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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 314


Hal 9000 said:

I recall hearing that in TROS, they intentionally keep Luke’s right hand concealed within his cloak. Not sure why; of course he doesn’t have a robot hand as a ghost. Right?

Yeah I noticed this. Clearly just didn’t want to have to answer that question.


I almost wonder if at some point they considered having Luke be physically alive to some extent. Like, maybe Luke could appear physically, as if he achieved an even higher enlightment than the other Jedi. But that wouldn’t explain why they would have to conceal his hand… Very weird. I don’t see why, under any circumstance, they would want to hide his right hand, unless they briefly played with the idea of him having some physical form and they weren’t sure how to depict his right hand.


RogueLeader said:

I almost wonder if at some point they considered having Luke be physically alive to some extent. Like, maybe Luke could appear physically, as if he achieved an even higher enlightment than the other Jedi. But that wouldn’t explain why they would have to conceal his hand… Very weird. I don’t see why, under any circumstance, they would want to hide his right hand, unless they briefly played with the idea of him having some physical form and they weren’t sure how to depict his right hand.

It was a question they didn’t want to answer or change the continuity of, they could have given him a fresh new hand or given him his mechanical; people asked this same question about Anakin in ROTJ and it was left unanswered think they’re simply doing the same with Luke.

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


Hi, would love a chance to enjoy your awesome changes.
Is there a link or download you can provide?


Well, I just brought mysfel to watch this film for the first time I walked out of the cinema a year ago in confusion and anger. It needed a year’s dedicated work by Hal9000 and all the contributors to do that. All I can say is that they did what is humanely possible to salvage TROS. We all should be very grateful for the efforts they put in for the ideas and the execution.


The files on the drive no longer have a “version” i’m guessing since it’s a finished work (Until some hair gets sorted out 😉 )

I just want to know if I have the latest one, workprint 6.0.1 . Because try as I might, I can’t download from the drive right now, even with every work around I know.

jedit: i feel like it can’t be since my file is 9.16gb and the 720p on the Drive is 11gb.


YellowYoda said:

The files on the drive no longer have a “version” i’m guessing since it’s a finished work (Until some hair gets sorted out 😉 )

I just want to know if I have the latest one, workprint 6.0.1 . Because try as I might, I can’t download from the drive right now, even with every work around I know.

jedit: i feel like it can’t be since my file is 9.16gb and the 720p on the Drive is 11gb.

The version identifier is in the readme for each one, so that’s how you can tell. Also, see the FAQ at the top level for some tips.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Movies Remastered said:

Did you do this? If you lay up the colour, I’ll give the tracking a go if you’d like.

I’m sure I speak for all of us when I say we’d love to see you give it a go, Movies Remastered!
Poppasketti had offered, but he’s a busy man so we’ll have to see!

poppasketti said:

As for the Vader castle shot, Hal, if you send me the shot and the castle still image (if you have it!) I can put it in my queue, but again, this may be a case of me kind of disappearing for another couple of months! So if anyone else gets to it first, by all means!

He’ll probably appreciate the burden being passed onto someone else. 😉

Join us in the OT.com Discord server!


My only issue is being colourblind and not getting the contrast right. If someone can provide a highres image with that done I’ll take a run at the rest. 👍🏼

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Hey MR! I think you nailed the tracking! I think you just need to reduce the contrast (raise the black levels) on the tower and blur it a little bit, since it’s off in the distance. It should be less sharp than the trees. Also, does the tower cover any trees or are the tree already roto’d in front? It’s hard to tell!


Thanks man. I thought the tracking was a little floaty but you know what I’m like haha!

I just used the still provided for now. I don’t think the trees need to be roto’d but I’ve not used any contrasting in AF yet. Where’s the option? I actually thought it was a little too blurry compared to the original so it’s good you think it’s not blurry enough.

Appreciate the feedback. Big help.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


You can use a curves or levels filter to adjust contrast, although it won’t work if the tower isn’t separated from the background yet (since you’re using the still). When you get the tower as its own layer you can adjust the blur and contrast easily! Also make sure to add some grain to any still layer you add to the sequence!


So cool! This is good work.

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!


Movies Remastered said:

I didn’t have the effects & presets option ticked. This is a game-changer. 😃 What grain settings do you use?

Here’s a second pass

pw: fanedit

Looking at it now, Maybe the trees should be roto’d but that’s a little out my league for now.

This is really cool, it’s a little too reddish on the castle, if you turned the saturation down by 15% around the castle it would be perfect.


Movies Remastered said:

I didn’t have the effects & presets option ticked. This is a game-changer. 😃 What grain settings do you use?

Here’s a second pass

pw: fanedit

Looking at it now, Maybe the trees should be roto’d but that’s a little out my league for now.

That’s great, lowering the saturation may do it some improvement. Other than that perfect.

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


Movies Remastered said:

I didn’t have the effects & presets option ticked. This is a game-changer. 😃 What grain settings do you use?

Here’s a second pass

pw: fanedit

Looking at it now, Maybe the trees should be roto’d but that’s a little out my league for now.

In the final second you can just about see the whole thing drifting to the right a bit. And the whole thing seems a little bit too dark. Otherwise looks good!


Yeah, I had to stretch it to fit. If anyone can get my the original I can try to make it smoother. Was it found or done by someone on here?

Thanks for the colour advise. I can only see primary colours so I’m literally flying blind. Lol

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Hey MR!

Yeah I think the trick is going to be separating the tower from the foreground trees, that way you can adjust the color independently. It is too dark and saturated there now, and now you can see the drift more. Does anyone have the raw image of the tower that was used to comp in the shot?

edit: oh and for grain I would honestly just add the noise filter since the object is so small and the grain filters render very slowly. Maybe set it to 3-4%?


Hello! What is everyone? in two weeks I will have some time to do luke’s hair! I want to go back to help a little


Yeah, you’re right. As soon as I start messing with the saturation the sky pops too much.

I’ve looks for a suitable replacement but the original comp image would be great if anyone has it?

Jonh!!! You’ve been missed, dude.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/