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Unusual Sequel Trilogy Radical Redux Ideas Thread — Page 71


I guess it just bugs me that as great as they are, the Snoke scenes in TFA really just don’t align with the way he’s depicted in TLJ at all.


Anakin Starkiller said:

I guess it just bugs me that as great as they are, the Snoke scenes in TFA really just don’t align with the way he’s depicted in TLJ at all.

I disagree. He’s still irritable, manipulative, and overconfident. He just has more to do in The Last Jedi, but he’s very much depicted the same way.

Compare his hologram scene and his first scene with Hux and Kylo from The Last Jedi to his hologram scenes in The Force Awakens.

The only time he changes is when he expresses glee at his assumed wins, which is not just a different emotion but a different context to react to. We don’t see him react to the destruction of the New Republic capital planets, but I assume he was just as gleeful as when he learned Hux was tracking the Resistance and when Kylo brought him Rey.


Could you just cut all of Snoke’s hologram scenes in TFA? And we only hear Snoke mentioned in passing? You could also cut out his hologram at the beginning of TLJ, and the first time we see him would be when Kylo goes to see him in the throne room. If anything, cutting more scenes of him would downplay his importance, as well as remove any apparent contradictions between the two films.


I disagree. He’s still irritable, manipulative, and overconfident. He just has more to do in The Last Jedi, but he’s very much depicted the same way.

It’s not his personality that’s different so much as the way he’s presented. He goes from dark and mysterious, to just weird old rich guy. Yes, he behaves consistently, but the way the films treat him is very different.


I guess that look aspect is just surface level to me. Just as I don’t feel a need to re-colour the Emperor’s red robes in Revenge of the Sith or The Bad Batch trailer, I think it’s okay that Snoke changed his clothes. I like the idea that some villains might bathe.


Recoloring Snoke’s golden playboy robe black is most definitely something I’m highly interested in.

Use the Force, Joh Yowza.


I thought it was an interesting wrinke to the character. In TFA you basically had “Palpatine, but again”, whereas showing him in gold in TLJ implied that he was opulent and showy, as if he was narcissistic and wanted to present himself as ostentatious. I don’t see any good reason why a Sith wouldn’t choose to show off in gold, especially since they’re not doing the ‘hiding in the shadows’ thing any more. Compare to Ludo Kressh: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/swtor/images/f/f5/318991-36149-ludo-kressh_large.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340?cb=20130527154330

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The basic issue is that TFA and TLJ’s characters are not the same characters. It’s very clear the respective directors wrote their own versions and they are very hard to reconcile. This doesn’t mean any one is particularly better–just that they are different and uneven.

A smooth edit would have to reconcile the characters in either direction–either change TFA or TLJ’s portrayals.

Let’s be honest, Snoke was pretty much wasted. The rich playboy appearance would be fine if it wasn’t erased in 4 minutes after introduction, so that image was also useless. I’ve said this before; there was a huge missed opportunity with Solo to fix the majority of Snoke’s issues–instead of Maul, make him Q’ira’s boss. One cameo explains what Snoke was doing in the OT, how he got power, and fits his rich crimelord image.

As it stands with the current story, the smoothest edit would reconcile the fact he’s a clone/experiment of Palpatine. Especially as Mandolorian seems to be heading in that direction with Gideon’s experiments.


thebluefrog said:

The basic issue is that TFA and TLJ’s characters are not the same characters. It’s very clear the respective directors wrote their own versions and they are very hard to reconcile. This doesn’t mean any one is particularly better–just that they are different and uneven.

A smooth edit would have to reconcile the characters in either direction–either change TFA or TLJ’s portrayals.

They’re pretty consistent. That’s the only saving grace of there being so little character development in TFA, there’s nothing to contradict in TLJ.

thebluefrog said:

Let’s be honest, Snoke was pretty much wasted. The rich playboy appearance would be fine if it wasn’t erased in 4 minutes after introduction, so that image was also useless. I’ve said this before; there was a huge missed opportunity with Solo to fix the majority of Snoke’s issues–instead of Maul, make him Q’ira’s boss. One cameo explains what Snoke was doing in the OT, how he got power, and fits his rich crimelord image.

But he’s not a crime lord, he’s a dark sider and has aspirations of galactic domination, not wealth and crime. He wants to decide the law, not subvert the law. Just because he doesn’t dress in black with so many shadows that he might as well have a sign that says “evil” pointing toward him doesn’t change that.

