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Unpopular Opinion Thread — Page 6


Whether people like them or not the current ST will be buried in about 5 years by other media. Probably to included new trilogies or even new stories set in that period. Probably stories that will include more interesting character struggles that might be smaller scale than Palpy’s Revenge but have more depth. It wouldn’t be hard. So dream on, there’s no end in sight and even the most grave errors made in TROS could one day just be another zero weight side story…


While that’s pretty much what I realistically expect, the Skywalkers would still be extinct failures and the Rebel Alliance would have achieved nothing of any lasting significance.


I feel like the pre-Disney Expanded Universe is honestly better than the Disney canon and as much as I want to, I can’t help but think that the only thing Disney has done right is the Rebels series, Solo, Rouge One and The Mandalorian.

I’m just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe.

Star Wars has 3 eras: The eras are 1977-1983(pre Expanded Universe), (1983-2014) expanded universe, or (2014- now) Disney-bought version. Each are valid.

Important voice tool:


We must have seen a different movie. Rey as Luke’s heir is going to keep the jedi flame alive.
Finn, Rey and Poe will rebuild the Republic along with all their friends. The balance has been restored by Palpatine finally being defeated once and for all. The last gasp for the Empire and the Sith.

It isn’t that Luke and co failed, its that the next generation has to pick up the torch and now its their job to secure the future that Han, Luke and Leia fought for.

It is just my opinion and your mileage may vary, you could just as easily say Rise of Skywalker was just a remake of Return of the Jedi. And Han, Leia and Luke were replaced by Poe, Rey and Finn, and that everything ends up the same.


I also think a “retcon” of the Sequels is possible. But not for money (the Sequels made plenty of money) or fan appeasement (fans are a small minority, and of them, only a half actually dislike the ST). Instead, I think the reason will be for more storytelling opportunities.

Key point – this shouldn’t be about how much the Sequels suck and were de-canonized because they were failures. I enjoy parts of the ST, especially Luke’s failure. However, I believe both fans and critics of the movies can agree that although interesting on their own, these concepts don’t jive very well with the rest of the universe.

It’s already coming up with the Grogu Situation. Will Grogu survive another Jedi Purge? Will everything Mando and friends fight for be rendered naught when the First Order shows up? I think these concerns will only magnify once we see Ahsoka, Rangers, and Boba Fett. The stories will start to expand and all of a sudden, as we progress increasingly closer to TFA, things will make less and less sense.

Add this to the Worlds Between Worlds Logo in the Ahsoka show. I think both Favreau and Filoni recognize this and have found a solution to keep these stories going. Supposing the Ahsoka show explores the World Between Worlds, we may see the beginnings of a “Star Wars Multiverse”. Said concept could be used in the final battle against Thrawn (or whoever the “climatic storytelling event” is building to) to create alternate timelines in Star Wars.

From there, Disney wouldn’t be “retconning” the ST, they’d just be creating an alternate timeline to explore. I’d argue this the best approach for everyone. Fans of the ST could still enjoy those movies knowing they are “canon”, and we could possibly even see books written for both timelines starring Rey and friends. Meanwhile, Disney can move forward with an alternate timeline with different stories and ideas.

Maul- A Star Wars Story


JadedSkywalker said:

We must have seen a different movie. Rey as Luke’s heir is going to keep the jedi flame alive.
Finn, Rey and Poe will rebuild the Republic along with all their friends. The balance has been restored by Palpatine finally being defeated once and for all. The last gasp for the Empire and the Sith.

It isn’t that Luke and co failed, its that the next generation has to pick up the torch and now its their job to secure the future that Han, Luke and Leia fought for.

It is just my opinion and your mileage may vary, you could just as easily say Rise of Skywalker was just a remake of Return of the Jedi. And Han, Leia and Luke were replaced by Poe, Rey and Finn, and that everything ends up the same.

I struggle to see it this way for one simple reason: Return Of The Jedi does a much better job at setting up these future paths for its characters than TROS does. Luke is bound to rebuild the Jedi order because of that final conversation with Yoda. The Alliance is bound to restore the Republic, because with the emperor dead, the Empire might as well pack it up.

