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Revenge of the Sith (The New Canon Cut) [ON HOLD INDEFINITELY] — Page 21


When you get a chance, please PM me a link. Very much looking forward to checking this out.



Delpheas said:

EddieDean said:

Skybatman said:

Did you plan to take your edit, and make a fan edit with Clone Wars ?

If NFB doesn’t do this, then I absolutely will once NFB’s is complete.

I’m actually working on that, if you wanna check my thread:



I actually already did that, but I applaud your efforts!


I guess I should probably be more open about this; I haven’t been working on this at all since April/May.

I’m still sending out links to the workprint, (just sent a few today actually) but it’s looking less likely than ever that I’ll ever go back and “finish it.” I use quotations because for the most part, I think I’ve more or less done what I wanted to do. But the audiovisual quality, as well as an array of minor issues, really hold it back for me from being final final. It’s like 720p stereo, and color graded by an overzealous 22 year old.

I don’t know. I’m too burnt out now to revisit it, even to just walk back one line of added dialogue or fix a 3PO line overlapping itself. And I don’t want to lose another day of access to my computer to export a higher quality file that I’ll end up wanting to tweak again and so on and so forth. The way this project was set up is also a nightmare in the first place. I’ve grown so much as an editor since I started, and this was pretty early on in that journey. I’ve basically been fighting my past self to even get the more recent stuff out.

So, forever “unfinished” unless I change my mind when Star Wars Ep X comes around. But that’s not a huge deal because it was basically done anyway. I just wish that it was available in a way people could use my choices for their own edits. I really do.

I want to thank Hal, snooker, Mithrandir, Artan42, Octorox, sade1212, RogueLeader, IlFaneditore, Delpheas, etc, etc for contributing a lot to this project and helping me out. (God, I’m leaving out so many rn) And thanks to basically anyone who watched any of the thousand versions or showed interest. This doesn’t exist without all your contributions to the fanediting community in the first place. Sorry I couldn’t keep loving Star Wars.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


NFBisms said:

I guess I should probably be more open about this; I haven’t been working on this at all since April/May.

I’m still sending out links to the workprint, (just sent a few today actually) but it’s looking less likely than ever that I’ll ever go back and “finish it.” I use quotations because for the most part, I think I’ve more or less done what I wanted to do. But the audiovisual quality, as well as an array of minor issues, really hold it back for me from being final final. It’s like 720p stereo, and color graded by an overzealous 22 year old.

I don’t know. I’m too burnt out now to revisit it, even to just walk back one line of added dialogue or fix a 3PO line overlapping itself. And I don’t want to lose another day of access to my computer to export a higher quality file that I’ll end up wanting to tweak again and so on and so forth. The way this project was set up is also a nightmare in the first place. I’ve grown so much as an editor since I started, and this was pretty early on in that journey. I’ve basically been fighting my past self to even get the more recent stuff out.

So, forever “unfinished” unless I change my mind when Star Wars Ep X comes around. But that’s not a huge deal because it was basically done anyway. I just wish that it was available in a way people could use my choices for their own edits. I really do.

I want to thank Hal, snooker, Mithrandir, Artan42, Octorox, sade1212, RogueLeader, IlFaneditore, Delpheas, etc, etc for contributing a lot to this project and helping me out. (God, I’m leaving out so many rn) And thanks to basically anyone who watched any of the thousand versions or showed interest. This doesn’t exist without all your contributions to the fanediting community in the first place. Sorry I couldn’t keep loving Star Wars.

‘Finished finished’ or not, it’s still one of the best fan edits of the best SW film I’ve come across and comes the closest to what I would want to do if I had any actual editing skill. Thanks for doing it.

Just be be safe, can you send me a link to the most up to date version please. I have a bad habit of keeping a lot of versions of fanedits around and I don’t want to have missed the most complete version.

Otherwise, just take the break and see what happens next.


Lots of great moments, audio additions, cuts and edits in here. This take on Anakin does feel closer to the TCW version of Anakin.

Even if the edit remains unfinished - good job.


NFBisms, I want to thank you for your work, since I appreciated the edit so much I decided to use it as the foundation for my own ‘Revenge of the Sith’ / ‘Siege of Mandalore’ edit!


I’m sorry to hear that you might be shelving the project for good. I’ve had edits that I’ve set aside for years and then returned to when inspiration struck.

Either way, I’d love to check out Revenge of the Sith (The New Canon Cut). Your ideas sound great and your edit seems to be held in very high regard.

A link would be most appreciated!


The link I have doesn’t seem to work, could someone send me a link of the latest version?

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


idir_hh said:

The link I have doesn’t seem to work, could someone send me a link of the latest version?

I gotchu!


Thanks 🙏

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


NFBisms said:

I guess I should probably be more open about this; I haven’t been working on this at all since April/May.

