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Post #61637

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Other SW DVD releases- expected by year's end
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Date created
28-Aug-2004, 1:10 AM
I must admit to being guilty of enjoying the Ewok Films, although it's been years since i saw them, they were released theatrically in Australia, and at the time they were the next best thing to a real Star Wars film, it also helped that my little brother was about 4 when they came out and i was about 14 so it was a good way to introduce him into the world of Star Wars, it's probably for that reason that I don't find the don't find the Ewoks in ROTJ as contemptable as most people do, Give me Ewoks over Gungans anyday!!

I'm looking forward to the release of the Ewok Films on DVD with a hint of Nostalgia, hope they're released in Australia.