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Post #1397463

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A Palpatine-less Edit of The Rise of Skywalker (Released)
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Date created
28-Dec-2020, 2:04 PM

Wow, RogueLeader. Those are a lot of great ideas. I don’t think I read a single thing in there that I disapproved of. A couple of ideas already occurred to me but didn’t get implemented for one reason or another.

I did insert that shot of BB-8 in the “D-O” has the map shot when I made the original proof-of-concept edit. But I thought it would play better if I could get it to be a continuous shot with a smooth transition around the roughly one second where Poe’s line was cut. I know it didn’t come out 100% smooth, but I didn’t think it was readily noticeable unless your attention was right on one or two spots on the screen. If it’s more noticeable than I thought, it can easily be changed.

I also like the idea that Rey killed her parents. I never found a way to implement it into the movie that didn’t feel forced. As an inexperienced editor, this being my first real project, I was also generally keeping things as simple as needed to get my goal accomplished.

With these ideas it might be time to start a Version 3. Although whether I put my current MCU project on hold, wait until I finish that, or work on both simultaneously is a decision I haven’t made yet.