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Post #1389912

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Highest quality version of 1997 Special Editions? Is there a DVD release?
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Date created
30-Nov-2020, 6:26 PM

crissrudd4554 said:

ZodaEX said:

crissrudd4554 said:

ZodaEX said:

yotsuya said:

ZodaEX said:

CHEWBAKAspelledwrong said:

Released on laser and VHS only. Harmy has a 720p recreation, I think.

That is not true because they were also released on VCD.

VCD’s are SD only. As far as I know, G’kar and TB (and Revivax for ANH) are only in widescreen SD… 480p, and even then not full DVD quality. Upscaling them doesn’t do much. I’ve tried. You can coax a little more out of them, but not 720p (though presenting in at that resolution does produce the best results, it still isn’t DVD quality).

What does that have to do with my claim that the 97 Special Edition was released on Blu-Ray? Your response has nothing to do with what I said.

You claimed they were on VCD.

Yes I did, and they were released on VCD. I’m correct.

Possessed basically beat me to this but the reason I had quoted you was you asked what the one dudes response had to do with you saying the ‘97 SEs were on BD. That you did and they were not released on BD. I’m correct.

I typoed BD instead of VCD. Sorry about that.