He dresses like emperors normally do. We usually see kings and emperors dressing extravagantly. That’s the norm.

thebluefrog said:

As it stands, the best possible edit would reconcile the fact he’s a clone/experiment of Palpatine.

That’s literally the canon thing, as shown in The Rise of Skywalker… No additional editing is needed to communicate that idea, except to seed it earlier by revealing Palpatine to Kylo earlier in the narrative.


I personally don’t agree with the idea of “revealing” Palpatine’s survival earlier to the audience. Yes, I do like the idea of seeding the possibility of his survival, whether it be through Rey or Kylo, in visions they see or voices they hear. It should be all but confirmed before the last film, where, in an alternate universe, we would be having fans speculate on why Kylo is hearing Palpatine’s voice, or who that hooded figure was that Rey saw in the dark side cave, or who she heard/saw in a vision. So it is almost a given that Palpatine will show up in IX, in some form. It is a thin line to walk, but I think you have to find that balance for it to feel satisfying, and not shoehorned.

You could even blend Snoke and Palpatine’s voices occasionally, like in TLJ, when Snoke says, “Give, me, everything.” You could take Palpatine’s “everything” from IX, and blend them together. Just enough to get the audience to scratch their heads, you know? Especially since the Emperor’s theme plays during that exact moment.

That may have been what you meant, though! I just personally don’t like the idea of putting any of Palpatine’s scenes into TLJ, for example. But to each their own.


I put Kylo meeting the Emperor at the end of VII, personally. This recontextualises Snoke, as well as giving motivation to why Kylo feels he needs Rey: he knows that Snoke is a puppet. This also gets rid of the silly cliffhanger with Luke, especially as that sequence is repeated in TLJ (which I also extended to show more of the buildup from TFA).

To me, this helps focus the trilogy more into a three act structure and deepens the motivations of Kylo (and why he flips from Supreme Leader to Palpatine’s lackey so quickly: he failed to get Rey to take his hand and help him overthrow the Emperor).


W o W

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


JakeRyan17 said:

sade1212 said:

Reyturn of the Jedi

That looks incredible. I can’t imagine the difficulty it would take to do it throughout the film, but I’m sure many would love to see it.

I bet if we split up the job - like, by having a bunch of editors do a scene or two each - it could get done.

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


Yeah, it’s EBSynth to generate the black outfit frames and then some AE masking to comp just the edited outfit in on top of the original footage, so it’s fairly accessible but time consuming. Scenes on Kef Bir or Exegol, or with lots of movement in general, would probably be a lot trickier though.

Though I enjoy the look, I’m not sure it would really add much to the movie besides being a ROTJ/ROTS callback (and, as with Luke and Anakin in those movies, playing on the audience’s fear of the main character’s changing relationship with the dark side).


I’m not sure what is going on with the Monster Inc. memes, Hal, but I’m liking it.


Would it be possible to end TRoS on a shot mirroring TPM’s opening shot?


sade1212 said:

Reyturn of the Jedi

This is everything I’d hoped and dreamed for. Incredible job.

Understanding exactly how much work this will take, how many scenes are you thinking of doing?

Agreed that the end scene would work amazingly to finally show a visual arch of her character and give a call back.

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A bit of a wild idea.

The whole child-soldier thing really bugs me about the ST. In the OT - I felt the battle between the empire and the rebels was fairly morally unambiguous. The empire was evil - the people fighting for it were likely culpable. But the element of recruiting child soldiers in the ST really makes me feel bad for the Stormtroopers and Officers who are killed.

Finn’s plotline as a defector - along with the other defectors that emerge to join them really made me think that perhaps the ending of Rise of the Skywalker could have been a mutiny? The cycle of violence between Republic loyalists and Imperial Supremacists might have been in mutual opposition to the Emperor and the Sith. It’d take some setting up - like some lie or truth unmasked that really sends the First Order troops over the edge to maybe turn on the Red Armoured Sith Troopers and older officers.

No idea how this would come across or work - or even the shape such a plotline might take.


That could be cool.

It’s really a plotline I wish they delved into more. So many people are raised in hateful backgrounds and conditioned into “evil” mindsets, those who don’t conform or always question it stick out more. I felt like that’s what they wanted (even as a slight political commentary), but they had too many other things they were focused on.


I think at the very least the tribe of defected stormtroopers on Kef Bir should have been reluctant to fight the First Order like Finn was, so when Finn eventually convinces them it kind of completes his character arc. Still not as good as Trevorrow’s stormtrooper revolution but still can’t believe they didn’t do something like that.