I’m still sending out links to the workprint, (just sent a few today actually) but it’s looking less likely than ever that I’ll ever go back and “finish it.” I use quotations because for the most part, I think I’ve more or less done what I wanted to do. But the audiovisual quality, as well as an array of minor issues, really hold it back for me from being final final. It’s like 720p stereo, and color graded by an overzealous 22 year old.

I don’t know. I’m too burnt out now to revisit it, even to just walk back one line of added dialogue or fix a 3PO line overlapping itself. And I don’t want to lose another day of access to my computer to export a higher quality file that I’ll end up wanting to tweak again and so on and so forth. The way this project was set up is also a nightmare in the first place. I’ve grown so much as an editor since I started, and this was pretty early on in that journey. I’ve basically been fighting my past self to even get the more recent stuff out.

So, forever “unfinished”

Just finished watching this yesterday, sad to hear it will remain “unfinished”. But even in it’s unfinished form it was a very enjoyable watch. Only thing i missed in this was Sheev’s 360-spin from sitting attack, the transition just seemed odd without it in there, but you’re working with what you have.
There were a few queues and cuts that seemed a little rough, but that might only be because I’m so used to watching the original.


I’m very sad to hear you are ceasing work on this, however I completely understand and respect your decision in it. Thank you very much for sharing all the hard work you had done on this up until this point, I really enjoyed what I saw!


Thank you NFBisms, for all of the work you have put into this. I watched a version from two years ago, and loved it. If someone could shoot me a link to the most recent, I would be very happy!



I’d really like to check this out. Sad to hear it’s no longer being worked on. If someone can share a copy of the link, that would be much appreciated! Thanks,


SA_Viking said:

I’d really like to check this out. Sad to hear it’s no longer being worked on. If someone can share a copy of the link, that would be much appreciated! Thanks,

Link sent!


Would love to see the latest version. Please share the link.


I would also appreciate a link. Have heard this is one of the best and i would love add this to my fanedit collection.


I read your ideas and even though it’s “unfinished,” I like many others would love to see the last update. It sounds AWESOME.


A shame this project will remain as “unfinished”, but still, thank you for creating this edit! I add myself among others who are asking for a link to the last updated work print. Please, and thank you!


fwiw It’s only unfinished in that it became a messy experimental canvas for me. If I were to continue working on it, it would only entail walking back changes I’ve made on the most recent cut, not make new ones or work on accomplishing the goals of the edit “better.”

There was probably one point in the past where the edit was “finished” to my liking, save for a high quality export. But I really messed up those Vegas project files with how spontaneous the process ended up being. It’s kind of a nightmare to sort through for me now. I’m severely lacking in the free time. Part of me knows that the editor I am now wouldn’t be able to resist just redoing everything from the ground up; more neat and organized, in HD, etc.

That said, here’s what I would do from the current version:

  • Revert back to original color grading. I was grasping at making it feel as filmic as I remember it being as a lad. But it only adds to how fanedit-y the thing feels, esp. with the audio additions. Most people are fine with how ROTS looks. Apparently.
  • Remove at least 15% of the audio additions.
  • Adjust audio levels for certain added dialogue. There are previews in this thread that sound better than they do in the file.
  • Export in 1080p, 5.1 ch audio mix.

But the likelihood of me getting around to it is really low to be honest. I’m sorry.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


This Brain child has gotten me truly interested in the subtle possibility of a seamless/more seamless transition for characters and tone to The Clone wars. I am greatly impressed by the creativity, and although I would be really interested to see what the older more experienced editor you have become would do now with that creativity, I understand lack of time and energy as well as anybody else. But that is the beauty I have found with this site and it’s community, where one person is unable another picks up where they left off until we have all collaborated on something we can all be proud of!

Needless to say I would love to get a link to the full version and maybe in the future (unlikely but still) and maybe use your ideas as a partial base to edit from (if you are willing of course).

Thank you for the new perspective, and let me know if you would be alright with me or others using your work for other projects!

~Sincerely, a prequel appreciator.

This is the way.


Axios said:

This Brain child has gotten me truly interested in the subtle possibility of a seamless/more seamless transition for characters and tone to The Clone wars. I am greatly impressed by the creativity, and although I would be really interested to see what the older more experienced editor you have become would do now with that creativity, I understand lack of time and energy as well as anybody else. But that is the beauty I have found with this site and it’s community, where one person is unable another picks up where they left off until we have all collaborated on something we can all be proud of!

Needless to say I would love to get a link to the full version and maybe in the future (unlikely but still) and maybe use your ideas as a partial base to edit from (if you are willing of course).

Thank you for the new perspective, and let me know if you would be alright with me or others using your work for other projects!

~Sincerely, a prequel appreciator.

+1 to this. I’ve always wanted to edit ROTS yet I’d say my vision would be greatly aided by the additions and restructures you’ve made.

I remember I got a workprint for you once, though I don’t know if that one is the latest you ever made. If there’s another, more recent cut with the essential changes I’d be very glad if I get a link.