followed immediately by the first screen of the credits? I’m very happy to do that - and happy to keep tweaking until we get it feeling perfect.