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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread — Page 136


Come on, don’t drag that stupid drama here. Pablo already clarified on Twitter and apologised. No need for the “fans” to bully another Lucasfilm creative into leaving the company (except of course, for all the glorious clicks and ad revenue it can bring!).


sade1212 said:

Come on, don’t drag that stupid drama here. Pablo already clarified on Twitter and apologised. No need for the “fans” to bully another Lucasfilm creative into leaving the company (except of course, for all the glorious clicks and ad revenue it can bring!).

I didn’t see any apology? I’m not sure how you’re seeing a negative in this.

Also, my channel isn’t monetized.

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Movies Remastered, we try to avoid any drama here. And that tends to include references to it unless we have to.

Since the Star Wars fandom has quite large and vocal pockets of toxicity and controversy, yet fanedits necessitate critical analysis and constructive disagreement, we naturally risk attracting that drama.

It’s not personal - we just have to be relatively vigilant, so that the community here can thrive.

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


Oh nice, I didn’t know you were collaborating with other members of these forums. I really liked your Kylo’s scar heal edit, will you be making your shots available for other editors to use in their own edits, like Hal’s TROS Ascendent?

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


EddieDean said:

Oh nice, I didn’t know you were collaborating with other members of these forums. I really liked your Kylo’s scar heal edit, will you be making your shots available for other editors to use in their own edits, like Hal’s TROS Ascendent?

Kylo’s scar heal edit? I must have missed that. Does anyone have a link to it?

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


EddieDean said:

Oh nice, I didn’t know you were collaborating with other members of these forums. I really liked your Kylo’s scar heal edit, will you be making your shots available for other editors to use in their own edits, like Hal’s TROS Ascendent?

Absolutely! I’ve been doing loads of work with other editors this past year but prefer to DM. I got annoyed at people using my edits without crediting the people who created them so I’m now only sharing finished scenes once my cut is released (which is hopefully soon)…

Thanks, I really enjoy collabs.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


Ed Slushie said:

EddieDean said:

Oh nice, I didn’t know you were collaborating with other members of these forums. I really liked your Kylo’s scar heal edit, will you be making your shots available for other editors to use in their own edits, like Hal’s TROS Ascendent?

Kylo’s scar heal edit? I must have missed that. Does anyone have a link to it?

Here’s an early pass. It took a few more to get right. https://youtu.be/GyF5ggzFuZg

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


RogueLeader said:

Not sure how we could imply it, but I think it would be cool if we could explain that the reason the Sith Fleet needs to be controlled by some kind of tower is because all of those ships are completely empty, and they need to be remotely controlled. Maybe we could redub that dumb line about harvesting the galaxy’s young to man the fleet. How are babies gonna man the fleet you are launching in less than 16 hours? Maybe we could redub him to say, “We’ll need to install a comm tower onto this ship to control the fleet remotely.”

Certainly not the easiest way to go, but you might be able to change the long tracking shot looking out from inside one of the Exegol SDs as Rey is flying in to confront Palpatine. Grab a chunk of the second half (1:37:20 to end, say), preferably with the least amount of people in it, crop/mask out/avoid them as much as possible,

I wouldn’t want to try that, but there are some pretty talented folks on this board with way better skills & patience than me.

“That’s not how the Force works!”


Hi guys, there was ALWAYS something in that movie that drives me crazy. At the final scene, I really liked Rey’s new lightsaber, but get frustrated to know it isn’t a double-bladed one. The biggest problem is that the Rey’s saber shot is a close one, so we can only see one half of the saber, making it impossible to edit the other half to generate a second blade.
So I was watching TROS Ascendant by Hal and in the Dark Rey scene I thought:
If Rey was going to have a double bladed lightsaber, she would think in that possibility after seeing her dark self with one in the vision, so what if the new Rey’s saber is a double bladed one and ALSO have the “swiss army” flip function. So in the saber ignition shot, we first see the yellow blade, and after that another blade flips to upside, revealing a double bladed lightsaber that flips and is just like the Dark Rey’s one. The only differences are the colour and the stable blade instead of a crackled one.
What you guys think of the idea? I think it would be really cool. I will find a time at the next week to work on that, but if you guys have some idea I would be really very glad.

“The greatest teacher failure is”


I think in the ancillary materials, it’s stated she was designing a lightsaber like that and changed away from it after the vision.

If there was a way to restore that to her in that final scene, it would be cool though.


Might not be a big deal, but we see the saber on her belt that whole scene in wide shots, so it might have to be adjusted in those shots as well.


Movies Remastered said:

Didn’t a weapons expert deem her Sith Saber to be one of the stupidest and dangerous designs he’d ever seen?

kylo’s saber is also dumb but it looks cool, so whatever

“The greatest teacher failure is”