On the other hand Rey rebuilding the Jedi order is never a part of her character arc. Her arc ends with her coming to terms with her family identity. In a similar manner, it is never stated that defeating Palpatine’s Final Order would in any way make way for the Republic to be restored (if it is indeed all gone, we don’t know for sure). Most of the galaxy is not even aware of Palpatine’s return mere hours before he is defeated once and for all (and is he, really?), yet the First Order still reigns supreme. Sure, thanks to Lando, the galaxy now finally seems to be willing to fight back, but the true meaning of their victory over Exegol is never made clear.

While I agree that the development you laid out seems to be the most logical, it doesn’t seem to be based on the text of the sequels, but rather on the striking similarity of the current state of things to the situation after Return Of The Jedi


They would never admit fault and retcon anything, but Clone Wars sets a precedent for additional media that normalises and patches over mistakes for an existing trilogy over time.


Lucas the Barbarian said:

-Vader’s theme in A New Hope suits him better than the Imperial March.
-The instrumental second half of Jedi Rocks is actually pretty tolerable.
-Yub Nub/Ewok Celebration is superior to Victory Celebration (and I say that as someone who grew up with the latter and didn’t find out about the former until I was 12 years old).
-The Last Jedi is the best film in the ST because it actually tried to go outside the box and sUbVeRt eXpEcTaTiOnS, even if it failed spectacularly at it.

I agree with all of this except for the second half of your last point. I actually think TLJ did a good job with “subverting expectations,” but to each their own.



Mocata said:

They would never admit fault and retcon anything, but Clone Wars sets a precedent for additional media that normalises and patches over mistakes for an existing trilogy over time.

Star Wars has had a precedent to retcon things since the moment Vader said “I am your father” way back in 1980.



rocknroll41 said:

Mocata said:

They would never admit fault and retcon anything, but Clone Wars sets a precedent for additional media that normalises and patches over mistakes for an existing trilogy over time.

Star Wars has had a precedent to retcon things since the moment Vader said “I am your father” way back in 1980.

Coming up with a single plot development in a sequel isn’t the same as a dozen prequel TV shows.


Mocata said:

They would never admit fault and retcon anything, but Clone Wars sets a precedent for additional media that normalises and patches over mistakes for an existing trilogy over time.

This seems more likely to me. A future animated series could feature Luke, Leia, and Han, but be set closer to the OT and have more freedom to do something different.


I prefer the special editions over the originals. I guess I would take 2004 version (minus Hayden as a Ghost) as the best available version. I think that visuals are extremely important for world-building and immersion, so I welcome the visually improved/new scenes (e.g., the new shot of Ben’s hut in ANH).

(Note: I still think originals should be released in high-quality format. But then again, neither 1997 nor 2004 SE version were released in HD format.)



Dumb opinion, but I liked how they put the Emperor’s scream over Luke escaping from Vader in later versions of Empire.

Ironically, obviously. Makes me chuckle every time.


Here’s an unpopular opinion: my single favourite moment in all of Star Wars is the final duel between Obi-Wan and Maul from Star Wars Rebels. The lighting, the reference to the duel between Kyuzo and an angry samurai in Seven Samurai, the subtext with lightsaber positions only an observant, devoted fan could notice, all the tragic events that have built up to that 3 seconds of combat. I could write an entire essay on how well done it is.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


Really great moment and great episode. I usually cry at the end when Aunt Beru calls Luke and we see him running. Can’t explain why, it just gets me.


jedi_bendu said:

Here’s an unpopular opinion: my single favourite moment in all of Star Wars is the final duel between Obi-Wan and Maul from Star Wars Rebels. The lighting, the reference to the duel between Kyuzo and an angry samurai in Seven Samurai, the subtext with lightsaber positions only an observant, devoted fan could notice, all the tragic events that have built up to that 3 seconds of combat. I could write an entire essay on how well done it is.

