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Help Wanted: for an OT Fan Edit... Help!


I have the idea that the Battle Droids will be mentioned to have Cloned human brain matter integrated into their heads for extra intelligence or something like that if I want to get rid of Republic Clones entirely somehow.

I could edit the OT to say Droid instead of Clone Wars if I can’t find a work around for the Clones in the PT,a lot less work

I would also get rid of Leia being Lukes sister because of the plot holes that reveal gave us. It would be easy to cut out. Obi Wan could say “That boy is our last hope” and Yoda could say "Trust in the will of the force we must) instead of “There is another”. As for Luke going apeshit on Vader I could edit it to have Han die somehow in the battle and Luke feeling it in the force before Dubbing Vader to taunt Luke about his friends death or just cut to Han and Leia in danger with Vader taunting about that.

Something I also need help with is how do I make it seem like Owen and Anakin have met before or even Obi Wan to fix some plot holes. Maybe somehow you could make Own Obi Wans brother which was the original idea in the ROTJ novelization and cut out all the scenes with them in AOTC and have Anakin cut from Watto to The Sand people(have Padmes ship parked in the empty desert) and cut some lines from Ep4 about "he wanted your father to stay here and not get involved,hell maybe make Anakin not grow up on Tatooine in TPM and have it be another desert planet/change digitally the terrain a bit)

Also how do you make the Ewoks scarier? Digital alterations/voice alterations?

Everything after Empire Strikes Back is shit.