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Post #1397526

Knight of Kalee
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Date created
28-Dec-2020, 4:29 PM

I have never really disliked any part of the mainstream saga. There’s just the ones I genuinely love and those who I just kind of enjoy to some extent even if I’m not crazy about them.

I’m a late-nineties/early noughties child, so I grew up with both the SE originals, prequels and 2003 Clone Wars, and my dad made me watch them in chronological order. My favorite was Return of the Jedi, and though I wasn’t a big fan of the films during my childhood I still could recall entire scenes and dialogues from it, being particularly fond of the Jabba Palace sequence and the space battle of Endor.

Around the time I was a teenager I rediscovered my love for Star Wars, but more importently, my appreciation for the originals. I remember Empire used to be the least memorable for me, but after I gave it another chance I came to love it. On the other hand I grew a bit sour on the prequels, with the exception of most of Revenge of the Sith. It was around that time that the 3D Clone Wars series had reached its peak and I started watching it after giving it a pass for its two or three first seasons. I got really hyped for TCW, and thanks to that show I began to like the prequels more in retrospective, and the Republic era of canon became my favorite (despite the OT remaining the best movies without a question).

I remember I got enthusiastic after TFA, despite finding it formulaic. TLJ was a weird one for me, because I was pleased with it the first time but after some time I got caught in the backlash (since then I’ve slowly embracing it again). I liked TROS but the feeling of what could have been left me underwhelmed with the entire trilogy. Rogue One and Solo had worked for me, but what kept me from giving up was the Mandalorian. I loved both seasons and I’ve come to realise the upcoming content will make more happy about the sequels in retrospective, much like I had grew to appreciate the prequels before. So I’m at peace with the movies and excited for what’s to come!