This is Star Wars at its best (Definitely the high point of Rebels), saying a lot with mostly just its visuals.


I, on the other hand, don’t understand why everyone loves that final confrontation between Maul and Kenobi. Maul obsessed with picking a fight with Kenobi was such a waste of a story arc.

Star Wars Rebels is probably the worst of the Disney era.


fmalover said:

I, on the other hand, don’t understand why everyone loves that final confrontation between Maul and Kenobi. Maul obsessed with picking a fight with Kenobi was such a waste of a story arc.

Star Wars Rebels is probably the worst of the Disney era.

I think a lot of it has to do with the underlying subtle nuances of their fight. Maul tries to kill Obi-Wan with the same move he used on Qui-Gon. Obi-Wan grew and rose above by catching on but Maul stayed the same. There’s a lot of mirroring and poetry within their fight and the aftermath.

“Heroes come in all sizes, and you don’t have to be a giant hero. You can be a very small hero. It’s just as important to understand that accepting self-responsibility for the things you do, having good manners, caring about other people - these are heroic acts. Everybody has the choice of being a hero or not being a hero every day of their lives.” - George Lucas


fmalover said:

I, on the other hand, don’t understand why everyone loves that final confrontation between Maul and Kenobi. Maul obsessed with picking a fight with Kenobi was such a waste of a story arc.

I think Maul obsessed with fighting Kenobi was the only fitting story arc they could have given him. Ever since Maul was brought back from death in The Clone Wars, his purpose has been revenge. He swears to “start with revenge” against Obi-Wan and Sidious, then presumably gain as much power as he can, but the tragedy of Darth Maul is that he can’t even accomplish that. I think his final moments indicate that his wanting to kill Kenobi wasn’t a logical decision; he knows he’s probably wrong in wanting it, especially since Obi-Wan is now an outcast like he is, and knows he himself is a broken man. It’s just that, an obsession and a compulsion. Ever since he fell down a reactor shaft and was stripped of all his potential, Maul’s story has always been directly tied with Obi-wan, and I think it’s one of the best stories told in Star Wars.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


The new canon books are better than the old expanded universe (legends) books.

There are good and bad in both categories, but overall I think the quality of stories has improved.


jedi_bendu said:

Here’s an unpopular opinion: my single favourite moment in all of Star Wars is the final duel between Obi-Wan and Maul from Star Wars Rebels. The lighting, the reference to the duel between Kyuzo and an angry samurai in Seven Samurai, the subtext with lightsaber positions only an observant, devoted fan could notice, all the tragic events that have built up to that 3 seconds of combat. I could write an entire essay on how well done it is.

I agree with you. This whole scene told a story. It’s my favourite scene with a lightsaber & it’s my favourite overall scene in star wars. It would have been great to have Maul in the Kenobi show, but what we got was perfection.


I’ll add another unpopular opinion.

Despite how I feel about The Rise of Skywalker I think the more I come to the conclusion if Rey had stayed “Rey Random” then declared herself a Skywalker I might be a bit more forgiving and able to accept the film more.

“Heroes come in all sizes, and you don’t have to be a giant hero. You can be a very small hero. It’s just as important to understand that accepting self-responsibility for the things you do, having good manners, caring about other people - these are heroic acts. Everybody has the choice of being a hero or not being a hero every day of their lives.” - George Lucas


The issues with dialogue from the prequels is evident in ROTJ. There are lines in ROTJ that sound like something from AOTC.


I don’t think that’s an unpopular opinion. Lots of people have expressed their disappointment at Rey being retconned as the long lost descendant of a previously established character.


Stardust1138 said:

I’ll add another unpopular opinion.

Despite how I feel about The Rise of Skywalker I think the more I come to the conclusion if Rey had stayed “Rey Random” then declared herself a Skywalker I might be a bit more forgiving and able to accept the film more.

Honestly, I’d prefer she accepted herself as “just Rey” - that’s powerful - although finding an ‘adoptive family’ of sorts after discovering that your biological parents abandoned you is a good message to send too.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”