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Post #1396283

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Going away? Post so here!
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Date created
24-Dec-2020, 6:40 AM

It doesn’t matter if it is someone who we know, like, are a friend, or is someone we don’t know… members get treated the same on here. If it were Fated, Gonk or anyone else who had posted what Handman did they would be having a couple of weeks off instead. Though I have a feeling if it had been one of them (or another member) had been temp-banned for that… there wouldn’t be much posting about it in here.

Yet it is nice to see so many old familiar faces on here again - though I was expecting a few more.

As for it being a ‘rage ban’… no, never done that before in my time here, and haven’t started now. Decisions are measured, thought through, and certainly not taken lightly. They may not be popular, they may even appear harsh, or wrong, the mods may not even want to have to do it, but they are never done in ‘rage’, anger, or somehow riled up (lol), or anything like it - whether for a temporary or perma-ban. This was quite a simple straight-forward temp-ban in comparison to others.

Huh, it seems I’m still a mod on here, afterall. And due to the change in circumstances and in slight alteration to my plan in my previous post… I’ll now be around the site as and when.

Happy Christmas everyone.